Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 1027: : No one knows better than me

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Loki's words once again made her family members feel a suffocating feeling.

Is it like a deity to the deities?

Isn't this the possibility of no resistance? if at this moment, an unimaginable boulder was pressed in my heart, making it hard to breathe.

"Huh? It's coming in this direction." Loki's body carried a faint divine brilliance.

At the same time, more than one of her gods is watching here, and almost all the gods are looking in this direction at the same time.

Silence did not hide his figure in the slightest.

Even, he could feel the sight of many gods, all focused on him.

However, what all the gods did not expect was that the silence rushed towards Loki's direction almost without concealment.

"Get ready, everyone." A sweet smile appeared on Loki's face. "He is coming towards us, and you will see with your own eyes a lord greater than a god, that is like the truth. Such a power may be deprived of the mind and soul at the moment of seeing it, and then die of'happy' under an unbearable person."

All of a sudden, Loki's family members were in a mess.

"Don't say such terrible words, OK?"

"My uncle shouldn't die so simply."

"Ouuuu, sister Jian Ji."

"Why come to us!"

Some were panicked, some were frightened, and some were silent, as if one second from the defendant was the end of the world. Even these elites showed strange reactions at this time.

However, no matter what they are doing.

After all, that moment is approaching a little bit.

Even Loki clenched his fists and stared at the door, without saying a word. Even the panicked hall gradually became quiet at this time, so quiet that everyone's gasping sounds were completely. Stopped, some timid people couldn't help closing their eyes, waiting desperately for the last second like a prisoner on the execution ground.

"Squeak--" The sound of the door pushing open.

The brilliance of the magical arts circulated nearby, which was the sight of the gods, but no one dared to come closer.

Riveria opened her eyes wide, and squeezed her staff firmly.

She has made up her mind.

If she really can't escape death, then she will also die in the truth. This is the last glory of a magician.


What was reflected in her azure blue eyes was not the truth.

But a man.

A man who seems to be very ordinary but can not be ignored, with a white cat lying on his shoulders who has been lazily lying on his shoulders. The two beings are close together, as if a unique temperament lingers around him.

This... is the master who suddenly came to this world?

Riveria suddenly wondered if she and others were deceived by her own master god. After all, her master **** seemed to be a **** who could do this kind of thing.

There are also many people who have similar thoughts with her.

But... this thought disappeared without a trace the moment they saw Loki.

It is completely different from them.

At this time, Loki, sweat was gushing out like a waterfall, his body was trembling obviously, the smile on his face could not even be maintained, and his eyes were obviously frightened.

All the others saw were a man and a cat.

But what she saw... was the truth of the universe, the endless power, and the vast galaxy. No language could describe the existence in front of her, and the will of hundreds of millions of years could not resist this tide-like. Reverence and fear.

Puff through.

Loki knelt directly on the ground and lowered his head, which was extremely noble as a god.

If she doesn't do this, she suspects that her will will be wiped out.

Then new gods will be born-this kind of thing could not have happened.

This kind of performance made the rest of the people look at each other. In the end, they knelt down one after another and lowered their heads. Even if they didn't feel anything, they didn't think that the gods would use their dignity. joke.

From beginning to end.

The silence that appeared in front of them didn't say a word.

And Loki's performance also confirmed a silent conjecture.

The gods of this world are indeed the manifestation of rules.

That's why he can still feel his power even when he is silent and doing nothing... this feeling is not even under their control.

"It's a bit troublesome," said silently to himself, and then in the next moment, he concealed his essence.

The authority that tortured many gods gradually dissipated.

But it is limited to rough contact.

The power of this period of silence is the same as the income of the Chamber of Commerce.

"It seems that you already know who I silently walked over and sat on the main seat that originally belonged to Loki.

"Didn't you announce everything as soon as you came?" Rocky raised his head, his expression a bit bitter.

Even if I don’t have the oppressive force just now, but that feeling still remains in my own spirit, like a courtier has met the real king...No, maybe the child has seen the real father , More appropriate.

As the saying goes, your dad is always your dad.

Facing the other side, the father **** who has gathered all the rules in one body.

These gods who only have certain rules and fragments are really just sons.

"In that case, I will be simple and clear." Silent smiled, "I want to build a huge dungeon as a trial for my fearful people. I think that the gods of your world should have enough Experience, that’s why I came here."

The silent words were not just to Loki.

It is also said to all the gods in this world.

Some gods breathed a sigh of relief.

Not to destroy the world.

There are also some gods who realized the opportunity at this moment.

They marveled at the power of silence and rejoiced in the purpose of silence, but at the same time, they also felt what they had always wanted to pursue-fun.

Lords from outside the world, his people, and huge underground cities.

Although it is only a short sentence, all the elements in it add up, and that is unprecedented freshness and predictable interest.

"Then you really came to the right place." Rocky even put all the fears behind her at this moment. She was kind of flattering, and proudly said to Silence, "No one knows dungeons better than me! "

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