Staying at home in the last days is the most stable thing

Chapter 617: Spiritual illusion, please enter the urn

In fact, since Sun Can first used the skill of summoning the Earth Center Guard,

Shen Jin felt that the other world was a bit strange.

A world full of fire,

It directly reminded him of the hell (lower realm) plane in the Minecraft game.

It was a world without water,

The ground is burning with unquenchable flames, and terrifying monsters are wandering around.

Previously, because Sun Can's summoning space channel would be closed soon, I never thought of taking a look inside.

Hu Shou took care of it today, and he finally figured it out.

That side is probably the hell plane of the game. Sun Can not only summoned the flame creatures inside, but his fire power buff also comes from the power inside.

That strange, inextinguishable flame looks like hell no matter how you look at it.

‘Strange. Why is Sun Can’s ability related to the hell plane? Shouldn't the content of the "Minecraft" game be my system capabilities? Sun Can's ability should be taken from a game called "New World"? ’

‘Is there any connection between these two games? I don't know? That's not right. He said that it was an RPG+lord game similar to an online game. Everyone can summon partners. So our abilities actually overlap? ’

Shen Jin started brainstorming in his mind.

He always felt as if he had grasped a certain point, which seemed to be related to the truth about their system.

But he couldn't tell which point it was specifically.

After thinking for a moment,

Shen Jin was struggling. He decided to make a hell portal this time, build a stable passage, and then enter that world to explore.

Although Hu Shou said he was in danger just now,

But except for the huge creatures that mentally attack him in the air, there are no other creatures that can threaten him.

And that kind of creature, if Shen Jin guessed correctly, is called - evil spirit.

It is also a very powerful creature in the game.

Always floating in the sky above hell,

It has excellent eyesight and can detect people from far away and launch long-range attacks.

‘Since this is the most powerful creature Hu Shou has ever seen, its strength is about the fourth level, but it will not come down to come into contact with humans and will only launch mental attacks in the air, then there is no need to worry too much’

As for whether the hell creatures will enter the portal and invade the earth after the portal is built?

Shen Jin feels that they have the ability to cope now,

Ordinary monsters really can't defeat these third-level extraordinary beings from Home No. 1.

If it was because he was afraid of something uncontrollable happening in the past, but now that Hu Shou has roughly known the strength of hell creatures after some exploration, there is no need to worry so much.

The key is that Shen Jin feels that he and Sun Can need to go to the hell plane, and there may be something hidden in it.

'Perhaps the plane of hell is not another world. Maybe it is just another ecological environment of the earth deep in the ground beneath our feet.'

High temperatures and magma all echo the characteristics of the underground world.

When Sun Can's ability is activated, flames always rise from the ground, which is a bit like the underground world.

'etc! If it is really the underground world of the earth, will it have something to do with the ancient supernatural beings? However, if it was an underground world, then why did the [Space Locator] fail after Commander Hu entered? Beyond distance? Or is it a magnetic field problem? ’

Shen Jin couldn't explain it or figure it out. He needed to go to hell himself to find out.

Shen Jin glanced at Sun Can, who was also deep in thought.

‘Maybe you’re also thinking about the source of your system’s power, right? ’

After clarifying the matter here,

Hu Shou said: "Although I only went to that world for a short period of time, I feel that that environment is not suitable for zombies to survive. After all, zombies are afraid of fire, and it is unlikely to be their hometown, so The zombie tyrant should have another origin."


Several people agreed with Hu Shou's view.

Shen Jin suppressed all the speculations in his heart,

"In that case, let's go. Let's find a way to get a zombie tyrant and dissect it to see."


Under the cover of the Taoist formation flag, everyone followed again.

While following, discussing tactics,

Just when everyone is in trouble,

A thin boy from the super team stood up.

"Boss, I may have a way to lure the zombie tyrant out of the zombie tide."



The tide of 8 million corpses stopped advancing and began to rest.

The zombie tyrant did not lead them on an overnight journey this time.

Even it can't make zombies generate energy out of thin air.

If you consume too much energy in the wild, it will affect the combat effectiveness of the zombies.

You will not be able to carry out normal activities during the day and will need to absorb sunlight for a long time to replenish it.

So many zombies,

There are no living creatures outside, nor do they eat grain or Guanyin soil.

Without energy intake, it can only rely on the energy stored in the crystal core to regain its vitality during the day.

Seeing the tide of corpses stop,

Shen Jin and the others heaved a sigh of relief from behind.

"Fortunately, the zombies are not in a hurry, otherwise our plan would not be implemented."

"Okay, now that we've stopped, let's start working!"

Everyone in the Corpse Killing Team got moving and secretly started construction in the dark.

Shen Jin and the others were observing the zombie tyrant in the zombie tide from a distance.

It holds a live eagle in its hands, struggling,

The zombie tyrant showed a cruel smile,

Take one bite,

Bang bang bang~

The eagle's head enters its belly,

The struggling body suddenly softened,

Then it began to eat the unlucky eagle alive,

It just passed through the air and was discovered by the zombie tyrant. He directly attacked the sky and shot it down.

This is its dinner today.

The other zombies were drooling crazily at the smell of fresh blood. They had not eaten food for too long.

One of the huge L3 zombies bravely walked up to the zombie tyrant,

The body is shrunk to normal human size,

Kneel down,

Stretching out a hand as if begging for food,

The zombie tyrant waved his hand unruly, opened its hand directly, and then made a gurgling sound from his mouth,

Looks very angry.

The L3 zombie didn't ask for food, but was slapped and walked away angrily.

Shen Jin looked at it in amazement: "This zombie tyrant eats alone. His generals don't even give him a bite if they ask for it. If he had rebelled in ancient times! At least there must be a rebellion. Is there a hierarchy among zombies?"

Hu Shou took over the conversation and said,

"Logically speaking, all animals are divided into levels. Creatures like the zombie tyrant can talk and must be intelligent, so it should look down on these ordinary zombies who only rely on the instinct of the zombie virus to do things."

Sun Can sighed: "It would be great if I could understand what the zombie tyrant said. Did he just say, 'Hot chicken, you also want to eat my food? Go ahead and eat shit!'"

Shen Jin's heart moved,

Don’t you also have a [Translation Potion]?

Last time I used this tool to translate the video content of ancient ruins, which proved its effectiveness.

"I wonder if it will be useful against zombies? If I could translate what it said, I might be able to understand something."

However, it stands to reason that there is a language barrier between ancient supernatural beings and zombies, right?

Shen Jin suddenly asked: "Commander Hu, how about we record the zombie tyrant's lip sync and send it to the Tianluodiwang headquarters so that language experts can study it. What does it mean?"

Hu Shou shook his head,

"There are already language experts studying it, but currently it seems that the mouth shape is different from any known language, and the pronunciation is also very weird. We can't translate it at the moment."

"Well, if our plan succeeds, try to stay alive. Maybe I can try to translate its language."

The props produced by the system should be more magical, right?

"Okay, no matter what, if you can catch someone alive, it must be more valuable than a dead one."

The people at the research institute are really looking forward to Hu Shou getting a zombie tyrant back so they can slice it up and study it!

It can be seen with the naked eye,

The Zombie Tyrant is unlike any zombie on Earth, probably genetically as well.

As time goes by,

after an hour,

Everyone from the Corpse Killing Team is back.

Yang Ao said: "Brother Jin, the arrangements are ready!"

Shen Jin glanced at everyone,

"Then let's have a battle with the zombie tyrant!"

They’re ready to freeze their hands!


Sun Li gave orders to several people in the super team,

Seven people hold fiery red carrot super powers in their hands.

He stuffed it directly into his mouth,

His superpowers are soaring!

It has expanded to the third level peak in an instant.

Second only to the degree of sinking,

And their power fluctuations all have a similarity,

Psychic powers!

They held hands and exerted all their strength,

Everyone felt dizzy and nauseated, as if they were about to vomit.

Then, the thin young man walked out of the super team,

Shen Jin: "Imitator, it's up to you!"

In the air, seven spiritual power users were exerting their full power, and the space became dreamlike, making people feel like they were between reality and dreams, with a sense of unreality.

The imitator also ate a carrot super food and pushed it forward with both hands.

A mirror made of black mist appeared,

He himself penetrated the black mirror,

When he came out again,

The body has changed into the appearance of a zombie tyrant!

The head is wrapped in red silk, and the skin is black crystal horny.

Not only do they look alike, but they also have the same aura!

Everyone even felt the pressure from the fourth-level zombies.

"Good boy. Is this an imitator? Using the third level peak to imitate a fourth level zombie?"

It wasn't just Shen Jin who was shocked,

Hu Shoumi raised his eyes and found no flaws. It was like a fourth-level zombie tyrant standing there.

If I hadn’t just witnessed the imitator’s transformation,

He may have already taken action.

Shen Jin nodded with satisfaction: "Go imitator!"

The imitator zombie tyrant nodded and strode out.

The other seven spiritual superpowers were suspended in the air, continuing to stimulate their superpowers, following behind the imitator.

This operation must be assisted by them, otherwise the imitators are likely to cheat.

The Taoist priest was sitting on a giant black box in front of him.

12 The formation flags were placed around the box, and energy fluctuations flowed.

Divine Hidden Formation!

If everyone was not within the permission of the Taoist priest, they would not be able to see the giant black box in front of them.

This box is the cage prepared for the zombie tyrant.

And Shen Jin, Sun Can, Hu Shou, Yang Ao and many captains are ready to go, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

This mission is very dangerous. If the imitator makes one wrong move, he will face a frontal attack from the zombie tyrant.

If it is really discovered,

The quantum armor all over his body might save his life.

At this time, everyone needs to take action to save him.

The imitators walked over step by step,

The zombie tyrant who ate the big eagle found him as expected.

A trace of surprise first flashed across its face, and then a look of surprise appeared.

He ran over with a big grin on his face,

The 8 million zombies around him didn't move at all, they were still resting.

The zombie tyrant was as fast as lightning and jumped in front of the imitator in a few steps.


Copycat: "I'm here to trick you into that big black box"

The zombie tyrant's face showed joy: "Geely wow wow wow——"

Impersonator: "Come with me stupidly"

The zombie tyrant nodded in agreement,

The imitator turned towards the black box,

The zombie tyrant behind him followed, muttering something as he walked.

The imitators responded with all kinds of ridicule and classic Chinese quintessence.

The zombie tyrant turned a deaf ear and followed the imitators, gradually moving away from the zombie tide.

When it reached the edge of the corpse tide, it stopped and seemed to remember something.

The imitator's heart skipped a beat,

Shen Jin and the others tightened their spirits and tightened their grip on the weapons in their hands.


The zombie tyrant glanced in the air and suddenly threw out a red thread,

There was a mournful cry in the sky,


An eagle was shot down,

The zombie tyrant took it in his hand and handed it to the imitator generously, indicating that he could enjoy it as he pleased.

The imitator didn't hesitate when he got it.

Just like the zombie tyrant, bite off the struggling eagle's head in one bite.

Chew it with big mouthfuls,

Bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, looking particularly ferocious.

The zombie tyrant laughed strangely,

Follow the imitators and keep going,

The powers of the seven spiritual superpowers in the air followed the two of them inextricably.

Shrouding zombie tyrants and imitators in an environment between reality and nothingness,

In the mind of the zombie tyrant, no matter what the imitator just answered, he will automatically think that it is what he imagined.

It keeps talking to itself!

It cannot hear what the imitator says!

Seven major psychic powers joined forces to set up a mental prison that the zombie tyrants didn't even notice.

And the imitator leads it step by step towards the physical prison



The Taoist Master let go of a gap in the Shenyin Formation, and the light flickered on the fly whisk, connecting it with the twelve surrounding formation flags.

The zombie tyrant walked unconsciously into the black box prepared for it.

Shen Jin and others showed joy on their faces,

"Get to your positions and prepare to fight!"

Everyone stood on the huge black box building,

The 5,200 people in the corpse killing team each hold a superpower fruit in their hands.

"Team One, Fusion Skill: Gold Element!"

After the zombie tyrant enters the black box,

The imitator slipped away in the secret passage specially left for him.

The zombie tyrant still didn't notice anything, just talking to the air as if it were his companion.

After he escaped, the seven spiritual superpowers breathed a sigh of relief, put down their holding hands, and instantly became sluggish.

The illusion is lifted.

The scenery in front of the zombie tyrant suddenly changed!

Total darkness!

In the darkness, a golden light fell from the sky,

A man is holding a golden sword in his hand, floating in the air.

"Human, Hu Shou, please teach me!"

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