Start as a top student and move towards the stars and the sea

Chapter 361 I will bear the responsibility

Listening to Ning Chen's description of this method, everyone couldn't help but think deeply.

Ning Chen's idea is indeed very bold, and it can be said to have opened up a new way of material synthesis.

"Because this special method of material synthesis needs to simulate various harsh environments in the universe, I temporarily call this method 'cosmic materials science'. For a long time to come, I think this method will It will help us synthesize many new types of materials and enable us to achieve rapid breakthroughs in materials science..."

After listening to Ning Chen's story, the former commander couldn't help but ask:

"Teacher Ning, this method is indeed very exciting, but I still have a question in my mind. For example, even if this method can indeed generate the materials we need, it takes too long to synthesize the materials, and we have How should we deal with this matter?"

The former commander's words made everyone fall silent, because this was indeed a thorny issue.

The formation of some substances requires accumulation over many years. If the material takes tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years to form, it will be impossible to achieve the goal of synthesis in the laboratory.

This is the reason why some substances exist naturally in nature but cannot be synthesized in the laboratory.

Ning Chen naturally thought about this question and answered calmly:

"I have thought about this problem before, and I think it can be solved by changing the conditions of the reaction. It is just like using a pressure cooker to shorten the cooking time of food. As long as the conditions are right, you can definitely find a faster synthesis. In the same material way..."

After a pause, Ning Chen continued:

"Of course, this method may not solve all problems. More solution strategies may have to be summarized slowly in the subsequent research process. In addition to this method, I also have a more direct method. method."

Hearing what Ning Chen said, everyone became interested and quickly asked Ning Chen:

"Teacher Ning, tell me quickly, what exactly is this method?"

“It’s very simple, just go to a place where these materials can be produced, mine them directly, and then process them.”

Ning Chen rarely proposed such a simple and crude method. To put it simply, this method is to directly use the alien planet as a base to mine and process resources.

Of course, this method is not as simple as it sounds, because in order to achieve the ability to mine resources on alien planets, the aerospace technology required is very powerful.

But as long as he has such a goal, Ning Chen believes that one day he will make this wish come true.

"The first thing we need to do now is to verify whether my concept of 'cosmic materials science' really has research value. Our first goal is to develop this 'super titanium' within three months." Successfully produced.”

At this moment, everyone is not fully confident about whether they can achieve this goal, but since Ning Chen has proposed this goal, they will definitely go all out to help Ning Chen achieve this goal.

And Ning Chen would not casually set some difficult-to-achieve goals. According to Ning Chen's estimate, the probability of success of this experiment is still over 80%.

In the following time, Ning Chen, Xu Zhou, Yuan Shuai, Pierce, Sui Feng and others started researching new experimental topics according to Ning Chen's ideas.

This was a great test for them, because no one had done anything similar before, and even the relevant experimental equipment needed to be manufactured from scratch.

Fortunately, Ningchen has Xingchen Technology as its support, and these problems are not fundamentally unsolvable.

In a few days, Ning Chen solved the problem of the experimental equipment and quickly started the experiment.

The initial experiment was not easy, because under the extreme experimental conditions, the synthesis of substances became more difficult, and the ideal phase change structure could not be easily realized.

However, Ning Chen and others did not feel discouraged. Instead, they continued to summarize various experimental data and analyze the reasons.

After everyone's analysis, Ning Chen and others found the main reason for the failure of the experiment.

"In fact, we should not mechanically simulate the extreme environment on the moon. Only some of these environmental factors are beneficial to the synthesis of materials, but there are still many conditions that do not substantially help the synthesis of 'lunar titanium', and even It will have the opposite effect..."

After realizing this problem, Ning Chen quickly changed the experimental plan.

In the new experimental plan, Ning Chen added multiple sets of comparative experiments, striving to screen out experimental conditions that are beneficial and harmful to material synthesis as quickly as possible.

Ning Chen's new experimental plan quickly produced good results, and the specific effects of each experimental condition were revealed one after another.

However, Ning Chen was not in a hurry to start the synthesis experiment of "super titanium" immediately. Instead, he continued to conduct cross-experimental environment screening experiments, hoping to find a better combination of conditions.

Facts have proved that Ning Chen's idea is indeed correct. After hundreds of experiments and screenings, Ning Chen and others finally found the best combination of experimental conditions.

Although such experimental conditions may not be the best results, they are already much more efficient than the natural formation of materials.

After completing these experiments, Ning Chen and others had hope of completing the experimental goals, so they continued the experiments.

After conducting hundreds of sets of experiments, Ning Chen finally observed the special phase change structure he had dreamed of in a scanning electron microscope for the first time.

"You see, this phase change structure is very similar in nature to the phase change structure we found in 'lunar titanium'. This means that we have begun to master some of the know-how in this technology, 'Universe Material science' is not a nihilistic concept anymore..."

Ning Chen was very excited when he saw the ideal experimental phenomenon, and several other people also had a similar mood to Ning Chen.

Although they were only following Ning Chen's footsteps in conducting experiments, every experimental result they created led to technological breakthroughs in materials science around the world.

After briefly venting their suppressed emotions, Ning Chen and others continued the experiment.

Solving this thorny problem made the subsequent experiments much smoother. After constantly modifying the experimental conditions and experimental raw materials, Ning Chen's experimental team finally successfully produced the first "super titanium" product.

After preliminary structural determination, the experimental product is completely consistent with the material structure designed by Ning Chen. The next step is to verify the properties of this material.

In various basic tests, the properties of this material are not very outstanding, and in some aspects, they are even inferior to the properties of ordinary materials.

But Ning Chen was not disappointed because Ning Chen knew that the most critical measurement project had not yet started.

"For this material, the property we are most concerned about is its 'shape memory' ability. Now, we will verify whether this material has this property and how this property is expressed. To such an extent.”

This property is simple to say, but if you want to construct it accurately, there are still a lot of details.

Xu Zhou, Yuan Shuai, Pierce, Sui Feng and others were also curious about how Ning Chen would test this property.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Ning Chen explained his next thoughts.

"Simply put, we need to shape this 'super titanium' material under certain conditions first. Theoretically, when the titanium alloy is subjected to a large impact force, or the temperature changes, etc., it will cause it to produce Deformation, and these deformations may be automatically restored, or may exceed its shape memory limit, resulting in the failure of the shape memory effect. And our 'super titanium' material will have more powerful automatic recovery capabilities, and more Large shape memory limit..."

As he spoke, Ning Chen explained the theoretical basis for his conclusions.

Although this is a completely new research direction, Ning Chen seems to have been studying these theories for many years and can explain these theories in great detail.

"Within this range of conditions, the 'super titanium alloy' material is the most suitable for shaping. The reason is mainly due to its special phase change structure. As long as the shaping of the material is completed under these conditions, you will not want to destroy it. The structure will be very difficult..."

Ning Chen felt that this was like a strong password lock. Unless the correct password was entered, it was basically impossible to destroy this "lock".

Under Ning Chen's leadership, everyone started the next experiment.

Ning Chen and others first adjusted the appropriate environmental conditions and performed shaping processing on the "super titanium alloy" material.

In order to make the experimental phenomenon more obvious, Ning Chen directly processed the "super titanium alloy" material into the marked spherical shape. In this way, even with the naked eye, it can be clearly seen whether the material will undergo obvious deformation, and the deformation Will it automatically recover?

Looking at the "super titanium alloy ball" in front of them, everyone found it hard to believe that this was the shape memory material they had been studying for several months.

"Teacher Ning, is this really the 'super titanium alloy' material that can change Blue Star's material science? It seems to be too ordinary."

Sui Feng helplessly expressed his doubts. Of course, it is not surprising that Sui Feng would think so, because anyone who sees this material would have a hard time connecting it with a name like "Super Titanium Alloy" .

"Words are not valid, everything still needs to be seen in actual results. Teacher Sui, please try to destroy the structure of this super titanium alloy ball first."

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Sui Feng was not polite and directly picked up a hammer and smashed it towards the titanium alloy ball.

According to the strength of normal titanium alloy, although it will not be completely smashed by a hammer, it is inevitable to leave some pitted marks.

But no matter how hard Sui Feng hit the titanium alloy ball with a hammer, he could not leave any traces visible to the naked eye.

"I didn't expect that this would not leave any trace on it. This material is indeed more powerful than imagined." Sui Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, this material represents Blue Star's current highest level of materials science. Of course, if you observe it with a microscope, you will definitely see some traces. It's just that after such a long time, these traces should all be restored. coming."

Sui Feng seemed a little distrustful and quickly observed the surface of the titanium alloy ball with a microscope. He was surprised to find that Ning Chen's words were not just casual remarks.

"Teacher Ning... this is actually true! The shape of this titanium alloy ball under the microscope is indeed exactly the same as the one before I smashed it!"

Seeing Sui Feng's surprised expression, Ning Chen just smiled softly without any surprise.

Because according to Ning Chen's research, the shape memory effect of this material not only stays at the macro level, but also at the micro level.

To exaggerate, each atom of this titanium alloy ball has its fixed position, just like a strictly trained square formation, which can be accurately restored after breaking up the formation.

Of course, Sui Feng did not immediately give up destroying the titanium alloy ball, but decided to use some more violent methods.

I saw Sui Feng holding this titanium alloy ball and coming to a machine.

This machine is the hydraulic press known as the "King of Destruction". Almost nothing can withstand the powerful force of the hydraulic press without being damaged.

Seeing that Sui Feng actually wanted to put this precious titanium alloy ball into the hydraulic press, Xu Zhou quickly stopped him and said:

"Teacher Sui! There is no need for this experiment. This is a product that we have spent several months and effort to produce. It would be a pity if it was destroyed directly!"

Several other teachers had similar thoughts to Xu Zhou. After all, they had worked hard for the past few months, and this was the first time they had made a decent product, so they couldn't bear to destroy it casually.

This hard-working experimental product is as precious to them as a child.

Sui Feng didn't really want to crush the titanium alloy ball on the hydraulic press. He just used this method to make a joke with Ning Chen.

Ning Chen didn't seem to be joking, but answered Sui Feng seriously:

"Teacher Sui, just feel free to do what you want to do. It just so happens that I also want to use this experiment to verify more properties of the super titanium alloy material. But I'm worried, if anything happens, the responsibility will be mine. Come and bear it.”

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