Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 888: : This is the only salvation

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In the end, Bismarck, as the reviewer, took the shot.

All the members can see the situation just now.

If the reviewer does not take action, Geff will undoubtedly die.

The strength of this world is not low, at least not a few hundred first-level and second-level pots can make a person invincible.

"We don't have to take action." Otinus' voice appeared outside the screen. "There is more than one person in this world who needs to be reviewed. Even if he still fails to escape the sanctions of fate in the end, that can only explain He didn't have this opportunity, but Bismarck seemed to think that this man was alive and helpful to the guidance of the son of destiny."

After explaining this sentence, the onlookers suddenly understood.

It seems that the auditor does have a lot of autonomy.

Decide whether you should save it with your own will and consideration.

Should anyone become a member?

Looking at Bismarck, who was like a **** descending at this moment, and at the rescued Gu Geoff, many people had a clearer understanding of what kind of position an auditor was.

Give opportunities, give hope, give strength.

But all this depends on fate and will.

At this moment, Bismarck was just standing in the middle of the battlefield, standing in front of everyone, because of her words, the majestic lord angel was completely unable to move.

Negan desperately urged the crystal in his hand, trying to drive the majestic angel.

But it didn't work.

It was not that the crystal had lost its effect, his connection with the majestic lord angel was still there.

However, even if the majestic main angel burst out with all its power, it would not be able to resist the innocent and quality power exerted on it.

How can it be?

This is a divine summoning thing second only to the gods!

Negan's breathing continued to intensify.

Under normal circumstances, the majestic main angel should be one of the most powerful combat powers in the world. Once it is taken out, even a small country in general cannot resist even if it has exhausted the power of an entire country.

This should be the case.

However, one problem after another occurred today!

The arrival of Bismarck did not easily deprive the voice of the entire world like Otinus, and even, except for the initial sound, and after limiting the actions of the majestic lord angel, he did not do other unnecessary things.


The whole world remains the same.

The wind was blowing on the grass, blowing Bismarck's long golden hair, her back was upright, her eyes were deep, and her beautiful face carried the solemnity of a soldier.

"Where are you holy?" Negan took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure.

"You don't need to know my name."

Bismarck's calm voice drifted in everyone's ears with the wind, and she raised her hand and flicked the end of her ears. This movement that was supposed to be full of feminine beauty became exceptionally capable on her body.

The lowered palm was placed very naturally on a thin sword on his waist.

At this moment.

Her aura broke out in vain, like a queen wearing a crown.

"Before I kill you, leave here."

Bismarck did not even want to say a word of nonsense.

The rapier on the waist is more of an ornament for the ship, but it is also a symbol of her being the Commander of Iron and Blood. The action of holding the sword signifies that she has entered a wartime state.

She will not underestimate anyone.

At this moment, the huge figure of the battleship even vaguely appeared behind her, and countless artillery had been aimed at several people in front of her.

If Negan and others do not leave, what awaits them is thunderous destruction.

This strong sense of impact, like facing the muzzle, swept every magician.

The weak-willed person is already stiff and unable to move at all, as if only one move, the whole person will turn into fly ash in an instant.

Negan is not a strong-willed person.

So he also didn't dare to move.

"go away!"

Bismarck finally uttered two more words, and at this moment, the crystals held by the majestic angel and Negan burst with a loud bang.

It turned into a light spot and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

As the final trump card, the majestic Lord Angel, who gave Nigan unlimited confidence, was easily destroyed. This seemed to be the overwhelming last straw, and Nigan, who had no intention of fighting, screamed and ran back. As if worried that he would become torn apart in the next moment.

Facing the defeated enemy, Bismarck did not continue to oppress.

She turned her head and looked at Gu Geoff, who was kneeling on the ground.

Gu Geoff's head pressed deeper.

His heart was also shaking. He even wondered whether the woman in front of him was the incarnation of the legendary God of War. He was very familiar with the iron blood and fighting will of being a soldier, but he was very strange, because he could not imagine. There are people who are so strong in their fighting spirit that they are the embodiment of war.

"Since you got the badge, you have infinite possibilities." Bismarck's voice came to Ggeeff's But this possibility does not mean the established future. , This is the only time we save you, and the rest of the future is up to you to shape. "

Bismarck's voice is getting farther and farther, and in fact, her figure is indeed getting weaker.

She rescued Gu Gefu this time, and there was no more reason.

Just think.

Sooner or later, this person will collide with Ainzurgon, even if he still cannot escape the fate of death, he should not fall at this time.

After all, in his original destiny, he actually didn't die here, but died in the hands of Ainzurgon, in a gesture of hopeless death.

And this time, whether there is hope or not will be determined by his own efforts.

The members who were watching also almost understood Bismarck's thoughts.

When some people saw this, they couldn't help thinking about what they would do if they were themselves.

In the hands of the auditor, they actually have a lot of autonomy.

They have also seen from this display that they don't have to follow the practices of Bismarck and Otinus.

"If it were me, I would not lead the kind heart of Ainz Urgon." Kamikazuhoori said to Joan of Arc beside him, "A powerful demon king will bring irreversible effects to the entire world. Even the Demon King is a type of person who is not easy to leave in the Chamber of Commerce. After all, the Chamber of Commerce needs companions. It is difficult for anyone to be willing to become a true companion with the Demon King."

Kamikari Kaori is such an opinion.

But Dashemaru is obviously different.

"How interesting, a powerful, weak-willed king of the undead." Oshemaru's mouth curled up, "Maybe he will become my'companion'."

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