Although some customers may be willing to book a Xingchen car without a test drive, for most people, they definitely need to experience it themselves before deciding whether to actually buy a Xingchen car.

After all, even the ordinary version of the Xingchen car is priced at more than 200,000 yuan. It is impossible for many ordinary people to buy this car directly without experiencing this car.

The car conference finally ended, and Ning Chen returned to the backstage, feeling a little tired.

In fact, after being strengthened through evolution points, Ning Chen's physical fitness has become very good. However, this press conference not only tests a person's physical fitness, but also his mental and on-the-spot reaction ability.

In terms of experience in this area, Ning Chen is not as good as Lu Minghao. Fortunately, everyone is very tolerant of Ning Chen, and Ning Chen even has an extra filter in their eyes.

"Mr. Ning, your explanation just now was really great. Since you came on stage, the popularity of our live broadcast room has more than doubled."

"Yes, in the future, Mr. Ning will need to speak more on occasions like this in order to attract more customers' attention."

"We definitely don't have to worry about the sales of Xingchen Auto this time. Given Mr. Ning's performance today, anyone who wants to buy a car will definitely consider Xingchen Auto."

At this time, Lu Minghao also came over and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, the biggest regret of this car conference is that I should not have started the show first, but Mr. Ning should have finished the entire explanation. I guess when I was explaining, everyone could not wait for Mr. Ning to come up. "

Facing everyone's praise, Ning Chen said helplessly:

"Okay, are you trying to exhaust me to death? In the future, I will have to rely on you to support scenes like this. I still prefer to be a behind-the-scenes worker."

Ning Chen really doesn't like this kind of frequent appearance in public, but Ning Chen has a very strong desire for project funds, so he is willing to actively participate in these activities.

When the Xingchen Automobile project stabilizes, Ning Chen will continue to focus on scientific research as before.

Soon, it was past midnight, and with the arrival of time, reservations for Xingchen cars officially started.

In an instant, tens of thousands of users poured into the official website of Xingchen Technology, scrambling to make reservations.

Depending on the price of the three Xingchen cars, the deposit paid ranges from 10,000 to 50,000, and if you regret the purchase of the car later, the deposit cannot be returned.

But even so, more than 10,000 users soon completed the deposit payment without worrying about any subsequent problems that might arise.

"Mr. Ning...the pre-sale volume of our Xingchen car has exceeded 10,000 units!"

After hearing the news, Ning Chen felt very incredible.

In fact, Ning Chen had certain psychological expectations for such a number, but Ning Chen simply couldn't believe that this number was reached just a few minutes after the pre-sale started.

Many car companies may not be able to sell such a large number of cars in a month, and Xingchen Automobile is only a newly established car company, and there is not even a single car on the market yet.

After everyone celebrated briefly, they realized some other problems.

"Mr. Ning, our car reservations are still increasing. If this continues, our supply speed may not be able to support the reservations, resulting in shipment defaults..."

Ning Chen also thought of the same question. After a quick calculation in his mind, he firmly said to the people around him:

"Let's first limit the reservation quantity of Xingchen cars to 50,000 vehicles. If it exceeds this number, reservation quotas will no longer be open. In addition, we will increase the resource investment in our automobile production line to ensure that our automobile production speed can be increased as fast as possible. "

In fact, if there are no problems with Xingchen Automobile's production line, Xingchen Automobile's production capacity can be higher than this number, but Ning Chen is a little worried that some unexpected situations will occur during the actual production process.

Ning Chen didn't want to have a serious shortage of supply capacity at the beginning. Even though some companies very much hoped for this kind of "hungry marketing" situation, Ning Chen didn't think so.

If you want to truly gain user satisfaction and allow users to support the company's products from the bottom of their hearts, you must not always be unable to buy the ideal product in a short period of time.

Just ten minutes later, the number of reservations for Xingchen cars reached 50,000. At the same time, those users who were making reservations suddenly received a message that the supply was insufficient.

Seeing this news reminder, they also felt very unexpected, and at the same time they felt regretful for their hesitation just now.

In fact, they had not just opened the official website of Xingchen Technology, but had been waiting in front of the computer for a long time, but they were a little hesitant about booking a Xingchen car.

After all, this car has just held a press conference, and they have not yet made any conclusions about the real experience of Xingchen Car.

But how could they have imagined that everyone was so enthusiastic about Xingchen Cars that in just over ten minutes, the number of reservations for Xingchen Cars reached the upper limit.

Disappointed, they can only rely on waiting for Xingchen Auto's 4S store to open for test drive experience, go for the test drive earlier, and prepare earlier before the next car reservation starts, so as not to miss this again opportunity.

Early the next morning, the discussion about Xingchen Auto became lively again. Everyone was talking about the sudden deadline for reservations for Xingchen Auto last night.

Those users who have successfully reserved a Star Car feel very lucky, because this means that they will be the first lucky few to own a Star Car.

Of course, some people are not optimistic about the prospects of Xingchen Automobile and believe that paying the deposit too early will be a very risky behavior.

At this time, Xingchen Technology announced a new news.

"Xingchen Auto's first 4S store, Shengzhou Xingchen Auto 4S store, will officially open today. Everyone is welcome to come here to participate in the test drive of the car."

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Because before this, Xingchen Technology had not announced any information about the opening of any 4S stores. Many people thought that these 4S stores were still under construction and might not be open to the public in a few months.

In fact, several 4S Xingchen Automobile 4S stores have completed construction, but no specific opening date has been determined.

The sudden opening of the 4S store in Shengzhou was also a temporary decision made by Ning Chen.

Immediately, many Shengzhou locals drove or took taxis to the address of this 4S store.

After a while, hundreds of people came to the 4S store, which even caused congestion on nearby roads.

The staff of the Xingchen Auto 4S store had already made preparations. After everyone came to the store, they registered everyone and sorted the order of test drives.

Because there were so many people coming to the scene, some people who came late could no longer participate in the test drive quickly, but even just watching the test drive process of this car at the scene was satisfying enough. .

As the test drive began, everyone gradually felt the charm of this star car.

"I didn't expect that it would be so beautiful to drive the Xingchen car up close. This car is like a work of art. It's really more stunning than the pictures I saw online."

"The feeling of sitting inside the Xingchen car is really wonderful. This car is not just beautiful on the outside, but a model that is both beautiful and beautiful inside and out."

"If I had known that Xingchen Automobile was so good, I should have reserved one at midnight last night. Compared with other new energy vehicles, Xingchen Automobile is really unique!"

Soon, the driving experience of Xingchen Cars spread enthusiastically on the Internet, causing a very strong word-of-mouth effect.

This is also the reason why Ning Chen suddenly opened the 4S store for car test drives. In Ning Chen's eyes, no matter how much the company promotes its products, it is not as good as word of mouth among users.

As the saying goes, user reputation is the best trophy. If the product itself is not outstanding enough, no matter how much resources are spent on promotion, it will be in vain.

The spontaneous discussions among these users have once again created a new wave of enthusiasm for Xingchen Cars, making many people eager to pre-order Xingchen Cars.

Some users even came to the 4S store and asked if these test-drive cars could be purchased.

Normally, no one is willing to buy these test-drive cars, because they have been driven by many people, and in terms of value, they are equivalent to second-hand cars.

But under the situation where Xingchen cars are hard to find, they are willing to do something that they would never do normally. Anyway, these Xingchen cars have not been driven for a few days, and they are essentially the same as new cars.

Of course, all of these users' requests were politely rejected by the staff. After all, Xingchen Technology was promoting these test-driving cars, so it would not kill the goose that lays the goose to lay eggs for some small interests.

And not long after, another piece of good news appeared.

The 50,000 Xingchen cars ordered by the first batch of users have all completed the manufacturing and testing process and will be officially delivered soon.

This speed was beyond the expectations of all users. They had been prepared for a long wait, but they did not expect that the actual delivery date was far ahead of the latest delivery deadline.

They excitedly took their car reservation vouchers to the 4S store of Xingchen Auto to go through the procedures of picking up the car.

Because there are too many users picking up cars in a short period of time, this is a huge test for each 4S store.

There were even many people who did not make an appointment, and they went to the 4S store of Xingchen Automobile in order to experience such a grand scene on the spot, and some network anchors and reporters were also included here.

"I am currently at the Shengzhou 4S store of Xingchen Automobile. As you can see, all the chairs in the 4S store have been filled by people queuing up to go through the delivery procedures of Xingchen Automobile..."

This is a small anchor with only tens of thousands of fans. During normal live broadcasts, there will never be more than a hundred people in the live broadcast room.

But this time, his live broadcast of Xingchen Automobile's 4S store attracted thousands of people to flock to the live broadcast room, which is enough to prove how influential Xingchen Automobile is.

"Look! This gentleman has just completed the procedures for picking up his car. His happy expression is really enviable! If the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeds 10,000, then I will also pick up a Star Car!"

Even the anchor himself didn't expect that the words he just mentioned casually came true immediately.

Not only did his live broadcast room quickly exceed 10,000 people, but there were also many fans in the live broadcast room who bought him high-end gifts such as rockets to support his purchase of Xingchen cars.

"Thank you to all the handsome guys and beauties in the live broadcast room! When Xingchen Auto starts booking reservations next time, I will definitely reserve one as soon as possible and then do the live broadcast with my brothers!"

After all 50,000 Xingchen cars were delivered, those users who successfully picked up their cars excitedly started driving their cars for the first time.

Compared with other cars, Xingchen cars are not only very easy to drive, but also have lower energy consumption, faster charging speed, and various other better driving experiences.

It didn't take long for them to get used to driving the new car and fall in love with the feel.

These 50,000 Xingchen Auto users spontaneously became Xingchen Auto's new "publicity messengers". Amway launched these three Xingchen Autos on major social platforms.

"I bought a regular version of the Star Car. Although this is only the most basic configuration, it is enough for ordinary people to use. Even the regular version of the Star Car has a very easy-to-use automatic parking function and can The consumption is very low, and overall it is at least one level better than all other new energy vehicle brands.”

"It is no exaggeration to say that these three models can be purchased with your eyes closed, as long as your budget is sufficient."

"I have been worried about the charging problem of Xingchen car before. I didn't expect it to be so convenient to use. As long as it is fully charged once, it will not need to be charged again for a long time. It is also very convenient to find charging piles. If you are in a hurry, you can also choose Just replace the battery directly, and every battery from the battery replacement station is qualified and reliable.”

"I strongly recommend buying the supreme version of the Star Car. It is far more practical than a sports car costing millions, and the level of luxury is not inferior to any luxury car. Only when the value is truly reflected in the performance of the car can The trend of future automobile development.”

With the delivery of the first batch of 50,000 Xingchen cars, reservations for a new batch of Xingchen cars are about to begin.

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