Start as a top student and move towards the stars and the sea

Chapter 396 I can no longer face Ning Chen

But at the same time, such changes also made Ning Chen's previous expectations gradually come to nothing.

It was originally very difficult to reach the height of the quantum cloud network, but the reduction in experimental intensity continued to widen the gap between them.

Ning Chen knew that there were still many unresolved problems, but after all, not everyone was like himself, with extremely strong physical fitness that could bear the high-intensity test of biocomputer technology 24 hours a day.

Ning Chen could only use limited experimental materials to gradually solve these problems one after another, striving to restore Xingchen Technology to its former peak.


With the completion of a phase of human clinical trials, many important progresses have been made in the technological research and development of human biocomputers.

Most of the experimenters who participated in the experiment were able to maintain a working status of more than ten hours a day and complete various tasks assigned to them by the project team.

Ning Chen also successfully used everyone's brain bio-computer to construct a new computer cloud network to jointly solve some more complex problems.

However, at the same time, the research on this project also has many shortcomings.

This is a rare project that did not achieve Ning Chen’s expected research results. Compared with Ning Chen’s goals, the actual results achieved by the project were only about half of Ning Chen’s goals.

Such actual effects are still far from replacing the previous quantum cloud network.

Although due to the leakage of Google's "Quantum Ghost", the whole world cannot use the quantum cloud network. Relatively speaking, as long as Star Technology can develop new technologies for biological computers, its relative position in the world's technological field will still not change. .

However, Ning Chen will not be satisfied with this "relative status" lead. For Ning Chen, this is still a technological regression, and there will be a wider gap between the goal of establishing a scientific research base on the moon.

However, Ning Chen's dissatisfaction could not play any role. After all, the life of every experimenter was very precious. Since an accident had occurred, Ning Chen could not continue to take risks on this project.

"If that doesn't work, let me spend more of my brainpower on Xingchen Technology's computer cloud network to help the company share some of the pressure."

This will have a certain impact on Ning Chen's normal research work, but under such circumstances, Ning Chen has no better choice.

Song Xiyun saw Ning Chen's anxiety and knew that Ning Chen was anxious because of dissatisfaction with the progress of the project. She couldn't help but want to do something to help Ning Chen, but she felt a little powerless.

Although Song Xiyun is an expert in mathematics and information science, compared with Ning Chen, Song Xiyun's ability is very insignificant.

Just when Song Xiyun was thinking about how to use her power to help Ning Chen, Song Xiyun suddenly thought of a way.

"If it weren't for the reduction in the intensity and daily experimental time of human clinical trials... maybe the results of the experiments would be much better than they are now."

Recalling the experiments of these days, Song Xiyun keenly noticed the turning point in the experimental process.

It was precisely because of the coma of one of the experimenters during the experiment that day that Ning Chen became much more cautious.

Ning Chen's caution was a bit excessive, because in general human clinical experiments, some abnormal situations are inevitable.

Song Xiyun felt that there was no need for Ning Chen to be so cautious. At least for someone like herself, who had excellent physical fitness, there was absolutely no problem in increasing the intensity of the experiment.

"How about...for the next experiment, I will increase the intensity of the experiment privately."

Although the control of the experimental intensity was personally controlled by the staff of the project team, Song Xiyun was basically aware of the reasons.

As a top mathematics and computer expert, Song Xiyun has a very good foundation. During the chat with Ning Chen, Song Xiyun also learned a lot about the details of biocomputer technology.

What's more, some of the ideas for this technology were originally provided by Song Xiyun, and these ideas also helped Ning Chen gain a lot of inspiration.

After some analysis, Song Xiyun has found a way to increase the intensity of her experiments.

"As long as these biological programs are modified like this... I can completely increase the intensity of the experiment to suit my situation."

Song Xiyun estimated that her physical fitness could increase the intensity of the current experiment by three to four times. This was the working power of Song Xiyun's brain under full load.

In order to prevent her private adjustment of the intensity of the experiment from being discovered immediately, Song Xiyun even added several layers of passwords. Even Ning Chen would not be able to crack all these passwords immediately in a short period of time.

After making this decision, Song Xiyun felt much more comfortable.

"If my next experiment can be successful, it will definitely help Ning Chen obtain more valuable experimental materials. And... even if I do have any problems because of this, there is actually nothing to worry about."

Song Xiyun believed that with Ning Chen's ability, even if Song Xiyun had any accident, Ning Chen would be able to cure her.

Song Xiyun also knew about the affairs of the former commander's father. Ning Chen could easily solve even such a world-class difficult and complicated disease. This shows that as long as it is something he wants to do, even if it is not Ning Chen's previous main research direction, it can be done easily. It won't really stump Ning Chen.

Of course, Song Xiyun also thought about the worst outcome.

If Song Xiyun really suffers from permanent illness or even dies from this...

Song Xiyun is indeed a little worried or even afraid of such a situation, but thinking that this is something that will help Xia Guo and all mankind, Song Xiyun also becomes a lot more relieved.

“I don’t think about it so much anymore, it’s decided like this!”

After struggling for a while, Song Xiyun no longer hesitated and decided to increase the intensity of her experiments starting tomorrow.

The next day, when she arrived at the experimental site for human clinical experiments, Song Xiyun started a new day of experiments as if nothing had happened.

But in fact, before arriving, Song Xiyun had quietly increased the intensity of the experiment, adjusting her brain power to twice that of others.

And this kind of experimental intensity was just Song Xiyun's original goal. The experimental intensity Song Xiyun ultimately wanted to achieve was four times the brain power of other people.

Of course, Song Xiyun also understands the principle of gradual progress. He will not increase the intensity too much right away, but will let his brain gradually adapt to the increase in intensity.

Because Song Xiyun has set up a simulated biological program feedback mechanism in it, which can allow Song Xiyun's brain to feedback information similar to before, preventing the experimenter from easily discovering abnormalities.

After being prepared, Song Xiyun focused on the experiment itself.

After the intensity of the experiment increased, Song Xiyun could clearly feel that her brain became more excited.

However, this kind of intensity is still completely bearable for Song Xiyun. After all, it is only slightly higher than the intensity of the experiment before Ning Chen revised the experimental plan.

After two days of adaptation, Song Xiyun decided to continue to increase the intensity of the experiment to three times that of others.

What made Song Xiyun feel a little lucky was that no one else knew about her private changes to the experimental plan.

When Ning Chen routinely inquired about the status of everyone's experiments, he only asked a few more questions about Song Xiyun, but found no obvious abnormalities.

After tripling the intensity of the experiment, Song Xiyun felt that the excitement in her brain had increased a lot, and her entire body had become tired.

With Song Xiyun's physical strength, she could complete the marathon within three hours, but in comparison, Song Xiyun felt that the current intensity was even greater than that of the marathon.

However, Song Xiyun did not give up easily, and continued to persevere through gritted teeth. After a few days, Song Xiyun finally adapted to the new intensity of the experiment.

"Three times the intensity of the experiment...that's all. It seems that my physical fitness is indeed much stronger than ordinary people."

While the experiment was going on, Song Xiyun was also recording and analyzing the real experimental data every day. Because this was a decision he made privately, Song Xiyun did not dare to tell Ning Chen about it right now, otherwise Ning Chen would definitely let him know. I stopped the experiment immediately.

Therefore, Song Xiyun could only secretly analyze the experimental data by herself, and then report the real experimental data to Ning Chen after the experiment was over.

In the process of analyzing these experimental data, Song Xiyun did obtain some new gains, but these data could not be obtained under the original experimental intensity.

Until this day, when Ning Chen passed by Song Xiyun, he felt something abnormal.

This abnormality was not because Ning Chen found something wrong with the experimental data, but more of a subconscious reaction.

During the interval of the experiment, Ning Chen tentatively asked Song Xiyun:

"Song Xiyun, did you have any abnormal reactions during the recent experiment?"

When Ning Chen suddenly asked her this question, Song Xiyun also felt a little unsure, so she could only pretend to be calm and said:

"It's okay. It's just that I ran a little too much during the night run yesterday and my body feels a little tired."

This was naturally just an excuse used by Song Xiyun to fend off Ning Chen. Song Xiyun was not sure whether Ning Chen had really discovered anything, but Song Xiyun was quite confident in the simulation data model she had created.

This simulation data model does not mechanically feed back some similar data, but uses the previous data as a model to simulate the data very realistically.

Song Xiyun secretly prayed that even Ning Chen might not be able to find any clues from these data.

Fortunately, after Ning Chen took stock of Song Xiyun's condition, he did not find anything too abnormal. He just said to Song Xiyun:

"Song Xiyun, our experiments during the day are already very intense. This is not only a huge test for our brains, but also a huge test for the entire body. Of course you can continue to run at night, but there is no need to run too much."

"Okay, Ning Chen, I understand."

Naturally, Song Xiyun would not refute Ning Chen's words. Song Xiyun was very lucky to be able to prevent Ning Chen from discovering the abnormality.

After the day's experiment ended, Song Xiyun felt a little scared when she returned home in the evening.

"No... If this continues, Ning Chen will soon discover my abnormal condition."

Song Xiyun knew that Ning Chen's insight was far beyond that of ordinary people. This time, she was able to hide from Ning Chen not only because of the very realistic data model, but also because of a lot of luck.

Song Xiyun decided that she must continue to increase the intensity of the experiment to four times tomorrow, otherwise, she might never have another chance.

At this time, Song Xiyun already had some ominous premonitions, because she had increased the intensity of the experiment a bit too quickly. Song Xiyun was a little worried that even with her own physical fitness, she might not be able to withstand such an increase in intensity.

But now Song Xiyun has no way out. She can only edit an email first to prevent herself from having such an opportunity again.

In Song Xiyun's email, she explained her reasons for doing so, and appended all the real experimental data during this period, as well as her own analysis results.

Finally, Song Xiyun expressed some of her innermost thoughts, hoping that Ning Chen could help her realize her last wish after reading this email.

Song Xiyun sets this email to be sent at a scheduled time the next night. If something unexpected happens to her, then this email can be sent automatically. If there is nothing abnormal about herself, then Song Xiyun can cancel this email tomorrow night. , and then modify the scheduled email sending time.

After completing all these tasks, Song Xiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, now I actually have some hope that something unexpected will happen to me." Song Xiyun said with a wry smile.

Because if she was fine and Ning Chen found out that she was cheating on Ning Chen, Song Xiyun would have no idea how to face Ning Chen.

Over the years, no one has dared to falsify experimental data like me, even if everything Song Xiyun did was entirely out of good intentions.

The next day, Song Xiyun continued to the experimental site as usual. On the surface, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual, but the mood is completely different from before.

The ominous premonition became stronger, but Song Xiyun had already set four times the intensity of the experiment, and there was no way to undo it at this time.

As the experiment began, Song Xiyun soon felt an increase in brain load.

"Four times the intensity of the experiment... is indeed a bit reluctant for me now." Song Xi Yunxin said.

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