Ximenyan still has some understanding of the world of full-time hunters.

The food in Hunter World can indeed be said to be abundant.

However, it is not that easy to obtain.

After all, those rare ingredients are basically in the secret realms and demonic realms of Hunters, or they are also in some forbidden areas.

These places are not accessible to ordinary people.

Therefore, the safest way to enter these places is to become a hunter directly.

But within ten days, it was obviously impossible for him to become a hunter.

After all, it is normal for a general hunter exam to last for more than half a month after it officially begins.

Not to mention having to register for the exam in advance.

Apart from being a hunter, the only thing you can do is buy it with money.

Although you may not be able to get very rare ones, you can still get a lot of rare ingredients.

However, the cost is very high.

The system does provide world currency conversion services! In other words, the yen in his hand can be converted into ring nuns in the world of Hunter.

Unfortunately, he only had a few million yen.

There is no way to buy many rare ingredients.

Coupled with transportation problems, you may end up with only a small amount of ingredients.

After returning to the rental house, Ximenyan grasped the information about the full-time hunter and began to think about ways to complete the system’s tasks.

Soon, Ximenyan formulated two strategies.

First, after becoming a full-time hunter, if it is relatively close to the Sky Arena, then he will go directly to the Sky Arena.

You have to know that if you fight to level 200, you can probably get 200 million ring nuns. The purchasing power of ring nuns in Full-time Hunter World is about the same as that of Japanese yen.

Therefore, 200 million ring nuns can also purchase a lot of ingredients. At least it is easy to complete the system’s purchasing tasks.

Of course, if you want to reach the 200th floor, you need strong strength.

With his current combat power of 5, he might not even be able to reach the first level. After all, he is a 5-level scumbag now.

However, he still has gourmet cells that he has not used yet.

Then coupled with the natural rice and grape spider eggs he left behind, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Even if you don’t have the strength to reach 200 floors, as long as you won’t be stumped by the first few dozen floors.

He can completely use the money he earns to buy delicious food to quickly improve his strength.

Of course, in this way, he obviously does not have 200 million gin to buy food ingredients.

However, as long as the system’s procurement tasks can be completed.

Second, if it is too far from the Sky Arena.

Then just inquire about nearby prohibited areas and sneak in there.

This approach is somewhat risky.

But with no other option, he had no choice but to take a risk.


And now, of course, what he wants to do is to use gourmet cells!

Take out a test tube from the system. Inside the test tube is a golden liquid.

According to the system, as long as he drinks it, the food cells will be integrated into his body and transform his body.

However, this process requires a lot of energy.

The system doesn’t say at all how much energy is required.

So, despite the natural rice and grape spider eggs.

Ximenitis still feels a little unsafe.

Fortunately, this did not trouble Ximenitis.

Ximenyan first cooked the remaining natural rice and grape spider eggs.

Natural rice balls are formed into rice balls, and grape spider eggs are spread apart.

Then put it into the food space.

Afterwards, Ximenyan came out of the rental house and took a ta

Then we came to the largest and most luxurious buffet restaurant in Tokyo!

The meal cost of 30,000 yen is enough to show how rich the ingredients here are.

After paying the fee, come to your seat.

Ximenyan quickly served a large amount of delicious food and quickly filled his stomach to eighty cents.

Then he took out the gourmet cells and drank it.

Suddenly, Ximenyan felt that his body began to change.

His body began to heat up, but it did not make him feel uncomfortable. Instead, he felt very comfortable, as if he was immersed in warm water of a suitable temperature, and his whole body was warm.

But then, Ximenyan felt that the food he had just eaten was being digested quickly.

He felt hungry.

Quickly pick up the prepared food and eat it.

However, Ximenyan felt that the speed he ate could not keep up with his digestion speed.

The feeling of hunger became more and more intense.

Ximenyan thought quickly.

Soon Ximenyan stuffed food into his mouth with his right hand and took out an egg from his pocket with his left hand. It was a grape spider egg.

Of course, the action of taking it out of his pocket was actually to hide it from others. In fact, he took it out from the food space.

Pop a grape spider egg into your mouth.

Chewing slightly, Ximenyan suddenly felt his body shake, and all the muscles in his body swelled.

Of course, in contrast, there is a stronger sense of hunger.

So Ximenitis can only continue to pick out grape spider eggs from its ‘pocket’.

As the last grape spider egg entered his mouth.

Ximenyan felt as if a sense of satisfaction was coming from his cells.

But my stomach is still hungry.

Ximenitis can only continue to eat.

But just like at the beginning, the speed of his eating could not keep up with the speed of digestion.

Helpless, Ximenyan could only take out a natural rice ball from his ‘pocket’ again.


Because of the exaggerated eating habits of Ximenitis.

Many diners in the cafeteria couldn’t help but look at Ximenyan.

Some people even kept bringing food to Ximenyan just to see how much Ximenyan could eat.

However, after seeing Ximenyan eating with one hand and taking out eggs and rice balls from his pocket with the other hand.

The expressions of many diners were a little nervous.

Even though he had taken out more than a dozen eggs, he could still take out rice balls one after another!

Is this pocket some kind of fourth-dimensional pocket?

Except for those magical pockets, of course.

The changes in Ximenitis itself can also be said to be very alarming.

Although the body that originally looked a bit thin has not become bulky, the muscles have begun to show, and it looks strong.

And the original black hair gradually turned red as Ximenyan ate more.

In addition, Ximenitis feels a little stinging near the right eye.

But the cause of Ximenitis is not very clear.

But the diners who were paying attention to Ximenyan saw that three scars suddenly appeared on Ximenyan’s right eye.

It made Ximen Yan, who was originally somewhat delicate, look a little more domineering.

After eating twenty or thirty natural rice balls in a row, plus other foods, Ximenyan finally felt that his stomach was full.

There was no time to check its own changes.

Ximen Yan ran out quickly amid the curious inquiries from many diners and the look in the buffet owner’s eyes that wanted to knife someone.

Many people wanted to stop him and ask, but Ximenyan’s strength made it impossible for them to stop him.

After returning to the rental house, Ximenyan began to look at his own changes.

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