Starting with Real Madrid

: Still in the sheepfold, will start updating tomorrow

The past five days have definitely been the hardest five days of my life so far.

Before, my family won the championship one after another, and the symptoms did not have a fever. I was still secretly glad that the medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen that I had prepared before were no longer needed. I never thought that when it was my turn, I would immediately have a high fever. Especially on the night of the 24th, I was so burned that I was in a daze. I only remembered that I measured it once when I was awake, and it was 39.8°, but I felt that it would be higher later...

On the 25th, my body temperature remained above 38°, sometimes high and sometimes low, and I shivered all over. It was more than ten degrees outside. I was wrapped in a cotton cup on the bed and kept shivering while holding the hot water bottle. This situation lasted for a whole day. sky…

On the 26th, my body temperature remained at around 38°, but I started to feel sore all over my body. I have never experienced soreness like that. Every muscle, every bone, and every joint in my body is sore and painful. I don’t want to move because of the pain, but it’s also very uncomfortable to lie down...

On the 27th, the situation improved, the body temperature basically returned to normal, and the soreness also eased, but the pain in the lumbar spine and shoulder blades was still unbearable, but new symptoms came again, nasal congestion and throat inflammation. My nose is so blocked that I can only breathe through my mouth, but every breath makes my throat hurt more, that feeling...

On the 28th, the situation continued to improve, the body temperature was still normal, and the nasal congestion improved, but I started to cough, dry cough, and chest pain when I coughed. Fortunately, it was not very frequent, and the whole person was still weak, but finally I was able to sleep well at night. It is only occasionally woken up by the coughing sound of myself or my family members.

On the 29th, that is, this morning, after waking up, I felt much better. I ran to test the antigen. I was so angry that there were still two red lines. However, I felt that I should be able to code in the afternoon, and I will start updating tomorrow.

To sum up, it can be regarded as a reference for everyone.

All four members of my family have been vaccinated. The adults received three shots, and the two children received two shots. The symptoms are different: I had a fever and cough and went through the whole process; my wife had a cough, nasal congestion, and body aches. Fatigue, after the sheep passed, I still coughed and ached all the time, and I was still weak, I don’t know how long it will last; I had a low-grade fever, but it soon recovered, and my spirits have always been good, but I coughed all day. I still keep coughing. I have tried cough medicine such as Yitanjing and Pipa Gao. I also made atomization twice yesterday, but it didn’t work.

The boss is in the best condition. He was in self-isolation for the first few days and took online classes at home. He was in good spirits. Later we were also puzzled, so we gave him a test. It turned out that he was asymptomatic, with two bars, but he had no symptoms from beginning to end. What impact is too enviable...

The above is the experience of our family in recent days, and I will share it for your reference.

I don’t think there is any good solution, just drink more water. Later, my wife used peeled pears and oranges to make soup and drank it. It moistens the throat and feels good. In addition, open the windows more to ventilate, get out of bed and walk more if possible, Even if it's just walking around the house...

Well, that's about it. I still have more painful experiences. I sincerely hope that everyone will not have my experience. It is really too painful!

good luck.

See you tomorrow!

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