Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 1029: : Let your family members try

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Freya has offended many gods because of her style.

However, it is undeniable that she is indeed a very powerful goddess, and even awe-inspiring to a certain extent, because you don't know when you will be influenced and controlled by her imperceptibly.

But this is such a goddess.

At this moment, even the position of God was deprived.

Under the eyes of this existence, all the scheming looks extremely ridiculous, and Freya shouldn't just speak, as if everything has been seen through.

For a while, all the gods tightened their minds.

Don't dare to think about anything at all.

"I've told you what I'm here for." The silence is still the look of laziness. There is no care about Freya who is still kneeling at his feet and dare not get up. Her eyes are also casual." I want to build a dungeon, and I need your advice and...your labor."

Silence has decided to take these gods into the labor force of the Chamber of Commerce.

To create a new headquarters that integrates various functions.

Of course, it will not be so fast.

And this time, creating dungeons to select inspectors is an opportunity.

"That..." Loki raised his hand, "Honorable Father, if you just want to create a dungeon, it seems that you only need the three elements of monsters, places, and rewards."

Some gods looked at Loki in surprise.

Not because of what she said.

Rather, she was surprised that she dared to be the first to speak.

Loki's reputation is not particularly good among the gods.

What surprised many gods even more was that Silence expressed appreciation for Loki.

"Yes." Silent touched Feiju in his arms. "The dungeon I want is not just fighting, but also the cultivation of other abilities, such as wisdom, character, spirituality-I want to use This time, I will select some priests from among my people."

"Priest?" Many gods were taken aback, but they understood the meaning of the silent words.

In this case, the dungeon really can't just be a simple battle.

I'm afraid it needs to be adjusted according to the requirements of this Lord God Father. seems very interesting!

The eyes of some gods have lit up.

For these gods who are pursuing entertainment, the "dungeons" mentioned by the silence seem to be beginning to become interesting. They can set various tests for the challengers, whether in terms of ability or spirituality. !

"I think, I already understand that Lord Father invited us over and we need to do something." Hephaestus, the goddess of forging, walked up and said, "If you want to temper your will, I can provide one. The perfect place to test."

Other gods also reacted.

Yes, they all have their own gods, corresponding to almost everything that the world has.

Exercise, beauty, love, war, death...

If they were to design the barriers of the dungeon, the ones that could pass in the end would be the most perfect people, and only such people would be qualified to be the priests of Lord God Father.

"It seems that you already understand." Silently raised his palm, smiling, "Go ahead, you can talk freely."

With the precedents of Loki and Hephaestus, the gods finally let go of the fear in their hearts.

Then began to speak freely.

They used their knowledge and interests to put forward suggestions one after another, and even the gods took the initiative to group all these suggestions together.

Listen in silence, remember, and sometimes sigh.

It's really right to come to this world.

Even if the power of this world is not strong, these gods are true gods.

Just for them, this time is also worth it.

The entire banquet lasted for three days.


Silence finally finalized a rough answer.

"Then, let's start." Standing on the throne for the first time in three days of silence, with the words, vast power gushed out of his body, merged into the world in an instant, and then took control of the world. .

All the gods knelt down in unison, with shocked expressions all over their faces.

Although they respectfully called Silence the "God the Father" for the past three days, some gods even called it "Father" directly.

But this is actually inaccurate.

Silence is not the master of their world after all.

Probably equivalent to an adult who has the same status as his father, or even a higher status than his father.

but now.

Every **** can clearly realize that their world has completely belonged to each other, and this is only a momentary thing, as simple as reaching out and picking an apple from a tree.


Silence is their "natural" "father".

The shock is far from over. Accompanied by silence, he has this world. His power begins to change everything in the world, just like the beginning of the creation of God, everything changes with his of all , The scope of the dungeon needs to be expanded. "

The silent voice fell, and the dungeon grew crazily at this moment, even spreading across the world in an instant.

"The space needs to be reinforced."

"Let there be light."

"The space here needs to be expanded."


Accompanied by silent words, the world was madly transformed, or even re-created.

With the power of silence now, this can be done easily.

He is equivalent to incorporating this world into his "universe".

And these gods are fortunate to be able to truly experience this creation-like change, and everyone except them can't feel anything at all.

Finally, Silence carried out the first step of transforming the underground city of this world.

Why is it just the first step?

Because it needs to be tested.

"Now, summon your family members." Silence sat back on his seat, and the corners of his mouth raised. "Let your family members try this brand new dungeon. People with outstanding performance will become my people. "

When the last sentence was said, even among the gods, there was some uproar.

Not to mention, the only Loki family members who can listen to this world change as waiters.

In the past three days, they have gained a certain understanding of the "subjects" in the silence.

That is the darling of the master.

Possesses the possibility of even becoming a master, possesses more power than gods, possesses an infinite future, and an infinite world will be their stage!

"Bell!" Lori clenched her fists tightly, her face full of excitement, "Be sure to let Bell pass!"

There are many gods who have similar thoughts with her.

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