Start with a Blind Date

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth eight is a bit blurred

Seeing Fang Xueqi holding a few cakes and a cup of milk tea in his hand, Qin Chen shook his head and said, I just ate it, you can eat it yourself.

Although it was specially bought for Qin Chen's breakfast.

But since Qin Chen said so now, Fang Xueqi didn't force it.

Qin Chen, are you sure about today's essay exam? If you need my help, just say so. Fang Xueqi.

In fact, Fang Xueqi is relatively poor in literature and science.

After all, she is a graduate student of a liberal arts university, and her comprehensive literature scores are still top-notch.

Fang Xueqi was able to rank in the top three in the school entrance examination, and in the top 50 in the city's university entrance examination.

Qin Chen looked indifferent, Okay, if I have any questions I don't know, I can ask you.

Hmm, then it's settled! Fang Xueqi said happily.

Originally thought that Qin Chen would refuse, after all, Qin Chen was brilliant yesterday.

In just a few minutes, I finished dozens of questions in the first physics subject.

Such a god of learning, what Fang Xueqi said just now, is actually a bit unfounded.

But the reason why Qin Chen agreed to her was to make a complete preparation.

After all, Qin Chen's knowledge of history and geography was learned on the Internet.

He didn't get any papers to check before, even he himself didn't know what level he had learned.

Now Fang Xueqi actually offered to help her, and Qin Chen didn't refuse even after thinking about it.

If you really encounter difficulties later, then there will be such a liberal arts university sister by your side, and you will definitely not go wrong.

Taking part in the city's entrance exam this time, Qin Chen triggered a system task.

He must be among the best in this city's entrance examination.

That way, the rewards obtained will be higher, and the progress of the Heavenly Dao Devouring will increase even more.

Qin Chen chatted with Fang Xueqi again.

I inquired about some of the previous exam questions.

Hearing Qin Chen's question, Fang Xueqi couldn't help being taken aback, wondering what Qin Chen meant by asking this question?

Qin Chen, have you taken history and geography exams before? Fang Xueqi asked.

Qin Chen, Uh, well, I haven't studied history since I was divided into subjects in college, so it's a little blurry now.

Not knowing how to answer, Qin Chen casually made up a reason to explain away.

Is that so? Fang Xueqi nodded.

This world is different from the earth in the previous life. The schools here are divided into subjects in the sophomore year.

Students either choose liberal arts or science.

But this is not absolute. It does not mean that if you choose science, you will not need to take liberal arts in the future.

Similarly, after you choose liberal arts, you still have to take science.

Fang Xueqi didn't expect Qin Chen to say that he hadn't read liberal arts for a long time.

At first, she thought that if she thought about it clearly, there would be no shortcomings for such a god of learning.

But that's good too, it gives Fang Xueqi a chance to repay Qin Chen's kindness.

When it was time for the exam, Fang Xueqi decided that even if she couldn't finish her exam papers, she would give priority to ensuring Qin Chen's exam progress.

Ring ring ring...

The two were chatting here when suddenly the exam bell rang.

Then, Qin Chen walked into the examination room side by side with Fang Xueqi.

When Qin Chen finds his place,

After sitting down, the invigilators from the Education Department also began to distribute the test papers.

For the staff of the Department of Education.

After finishing the last subject in the morning, they can leave Jinling University. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

They went back to their respective offices, continued to drink tea and read newspapers, and had a good time.

The people from the Education Department were in a hurry to return to the nest after the exam, so when the bell rang to prepare for the exam, they immediately distributed the exam papers.

Besides, on Qin Chen's side, when he got the comprehensive essay paper, his first reaction was to widen his eyes and dilate his pupils slightly.

No way, I thought it was so difficult for Wen Zong, that's it?

Qin Chen sighed silently in his heart.

I thought that the fresh comprehensive essays would be a little challenging for me.

But I didn't expect that the papers were sent out and I saw that these questions were so simple that they couldn't be more simple.

The knowledge that Qin Chen saw in the school's black Internet cafe is contained in this test paper.

And Qin Chen also finished studying in the black Internet cafes that were not on this test paper.

After reading the exam questions, Qin Chen felt that it would take less than a minute to complete the two exam papers in front of him.

Hey, this history test paper is a bit interesting. It actually tested some periods in ancient times.

To Qin Chen's slight surprise, there was a historical examination paper in front of him.

Actually, the whole article is designed to be an ancient thing on this continent.

Regarding the ancient history of this continent, Qin Chen also dabbled in the black internet cafe.

He is well-read and knowledgeable, has read many monographs in Internet cafes, and can draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

Qin Chen knew that there was a period of great ice in this world.

During the global ice age, the whole world was covered with ice and snow, and life was cut off.

I don't know how many years later, human civilization gradually appeared.

Before the global ice age, Qin Chen discovered it based on ancient books.

During that time period, this continent also had civilization.

And the civilization at that time was more dazzling than the current civilization.

Much of the current knowledge on this continent is based on the foundations of ancient human civilization.

Although this continent has experienced a global ice freeze, resulting in the extinction of all human beings.

However, many classics from ancient times have been handed down.

It's just that these things are buried deep in the ground.

Today's archaeologists excavate on a large scale, classify and store the excavated ancient books, and set up special research subjects.

In this way, there are many subjects offered by colleges and universities.

This knowledge was obtained by Qin Chen from looking up classics in the black Internet cafe.

And in this historical examination paper, the information of dynasties in ancient times, and some biographies of people were actually examined.

This surprised Qin Chen a little.

In his opinion, these things should be somewhat similar to the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties of the previous life.

But aren't these studies only available at the doctoral level?

Why is it now on the sophomore exam paper.

However, Qin Chen was only slightly surprised, and soon regained his composure.

These subjects were still very simple for him.

Qin Chen originally planned to do the same as yesterday and wait until ten minutes before the end of the exam before starting to answer the questions. The new 81 Chinese website is the fastest updated computer terminal: www.@x81zw@@

But now that he finished reading the history subject, he couldn't hold back and started writing directly.

Because there are three test papers in Wenzong, history, geography, and biology.

And Qin Chen has now taken the exam for two grades, the sophomore and the first year of postgraduate.

That is to say, there are six test papers in front of Qin Chen.

The previous method of single-minded and dual-purpose is no longer working.

Because of the left-handed approach, it was obvious that he couldn't deal with the six test papers.

Now that it was the exam again, Qin Chen took off his shoes and used his feet to make up the numbers.

After thinking about it, Qin Chen decided to continue writing one by one honestly.

It was because Qin Chen showed too much talent before that it aroused many people's frenzy.

Now is the last exam, it is better to write honestly.

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