Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 892: :Clarified the heart in advance

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"You should know that you were created." Bismarck's tone became slower, seeming to ease Albedo's emotions, "including your soul, do you know? The soul's will is in the endless universe The greatest existence, it should have infinite possibilities, but the will of you created souls has been solidified at one point, one hundred percent point—that is, loyalty to Ainzurgon ."

This is the reason why Albedo did not have the qualifications to become a member.

One hundred percent means that no matter what the situation, she will be loyal to Anzurgon.

The command and will of Ainzurgon is their will.

This wish seems extremely powerful.

But in fact, it is limited to 100%, and it cannot be surpassed, becoming 200%, 300%.

Lost more advanced growth conditions.

Therefore, it doesn’t make much sense for them to become members. Or, if they can become members in this way, then members are too cheap. The creation of life can exist in many worlds, especially those that create artificial humans. .

For example, the world of Neal Machine Age.

There are as many artificial humans as there are, and each has a personal will and is loyal.

This kind of wish silence is impossible to admit.

Unless, first get out of control, and then find your own way again.

Just like Albedo in front of me.

When she began to doubt Ainzurgon, when the number of 100% loyalty began to change, it was when her will began to have potential.

And at the moment.

Albedo also understood what Bismarck said.

This made her sneer, "Do you mean that my loyalty to Anzurgon-sama has changed? It's ridiculous, who do you think I am? I am..."

"Isn't it?" Bismarck interrupted Albedo. "You can deceive yourself, but you can't deceive yourself."

Albedo was choked.

He glared at Bismarck.

If she still has power now, even if she only has the power to swing a fist, she will not hesitate to swing it up.

Because only in this way can she vent her inner fears.

Bismarck was actually right.

Because everything in Albedo's heart, in Bismarck, in the eyes of all the members who are onlookers, there is no room for concealment.

In fact, she herself had already suspected this.

Because she felt more and more that the existence she enthusiastically loved seemed not as great as she thought.

Albedo was modified, only the final conclusion that she was Bitch.

But the rest has not been modified.

Her indifference to everyone else, her pride, her impulsive emotions, and even her harsh and demanding character, all of this, after the 100% loyalty began to shake, and the "deep love for peace" The setting of "Zurgung" has caused violent conflict.

Love and hate are just a thought.

At this moment, Albedo seemed to stop beating even her heart. She held her chest tightly with her hands, and her breathing began to become more and more basic. She had realized her heart, but she could not accept it. This made her Had to force myself to divert attention.

"What is your purpose?" She stared at Bismarck firmly.

"What I really want to say is to let you be yourself." Bismarck said calmly, "The Anzurgon you see now is the real him. The one you saw before is just a body imprisoned. And the poor soul in the character!"

"One more act!" Albedo shouted loudly, emotionally, as if suddenly broke out, "What good will this do to you!?"

She understood everything now, that the Ainz-sama she loved was robbed by the man in front of her.

The Ainz-sama who created them, supreme and always great.

Became the way it is now.

"Your current confusion and anger are the pain necessary to break free, and it is also for Ainzurgon. I gave him the opportunity to choose." Bismarck's expression did not change in any way, "And you, destiny replaces You have made a choice. Instead of immersing yourself in pain, it is better to face your destiny. If you make up your mind, the destiny in your hands will respond to you."

Just finished the last sentence.

Bismarck's figure disappeared.

Albedo's power came back again.

She also started until, her palm was heating up, raised her hand, and realized that she didn't know when she held the badge she got from the princess in her palm.

This badge was originally a clue she got when investigating the suddenly stronger Geoff.

Now, it's all connected.

Gu Geoff's change really has something to do with the woman just now.

Albedo gritted her teeth The magic and aura on her body were constantly condensing, even if she tried to control it, it was still rolling violently, the earth around her began to shake, and the land and walls began to split. , A sense of horrible oppression swept the city.

"Devil, this is not where you are raging!" A voice suddenly appeared behind him.

It was Gu Geoff wearing a golden armor.

Holding his big sword, he looked solemnly at Albedo, who had exposed the characteristics of the devil in front of him.

Before, although he had seen Albedo, he was still weak at that time, and Albedo was covered in pitch-black armor. So now, he didn’t recognize it at all, only if it was one. A powerful demon.

Very powerful.

It feels even stronger than the prestigious lord angel I have seen before!

When will such a demon appear in this world?

And this sound seemed to be the gunpowder for an explosive barrel.

Albedo said nothing.

Raising his weapon, he rushed towards Gu Gefu.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out over the city.

This is a great war that shocked the entire continent. Just the aftermath of the battle between two people can bring catastrophic damage to the city. The city wall collapses and people flee the building in horror, until Gerdev draws it out of the city. At that time, the fighting escalated in vain, and the constant loud noise and vibration even spread to several surrounding cities.

People should have seen this kind of battle like a god.

They can only watch in horror.

In the high altitude, Bismarck and Otinus were watching calmly.

"The seeds are buried?" Otinus asked knowingly.

"Yeah." Bismarck answered softly, "just to help her clarify her heart in advance."

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