Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 807: : The plan of the bee-eater

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Sauron's battle is over, but the impact of this battle is obviously not so simple.

The biggest profit is not Sauron who has completed a small part of the task.

Instead, bee-eaters pray.

Just taking the opportunity to enter Fury's head, for the bee-eater, it was a big harvest that far exceeded expectations.

Not only did she understand the world, she even learned a lot of secrets.

Marvel Woman.

Thinking of the woman in her mind who was full of light and even crushed an entire alien fleet, the bee-eater exercised her secretly on guard.

"It would be great if a spacecraft could be developed to go to outer space." The bee eater was a pity, "Leave the earth for them to fight, and we will run to other civilizations to be queens. It must be easy."

"Outer space? That's really unimaginable." White beard also raised some yearning in rare.

He may be a very special one among the pirates in the Pirate World.

I don't care about the reputation of One Piece, or travel everywhere, just want to be with my family.

However, as one of the four emperors, as a big pirate with domineering look, he will also yearn for seeing a different place.

Maybe you can find a good son in outer space.

"However, we are not without a chance." The bee-eater prayed that the flash in his eyes seemed to be a bit stronger.

Obviously, she already had a brilliant idea.

However, it would be very difficult for her to realize this idea by herself.

"Grandpa Whitebeard, take me to that place." Bee-eater Chaoqi still sat on Whitebeard's shoulder, pointing in a certain direction.

"Good." Baibeard said with a smile.

He has always been a father. This is the first time he has been a grandfather. I have to say that it feels strange.

Very spoiled feeling.

He doesn't even expect that the bee-eater can do anything great, but at least in this world, he will try his best to help the bee-eater to do what she wants to do, no matter what, this is what Baibeard feels at the moment In, even more important than his own task.

Baibeard is such a person. His purpose of becoming stronger was originally for his family.


A little giant stepped straight forward and walked to the street.

This scene, which should have caused a commotion, did not cause any reaction under the power of the bee-eater.

Except for SHIELD, which is closely monitoring them.

Then, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents discovered today.

The bee-eater Fuck Chi and White Beard went straight to the Mutant Academy.

That's right, it is Professor Charles' Mutant Academy.

"It's a bit bad." When Fury heard the news, his entire face was dark. Although it was dark at first, it was even darker than before.

It is the difference between braised eggs and black eggs.

"You can't let the two of them have any seemingly'harmonious' contact." Coleson's face was also a little unsightly.

The deterrence produced by the mind manipulator against them, and the deterrence produced by the strong like Sauron, are not at the same level.

Especially for a person like the bee-eater who has no way to block it.

Said unceremoniously.

The current bee-eater exercises can even control the leader of the country silently.

And the only one who can restrict her is Charles.


Once Charles and the bee-eater had reached an agreement, and even just seemed to get along well, it became the worst-case scenario-Charles could no longer be trusted.

"I'll go there in person." Fury stood up, "Go right away. I have to watch any contact between the two of them."

"Wait—" Coleson couldn't help but said, "Chief, you can't go anymore, now there is a voice above that wants you to be replaced. The excuse is that you may be controlled by your mind."

Even if Fury passed the psychic test, it was of no use.

Because this control may be a hint that only breaks out at a critical time.

Or even more serious.

Whether Fury is controlled or not is not important to some people.

They just need to use this reason, this possible risk to attack him, you know, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a beautiful job, and the huge wealth alone makes it impossible to know how many people are staring at this post.

However, Fury did not stop.

"From now on, Coleson, you are the director of SHIELD." Ferry said, "It's not temporary, I'm serious."

"..." The corners of Coleson's mouth twitched.

If it were the past, he would definitely be surprised and moved.

But at the moment.

He faintly felt Ferry's thoughts.

The position of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is no longer safe now. Those strong from another world will always stare at the people sitting in this position. Ferry intends to take this opportunity to retreat to the second line and look for opportunities.


Fury took the plane directly. This short distance took less than a even when Baibeard and Bee Eater just stepped into this mutant academy, Fury Has landed.

Standing in front of these two people.

"Are you a broken jar?" The bee-eater flicked up the tips of his hair lightly with his fingers, still making a sweet voice, "Even if you give up the position of the director of S.H.I. It will still be targeted by some people."

"Didn't your parents teach you that it is very impolite to look into the hearts of others?" Fry said with a sullen face.

"Since I was little, the people around me have only taught me one thing." The bee-eater's smile became sweeter and sweeter. "I have this kind of power, and I am the true queen, and only I have the right to control others. Soul, so-kneel down."

With a sonorous voice, Fury knelt on the ground with a thud.

The bee-eater did not control his will.

So Fury clenched his teeth, trying to get up from the ground.

But it didn't work.

No matter how firm his will is, he can't resist the power of the bee-eater praying for this absolute king's realm.

"I'll give you a suggestion." The bee-eater exercised his face and covered her face with a folding fan, making her expression invisible, "Give me your heart and bet on the conceit and confidence of being a queen. I will guard your heart, your wish, and protect this planet from any threats."

When the bee-eater said this sentence, he was serious.

To control the hearts of others is to be responsible to the end.

Even if you have to give your life for it.

And her seriousness followed this Absolute King Realm, and was conveyed to Fury in the slightest.

"Sorry." Fury gritted his teeth, "but I like to say to the self-righteous, NO!"

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