Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 878: : Lost empathy

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Although Gu Aotian was strong, he still couldn't notice the two people who were looking down at him from another level.

To a certain extent, it also highlights the strength of Bismarck and Otinus.

The members looked at the words and deeds of Bone Aotian, the King of the Undead, who had been renamed Ainzurgon.

Even his inner thoughts can be seen clearly.

This kind of complete control from the inside to the outside also makes all members yearn and jealous.

And next.

Anzi Urgon saved the villagers, which seemed to mean that he still had the kindness of being a human in his heart, but after that, watching the villagers cry for their dead relatives, Ainzi Urgon’s heart was not shaken at all. , And soon began to think about the next thing based on his own interests.

A strong body gave him a strong thinking ability.

But the inner heart once brought him a cautious character.

Combine the two.

This allowed Ainzurgon to make the decision to carefully collect information. Although it is ridiculous from the perspective of God to fight wits and courage with the air, from the point of view of Ainzurgon, this is absolute reason. Began to assimilate into a part of human character.

"No wonder......"

Oshemaru whispered, he has been seeing the end, and has thoroughly understood the state of Ainzurgung.

In fact, he will be affected somewhat.

It's just that the characteristics of the Lich originally matched him to a high degree, and there was no such thing as a proud day.

And in the picture.

Bismarck also started a discussion with Ortinus.

"He is too obsessed with the past. Even if he knows that the possibility of finding a companion is very slim, he is still obsessed with this goal." Ortinus looked at Bismarck and said his own opinion, "I think, this way The will of the people does not qualify for membership."

"There is no qualification. The rules designed by Mr. have already given the answer." Bismarck had different opinions. She shook her head. "However, the rules are rigid, so the existence of our auditor is needed. I think he It is still possible to cultivate."

The members who are onlookers seem to have finally realized what these two powerful reviewers are doing.

The review has officially started.

They are making the initial judgment.

Some members seemed to have finally realized it. They immediately understood why the mission world requires two people to go, and the reviewer also two people go to the same world.

Auditors are not rules.

It is also based on one's own will to make a decision.

Compared with one person, the collision of the wills of two people will undoubtedly produce more possibilities.

However, the traveling merchant seems to be alone.

And while the members were thinking about this issue, Otinus seemed to have given up arguing with Bismarck.

"In that case, just separate your heart. You see if this destiny is worth training, and I am staring at the person who has received the badge. Of course, in accordance with the rules, the final judgment of the target person still requires us at the same time. Decided."

The last sentence is undoubtedly addressed to everyone.

The members also confirmed their previous guesses.

The reviewer, indeed, two people must be involved.

Even the person being audited needs to get the unanimous agreement of two people.

Bismarck agreed.

The picture, at this moment, was divided into two at once.

On one side, Ainzurgon is still the main perspective, while on the other side, the main goal is Geff's actions.

And the next moment.

These two different worlds have gradually merged.

As the protagonist, Ainz Urgon, and Gegev, who was selected by the badge and accepted by the Chamber of Commerce, began an official encounter.

One is a human warrior full of passion and responsibility, and the other is the undead king who has gradually lost his heart under the constraints of his body. The collision of two people has a different special color in the eyes of the members.

At last.

Gu Gefu led his men and greeted the war he had received without fear.

And Anzurgong stood there, watching his departure, and whispered to his subordinates:

"When you treat the person you meet for the first time, you can only feel like a bug, but after the initial contact, there will be a kind of kindness like worrying about a small animal."

When he said this sentence, he didn't have the slightest voice in his heart.

The corners of Da She Wan's mouth bend slightly.

He is very clear.

This sentence has already marked the beginning of the complete transformation of Anzurgung, because at this moment, even he himself is not clear whether this kind of contempt and overlook of human beings originated from the level of life is because of the need to Pretending in front of subordinates is still because I really think so.

A powerful force, the racial trait of the King of the Undead.

The passion and emotion of Anzurgong towards the living, even towards humans, has been made to have no empathy but no empathy.

No matter how passionate and respectable the back of Gurdjieff rushing to the battlefield without hesitation, the heart of Anzurgong is at best the same emotion that he treats after petting a small animal.

This transformation.

Dashemaru saw it, and some people saw it, but others didn't.

But, naturally, it can't hide from Bismarck's eyes.

"When your heart succumbs to power and is controlled by power, then this person loses the qualification to become a member anyway." Bismarck said softly, which is undoubtedly speaking to the members.

Some members immediately warned themselves secretly.

After all, the strength of the members also belongs to the type of one night and one world.

However, no member has a big change in mentality after getting the jar.

This is also due to the silent choice.

In other words, most people whose mentality changes drastically die soon.

For example, Cardo.

And just after this sentence, Bismarck also started his own actions.

Her figure appeared in the remote part of the village, and walked towards the village little by little. Ainzurgung and his demon subordinate, Albedo, naturally found her the first time.

At this time, Bismarck was still wearing the navy uniform, with only minor modifications. There are more dresses than military uniforms, but this aesthetic still has some incompatibility in this world.

As a result, the moment Anzurgong saw her, his mood changed slightly.


As soon as Albedo stretched out his hand, the weapon was already in his hand, and then he took a step forward and stood in front of Anzurgon.

Absolutely made a fighting posture.

This reaction is not an exaggeration at all.

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