Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 890: : Reviewer status transfer

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Otinus seemed to want to say something.

But when the words reached the lips, they suddenly stopped.

They actually don't know this change.

After all, when I came here before, I just learned about the characters, arranged the methods and the content to be displayed. After all, they are not silent and cannot use the system customization service to know anything they want to know.

So the situation in front of them actually exceeded their plans.

Bismarck was carefully observing Albedo, who was fighting Ainzurgon.

She held a powerful weapon in the palm of her hand.

Relying on strong combat experience.

Even Anzurgon, who was dressed in a **** costume, was a little bit unstoppable.

In particular, there was Geff, who had obviously made a job transfer, to help.

The soldiers below who were slaughtered by Ainzurgong to their heart's content were obviously soldiers of the kingdom where Gujeff lived, that is, the kingdom of Riyestj.

And the rest of Ainzurgon's subordinates, all were watching in one set.

Just a cursory glance, combined with the world authority they have, can already roughly understand what happened.

"Albedo was controlled by world-class props." Bismarck said.

"But the control failed." Otinus continued.

"However, the control caused Albedo's personality conflict." Bismarck said again.

Albedo is different from any of the soul-given roles in the rest of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The reason is that before being endowed with a soul, she was first modified by Ainzurgong to change part of her character. "Bi Chi" was changed to only concentrate on Ainz Urgon.

However, the modification of the character setting cannot be solved by adding a few words.

That requires specific settings.

Including plot, details, etc.

Albedo’s persona originally had a long story. It was designed by her designer who poured emotion into it, but the most critical number of words was modified. Naturally, there is a hidden danger, and it will be affected by world-class props. Became the current situation.

The key is--

"Did you see it?" Otinus put on a smile on his face, as if he had seen something interesting. "This Albedo actually has a blank badge in his hand, and it is still from there. From the hands of a princess."

"That's right." Bismarck's expression was extremely serious, "This means-the auditee changes."

"A person under review refers to a person who does not occupy a position in fate, but has a blank badge for good luck, and is recognized by the blank badge to a certain extent." Otinus faced the camera and explained to everyone. , "But sometimes this happens. The badge has changed again after we arrived. This situation also means that the identity of the auditee is transferred."

In the world of auditors, not many things are set in stone.

Because everything is to resist fate, but everything is a new fate.

So it can happen like this.

Many members only feel amazed, some people are beginning to yearn for such a life.

"What are you going to do?" Ortinus looked at Bismarck.

The fierce war below didn't seem to affect their mood at all.

Otinus just found it interesting.

Bismarck looked at the two men in the fight and thought for a while.

"Compared to that princess, the fate of this Albedo seems to be more worthy of change. It is very rare for a person who has been completely manufactured and designed to have the opportunity to change his own destiny. Since we met, we It is the responsibility to guide." Bismarck said.

"Yes, it is responsible." Otinus smiled and narrowed his eyes.

In this performance of the two of them, Bismarck is actually acting as she is. She was originally a commander who values ​​the commander and regards the commander's order and core as her own interests.

Therefore, she must be happy to see a more capable member.

This is also a representative of the auditor.

After all, to some extent, the auditor is also an official staff member of the Chamber of Commerce, and naturally needs a unified core idea for the sake of the Chamber of Commerce.

And Otinus is playing a possible other kind of person.

In other words, I don’t care about the thoughts of the Chamber of Commerce, but I only become an auditor for purely personal reasons.

Either enjoy the rights, or hope to be able to travel to different worlds freely, or for their own benefit.

There will always be such people.

but now.

Everyone can also see that in this situation, the latter still has to follow the opinions of the former.

The reason is also obvious.

Otherwise, after returning, it will be difficult to deal with Shen Mu.

So now, Bismarck, who is grasping the core righteousness, has directly taken over the command.

"Let's go back to the time point first." She said, and then she didn't wait for Ortinus to say directly manipulated it on the interface.

In an instant, everything around him began to change rapidly.

They went back to the past time.

Even Geoff, below, was still half-kneeling on the ground without raising his head.

The members who watched this kind of ability to play with the world were amazed.

"Friendly reminder." Ortinus looked at the camera and said to the members, "The time to play with the whole world is not as free as you think. We just didn't have any actions on the new world line, so I can return at will, because this timeline has not changed because of us, but if it is too messy, the consequences will be very serious."

"Yes." Bismarck also nodded earnestly, "We have the strength of a senior member, so we know the way, but if there are serious consequences, such as timeline branching, or even the destruction of the world, the auditor will also Being severely punished, the gentleman will not hesitate in this serious place."

This is a warning and a kind of teaching.

Members will firmly remember.

They can also be considered vaguely understand why the commander must be a senior member, perhaps because only the existence at this level can correctly use this authority to control the entire world.

And Bismarck and Otinus, after giving warnings and teachings, also began to focus on their work.

It is still Bismarck.

She thought for a while, made a decision, and said:

"Since Albedo's awakening of his will is what we want to see, then we don't need to change too much, and go directly to Albedo to get the blank badge at that time."

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