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Chapter 845: : New world rules improved

   Joan was attracted by this task.

   She looked around.

   Different from this world that has been completely dilapidated, people in this mission world still have hope.

   However, the task can have two people, and she can invite one more person.

   But who to invite?

   It is easy for Joan to think of the Shinrihoori who has the best relationship with her, but after thinking about it for a while, she shook her head.

  The task is to give the people of that world a happy environment. In other words, it is not simply to overthrow tyranny.

   If it's just fighting, she can do it alone, because the world's risk rating is not high.

   Therefore, she needs a companion who knows how to bring happiness to the people.

   Joan soon thought of someone.


   This knight king who failed miserably in history has achieved unprecedented success in modern society. Her loyalty, her character, and her love are exactly what people in the world need today.

  People need a ruler who will never betray them. Everything is for their sake and loves them extremely.

   People’s happiness can be seen in the cheers that Altria received.

   In the world today, Wang Chu has spread all over the world.

   Jeanne returns to her own world, to the residence of the Knight King.

   was not blocked.

In fact, the relationship between Joan of Arc and Altria is also very good. After all, they are heroes who love the country and the people, and they look very similar, but when they stand together in the same clothes, everyone will I think they are twins, even if they are themselves, they have a natural sisterhood feeling.

  Of course, it’s easy to tell...

   Jeanne met Altria, explained her intentions, and was immediately approved.

"Thank you very much for your trust." Altria's expression is serious, "I will definitely complete the task for us. In addition, as a reward for inviting me, I will give you all the points I have obtained in this task. , I only need the qualification of level four pot."

   Of course she can give nothing.

   However, Joan is only her friend, not her subordinate. Such a task of obtaining rewards should naturally be given a corresponding reward.

   Joan is also used to Altria's harsh, even somewhat rigid style.

   also solemnly nodded and agreed.

Then the next moment, smiles appeared on both faces at the same time, and the atmosphere of negotiation before disappeared without a trace. One is not a saint, and the other is not a knight king. It seems that the two are about the same age. The same as his sisters.

   "Altria, I invited you this time, but I was complained by the gods for a while." Joan seems to be a little guilty for the gods, after all, she has a better relationship with the gods.

   Although no guild has been established, the islands are already connected.

   Brush the copy together.

   In the eyes of the rest, the two of them are already real teammates.

   Altria seemed to hesitate for a while, and said: "If she disagrees, you can still leave the opportunity to her."

   "Don't worry, I have discussed with her, and she also thinks that you are more suitable for this task." Jeanne smiled.

   "Bring happiness to the people... I bet on the glory of the Knight King, I will do it!" Altria squeezed her small fist, as if she had made up her mind.

   "We all believe in you." Joan looked at her, with a little envy in her eyes.

She worked hard by herself, and she was only able to fill her hands with blood to protect her country, but she never really got the love of the people. After all, she only gained a little trust in the name of God for the time being. .

   But Altria.

   is a real person who can bring happiness to the people.

   "What are we going to do?" Altria asked, pulling Joan back from thinking.

   "Anytime," Joan said.

   "Let's go, then." Altria actually has nothing to deal with.

Although she has been loved by the people in modern society and has received unprecedented voices, her previous failures still left deep marks on her. She no longer adheres to the "perfect king", but works hard to learn new ones. Knowledge, and assigned a considerable part of the power to the Knights of the Round Table who followed him into this world.

If    is only leaving temporarily, there will be no problem at all.

   The two people paid the cost of the transfer, left this world, and came to the world of Zhan Chi.

The place where    descended was a forest.

   Both of them are in armor, fully armed.

   "The air is very good." Altria took a deep breath, "But the magic is much more irritable than our world. This level of irritability is hard to control with skill."

   "However, it can be absorbed and digested through exercise." Jeanne continued Altria.

   Both of them are not ordinary people. Whether it is their heroic status or their transfer, they have accumulated a wealth of knowledge.

   Only through the explanation of facing the world on the task, combined with my own insight, can roughly understand the situation of the world.

   And what happened next also confirmed their views.

   Dangerous species.

   A group of dangerous species resembling dinosaurs emerged from the jungle and completely surrounded them.

   Of course, this mortal situation for ordinary people did not change the expressions of the two mid-level members.

   They looked in a certain direction at the same There, there were two people coming.

high speed.

   If two people dare to run in the forest of this world, they must be not bad.

   But only for a while, two people appeared in front of Joan of Arc and Altria.

   A black-haired red pupil, holding a long knife in his hand.

   There is a blonde and golden pupil with a fiery figure, wearing a leather jacket that only covers important parts.

   are the two important supporting characters in this world-Aka Hitomi and Leone.

   And the two sides met for an instant, whether it was Red Hitomi and Leone, or Jeanne and Altria, they were all taken aback.

   The two red eyes are because they didn't expect to see two women in armor in the forest.

  Altolia was dumbfounded because they were suddenly notified of the badge.

   Yes, let me know.

   Although they didn't show it out, the corresponding cognition has flooded into their minds.

   The two people in front of him are both "member reserves."

   The so-called member reserve refers to a person who is eligible to become a member but has not been issued a badge.

   Yes, this is part of the silent improvement of the rules.

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