Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 981: : The battle is getting hot

Bick has a total of two skills.

One is the finger firing laser, and the other is the anger disintegration method. From the similarities of these two skills, it can be seen that the so-called skill is to master a brand new ability without learning.

And all have to consume a certain amount of physical strength.

At this moment, the changes in Monkey King can only be explained by skills.

While bearing the pressure brought by the Jie Wang Quan, while using the Qi brought by the Jie Wang Quan to constantly use the skills to repair the damage of the body, forming a virtuous circle, making the 20 times the impossible success of the Jie Wang Quan move towards a practical Possible direction forward.

There really is you, Monkey King.

Piccolo praised in his heart that this method is simple to say, but luck and courage are indispensable.

And Vegeta.

He fell into deep envy.

"Kakarot, this guy has mastered such a powerful skill? Damn, this skill is simply prepared for us Saiyans!"

No wonder he would be so envious.

Saiyans are a fighting race. An obvious feature is that every time they are dying and rescued, their strength will undergo a transformation and an increase.

This is the race advantage of Saiyans.

However, there are very few Saiyans who use this method to increase their strength. The reason is that in terms of treatment, few Saiyans can be rescued from dying. This is a real test of life and death.

However, Monkey King actually acquired such a skill.

In Vegeta's eyes, this blue rare skill, even if it is Kobayashi's purple epic skill, will not be changed!


Why can't he get such skills, even luck, he can't compare to Kakarot?

Monkey King is not just using Jie Wang Quan at this moment.

His own strength has grown rapidly in this time of constant repairs, injuries, repairs, and injuries.

Even the silence had to sigh.

Saiyan bloodline is worthy of a sky-high price commodity. This one alone, at least the prizes in the six or seven pots, can be compared and even surpassed the level of the golden legend!


With the assistance of a healing blue rare level skill, Monkey King completed twenty times the Realm King Fist!


He often exhales, and the breath squeezed from his lungs almost condenses into a solid state.

"Have been waiting, Frieza."

"Humph." Frieza snorted coldly. "Although I don't know what tricks you did, I will let you know that this king is the most powerful existence in the entire universe!"


At the moment when the last word fell, Frieza's figure had already arrived in front of Monkey King like a teleport.

This speed far exceeded the speed of sound, but there was no movement, but silent.

In Frieza's eyes, the whole world seemed to be still.

No one can keep up with his speed.


In this almost static world, Monkey King's eyeballs suddenly began to turn, firmly locking on Frieza, who had reached behind him, and Frieza's fists starting to attack him.

He saw it.

He moved.

Just a very easy turn around, and simply escaped the blow!

In the eyes of the others, they only saw Frieza's body disappear instantly, and then reappear in an instant. The two people were as if the world they belonged to had broken. In a moment, they became Monkey King avoiding Frieza's fist. .

"Hidden?" Frieza's eyes shrank slightly.

He is now in his final form, releasing 20% ​​of his power!

The combat power is 20 million!

Enough to make the entire universe feel desperate fighting power!

This kind of him was actually escaped from the attack?


Frieza's expression became distorted, his fists were fast enough to be undetectable by the naked eye, and he madly attacked Monkey King. Each punch contained tremendous power, but it seemed silent, which was exactly the speed. To the extreme performance.

However, Monkey King's head kept avoiding.

However, at a distance of more than ten centimeters, every fist of Frieza was easily avoided by him.

"Sure enough." Monkey King clenched his fists, "I can already see your speed."

"What are you talking about?" Frieza roared loudly.

However, the next moment, a heavy punch hit his stomach severely.

The eyeballs burst, the body arched, and the shell on his stomach was harder than any alloy, but at this moment a clear cavity appeared.

Frieza clutched his stomach, just stepped back in mid-air.

There was an expression of pain.

All the people on the scene were silent.

All of Frieza's subordinates who were still clamoring just now were stunned, looking at the scene in midair in disbelief.

How do you feel... The invincible King Frieza seems to be at a disadvantage.

how can that be?

That kind of horrible power that makes people unable to breathe, is it a disadvantage?

"This isn't your real power." Monkey raised his fist, but his eyes didn't have the joy he imagined, but with a daunting calmness, "Now, I am stronger."

"Impossible!" Frieza straightened his figure and rushed toward Monkey King viciously, "To deal with you, the power at this moment is enough!"


The two entered a white-hot battle in an instant.

Everyone's eyes widened.

However, most people simply cannot see the battle among them.

I can only feel the dull thunderous impact after one after and even one after another shock waves erupt in every corner of the whole world, from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky, every eruption is It was able to leave a big hole again in the land that was already full of barbarians.

If someone is standing in outer space, they can clearly see that this half of the planet is like being bitten by an invisible person one by one. The land disappears one after another, and then the air oscillates and the terrible air waves edge. The atmosphere spread throughout the planet, just like the end of the world.

Language can no longer describe this level of battle.

If it weren't for both sides to control their own power highly and vent most of their power on each other, the entire planet would have long been fragmented under this kind of battle.

Even Saitama's mouth was slightly open, with a look of wonder on his face.

This is real, and can make him feel the blood and intense fighting level.

Even he couldn't do this in some ways.

If he were to come, it would waste too much meaningless power, and then destroy the whole world together.

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