Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 516: : Reaction of all forces

Do you want to fight with one side?

If according to the shopkeeper's statement, she only had to open thousands of tertiary jars, or was promoted to LV6, she would have the absolute certainty to defeat one pass, because the power of "comparative divine power" was hidden in that person's body.

But now... it seems too late.

And when it comes to fighting openly, his friends and even his parents will see it.

Misaka Miqin has a particular irritability.

Most people actually have the feeling that LV5 is only slightly more powerful.

Only they know it.

Even if she was in the past, if her firepower is fully on, she has the ability to paralyze the power lines of a city.

For modern cities, this is definitely a disaster that will cause huge losses.

Now she...maybe destroy the school city.

What do you think, Aresta? This terrible destructive power must be made public to the world?

And listen to the director's tone.

That person, one side, had already agreed.

Misaka Meghan has a lot of thoughts, whether it is for her future image in the eyes of friends and family, or for the upcoming battle, which makes her have an unspeakable worry and panic.

It wasn’t just Misaka Misaka who was surprised.

The silence was also slightly startled.

"Aware of being unable to control the situation, and preparing to attract the attention of the whole world, making the situation completely chaotic, so you can hide behind the scenes and re-plan?" Silently watching the man hanging upside down, quietly reading his Thought, but found his thoughts began to be extremely chaotic, as if mixed with countless personalities.

Even you may be aware of your mind.

Silence rubbed his forehead.

Aresta has the ability to differentiate. He has sealed various possibilities into his body, or a child, or an old man, or a woman, with a total of 1,083,929,800. Sixty-seven kinds.

If he forces himself into a state of division of thought.

At the current level of silent strength, there is no way to predict his possible actions. Maybe a plan to open the table like a madman in open battle was just devised by a madman like Aresta.

A few worlds come down.

Aresta is definitely the most ugly person he encountered.


The corners of silence rose slightly, and he had no need to predict Yaresta's plan and purpose.

No matter how powerful this person is, he definitely can't think of his purpose. He just wants more players and more employees.

And Arresta regarded him as a potential threat, uncertain variable, and even hesitated to involve the whole world in his opponent.

There is an essential gap between the two.

"Let's make trouble, let's make fun of it." The silence screamed with a bit of anticipation, "If it's not a big deal, wouldn't I be in vain."

Silence no longer cares about what Aresta wants to do, he focuses his attention on more potential players or potential employees.

At this time, the outside world has completely exploded.

Ordinary people are only interested in a variety of discussions that are full of expectations and expectations, but this is a superpower war with the nature of performance and research. However, politicians in various countries are closely analyzing the deep meaning behind the behavior of the academy city.

Demonstration or weakness?

What is the purpose and what do you want to get?

In the eyes of the magician, there is no second answer.

-This is provocation.

Naked provocation.

The magical side and the academy city representing the science side were originally hostile camps. The hostile camps suddenly took out the two most powerful "weapons" for combat simulation. The meaning is like the Cold War countries’ military exercises. The purpose is only Can be provocative and deterring.


In a church in Britain, a man and a woman pushed the door in and there was a woman who seemed to be praying.

The woman has long, silky blonde hair and a very gentle expression. She looks like a girl about eighteen years old.

But her identity is a famous big man on the magic side.

The largest bishop of Puritanism-Lola Stewart.

"Master Bishop." the woman who came in said.

She has long black waist-length hair, wearing worn jeans that reveals a slender thigh, plus a T-shirt tied with a knot on the upper abdomen, and a tall and proud figure, which is enough to attract any man. look.

It can be described as a dress with a high degree of lust.

But I didn't feel any frivolity on my face, but rather serious.

"Cracked." Lola turned her head and shouted her name intimately. "You all see the news, over the school city."

"A matchup between the two superpowers who are tied for the first place." Following the red-haired man next to the fissure, Steele slowly took a breath. "Although we are in the honeymoon period with the academy city, there have been Good cooperation, but this is still a good opportunity to obtain superpower intelligence that cannot be ignored."

The meaning of Steele is obvious.

We will once again sneak into the city of the academy to do a survey.

He would not admit that he wanted to take a look at Inticus by the way.

"Actually--" Lola pulled a few voices, looked at the two of them, and smiled, "School City sent us an invitation."

"Invite?" Steele froze.

"Yes, invite us Puritan to watch." Lola nodded.

Both Still and Silent Fireweaver were silent.

This is obviously not normal.

Even if their relationship is harmonious now, they are still a natural opposition.


The academy city is very confident and is ready to give the magic side a big shock or deterrence.

"Let's go." Shenhuo Huozhi took the initiative to please tassel.

"Indeed, if the others go, they may be in danger." Lola nodded.

As one of the only twenty "sages" in the The power of the fierce fireweaver is undoubtedly standing at the top of the world and is a deterrent character on the magic side. What kind of ideas does Garden City have? There is room for leisure.

"I'll go too," Steele said immediately.

"No." But Lola shook her head. "I have extra tasks for you, and the rest of the denominations or magical associations may send people. In that kind of chaotic scene, with your strength, maybe It will drag the hind legs."

This remark is merciless.

"..." Steele wrote anger directly on his face.

The pale red pupil stared at his archbishop with some dangerous eyes, and seemed to want to do something dangerous.

However, she was ignored by Lola.

"I have an accidental message here." Lola bit the word accident very hard. "Fragmented. After you get there, someone from us will lead you to the message "Jianzidian"." Do some research."

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