Wang Zhan's myopia was completely cured, and even he felt that his vision was definitely more than 2.0, which was unprecedentedly clear, so he was reluctant to go back to the bedroom immediately.

The eye is a window for a person to connect with the world, but also a window for a person's soul, it is said that everyone sees the world is different, among which the eye is the most critical, what the eye sees, feedback to the brain, in the ...... of thinking

Seeing is the most critical step, seeing is believing, seeing the world, enriching experience, in fact, is to see more of the world, to see the appearance, to see the essence, to see the root, only to see the surface first, and then pass on the brain, deep thinking, through processing, research to see the essence of ......

The essence is generally not directly seen with the eyes, but to see the essence, you can't skip looking at the appearance, and looking at the appearance of the eye is the best way.

Wang Fang walked slowly, his eyesight changed, everything around him became cute, beautiful, and novel, and his mood became inexplicably better.

Back in the dormitory, everyone else was there.

"Hmm, fourth, you don't wear glasses?" Bai Lang looked at Wang Fang in surprise.

Wang Fang's myopia glasses were very conspicuous and thick, but now he doesn't wear glasses, and he is noticed all of a sudden.

"Tsk, I didn't find that the fourth child's eyes are quite bright, how do I feel that the fourth child who doesn't wear glasses is still a little handsome, it's strange. Cao Hu was also very interested.

In fact, Wang Fang has unconsciously undergone some changes, such as physically, although he still looks thin, he actually has a little muscle.

The strengthening of the physique, the strength and spirit in the body, the standing posture and posture have changed a little, but it is difficult for everyone to notice when they meet every day.

As for muscles, Wang Fang was originally very thin, and as long as young people are thin, they can't say that they all have abdominal muscles, but as long as they roll down their abdomen slightly, they will have the outline of abdominal muscles, and they will have abdominal muscles with a little exercise.

All this is not as big as the change that Wang Bang took down his eyes.

It can be said that even the people in the dormitory have never seen Wang Bang without myopia glasses.

Taken down the thick myopia glasses, the whole person's spirit and appearance have changed a lot, the original delicate appearance, plus a pair of delicate and bright eyes, natural and kind, myopia is good, and the eyes have become bright and energetic.

"The fourth child is a handsome guy without glasses, and he is a little worse than me. Bai Lang circled around Wang Bang and gave an evaluation.

"The third, you don't have to be so shameless, seriously, the fourth child is more handsome than you when you take off your glasses. "Cao Hu hits Bai Lang.

"That's true. King Kong also interjected at this time.

Because of the changes after Wang Bang removed the myopia glasses, people didn't bother to ask why he didn't wear myopia glasses.

In fact, there are not many people who generally care about wearing myopia glasses or not, and they can't wear them naturally if they can't see clearly, and they can't wear them if they don't want to wear them if they are not myopia.

Classes will continue as usual on Monday!

Wang Zhan's changes still make many people notice, whether people are good-looking or not, the most important thing is those eyes, if the eyes are good-looking, this person will not be ugly.

Especially some girls, they will be curious to see his ......

Wang Fang naturally looked in the mirror, to be honest, he doesn't particularly like his face, a little delicate, he prefers to make his face a little wilder, a little harder, a little more angular, if there is a little more good-looking stubble, it would be better.

He felt that he was now a little inclined to that kind of little milk dog, and he didn't like this kind of dog, and he had to be a wolf dog when he was a dog.


Ah, Xiao Fang, have you become handsome? No, what about your glasses?" Li Xiao said with a glint in his eyes after seeing Wang Fang.

The change in Wang Fang is still a bit big, and the changes that can be seen at a glance, Li Xiao is really surprised, he used to think that Wang Fang has the potential of a little milk dog, but he doesn't grow enough milk ......

But now it's different, it's just the standard milk dog in your imagination.

Li Xiao has no scruples, stretching out her hand and pinching and kneading.

Wang Fang was like a chicken in a storm at this time, looking at King Kong for help: "Help." "

Being treated like this, even if the other party is a beauty queen, it's not happy, this is the way to children, how can you like it.

King Kong rubbed his head and grabbed Li Xiao.

Many people around looked here, and Li Xiao didn't care.

Wang Fang saw the little dragon man beside Li Xiao again.

Bedwetting monster level 5, special monster, you can fight after getting confirmed.

Wang Fang wanted to ask King Kong if he knew that his girlfriend was wetting the bed,

but he was afraid of asking questions.

This kind of thing asks questions 100% ......

It's so hard to do something good.

"Sister, you have a monster on you, can I fight it?" Wang Zhan said suddenly.

"Yes!" Li Xiao said nonchalantly.

Wang Fang was stunned, was it so happy, but he understood, it was a joke, she thought she was joking with her.

But Wang Fang doesn't care about that.

Look at the little dragonman.

Bedwetting monster level 5,Special monster,Fight after getting confirmed。

Li Xiao said yes, but he couldn't fight.

That is, the information is inaccurate.

But with this experience, Wang Fang feels that there is a way.

"I'll treat you to soup in the evening, second brother, and use the house you rented. "Wang Zhan must show this ability, and the road will be a little easier in the future.

"Soup?" Cao Hu looked at Wang Fang suspiciously.

"Well, I made it myself, the secret soup, and I don't spread it, so I promise you won't regret it. "

Will there be dead people?" Cao Hu asked very seriously.

Wang Fang: "I'll prepare, remember to come then, sister, everything has to be pushed, there are surprises." Wang

Bang knew that as long as he said so, Li Xiao would definitely come.

In fact, he said that it was because of Li Xiao that he got this health soup out early in advance.

"Need help?" Bai Lang asked.

"Yes!" Wang said with a smile.

"Can I not ask?" Bai Lang was actually just a kind word.

"After eating, accompany me to buy ingredients, and I have to boil them for an afternoon, and I can drink them at that time. After

eating at noon, he took the key to Cao Hu's house outside the school and left with the reluctant Bai Lang.

Beef bones, wolfberries, red dates, walnuts, etc., surprised Bai Lang.

"Are you really?"

"Nonsense. "

Do you really know how to make soup?" can you drink it?" Bai Lang asked suspiciously.

"It can definitely be drunk, and it is very delicious, nutritious, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the liver, men will cry when they drink it, and women will be silent when they drink it. "

The sullen and wavey side of otaku will only be expressed among the most familiar friends.

"Do you want to buy ginseng?deer antlers?Are you sure you won't poison us to death?" Bai Lang couldn't be calm.

Ginseng is so cheap, deer antler velvet is so cheap, buy it by catty.

Bai Lang knows that poison does not die, these things are artificially planted, and it is said that it is ginseng, and it is estimated that the effect is not much stronger than that of large radish.

Because of the inculcation of the knowledge of the secret health soup, Wang Fang can also distinguish the medicinal properties, and find some ones with a little medicinal power, and the things to buy by the pound can't be too demanding, there are good ones, but he can't afford to buy ......

Besides, he only asked for a good drink, and this time he pulled Bai Lang just to let him be a witness, his soup was not only delicious at that time, but there were a lot of good things in it.

This soup will be an introduction in the future, of course, it can add physique, and it is still very effective, but the main means is to kill monsters and treat them.

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