Following the command from the commander-in-chief, the tail of the moon landing rocket spurted out dazzling flames in an instant.

At the same time, the entire Zibei Space Launch Site also heard a deafening roar.

In just a few seconds, the rocket received an extremely powerful thrust and flew rapidly toward the sky.

This is the most powerful rocket in human history. It is much more powerful than the Saturn 5 rocket used by Apollo.

Under everyone's gaze, the rocket quickly penetrated the sky and appeared smaller and smaller in people's sight.

Even people who watched the rocket launch through live broadcast can intuitively feel the powerful speed and thrust of this rocket.

These few seconds have proved that the power development of this rocket is very successful. Ning Chen and others who watched the rocket launch at the scene also felt very excited.

But at this time, Ning Chen and others were not in the mood to celebrate, because the rocket launch was only the first step in the long process of landing on the moon.

In the next step, there will be multiple stages of orbit changes, lunar flights, near-lunar braking, landing, moon landing, and return. At each stage, they will face huge challenges.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people in the world are paying attention to Xia Guo's moon landing rocket launch, and the world's top aerospace organizations, including NASA, are also carefully analyzing every move of this rocket.

After all, this rocket can reflect Xia's strongest strength in the aerospace field. To a certain extent, it also represents Blue Star's strongest strength in aerospace.

Because even the former Saturn 5 was still unable to achieve such powerful power even though it consumed far more energy than this rocket.

"According to the current trend, there shouldn't be much problem with Xia Guo's successful moon landing this time. Their technology is really too powerful, and under this premise, every aspect of their work is very It is stable and there is no risk trend at all..."

This is also the consistent style of Xia Guo in various fields of science and technology. No matter how advanced the technology is, it will make people feel very safe.

"It's really incredible. Until now, I still can't understand how they achieved this technology. The actual power of this rocket far exceeds its small size..."

At this time, the NASA officer suddenly thought of something and asked the people around him:

"By the way, we had suspected before that they added advanced superconducting technology to this rocket. How is our investigation of this speculation going now, and how is the development of our superconducting technology? "

"Sir, according to the internal information we have obtained, Xia State does have several very powerful superconducting technologies. According to our analysis, it is possible that Xia State has added superconducting technology to this rocket. It has reached more than 90%. Now our superconducting major is researching related technologies, striving to obtain superconducting technology that can be used in the aerospace field as soon as possible..."

NASA's chief executive was not very satisfied with this answer, which did not give him hope of a technological breakthrough.

"Is it just researching? Xia State has the world's number one superconducting expert like Ning Chen, but who of us can do it? Now our technology has lagged behind Xia State. If we continue to develop like this, we will The gap will only get wider and wider..."

No one had any good solutions to this fact, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became dull.

All they can do now is secretly pray that Xia Guo will encounter any problems during this moon landing mission in order to narrow the technical gap between them.

Time passed quietly unknowingly. At this time, Xia Guo's lunar landing craft had entered the earth-moon orbit transfer stage.

After going through this stage, the aircraft will fly around the moon and prepare for the subsequent lunar landing stage.

NASA is also very concerned about this important stage. This is one of the most important stages of the entire moon landing process. If this orbit change can be successful, then Xia Guo will be one step closer to the moon landing.

"Concerning the transfer of the Earth-Moon orbit, they need to overcome many difficulties. The first is orbit selection, planning, and propulsion system management. Of course, this is a relatively simple technology. And the accuracy of navigation and control, This is a very big challenge they need to face..."

In the vast universe, it is very difficult to accurately locate various positions, but for orbit changes, this is also a very important thing.

In addition, several technologies including thermal environment and radiation protection, remote control, autonomous flight, etc. are also quite difficult to solve.

But just as they were discussing these issues, they saw that Xia Guo's lunar landing craft had already begun the orbit change process of the Earth-Moon orbit.

This aircraft seemed to have a superb autopilot function. After finding the right opportunity, it immediately applied a speed impulse and accurately pushed the aircraft into the near-lunar orbit.

The entire orbit-changing process of the aircraft was very smooth, without any lag at all, and the accuracy of the orbit-changing was beyond everyone's imagination.

"This aircraft of Xia State... can actually complete the orbit change process accurately at such a high speed... What a powerful remote control and autonomous flight capability, and what a high navigation accuracy!"

Even NASA found this series of operations by Xia Guo Space Agency inconceivable. This level of technology has exceeded their understanding.

In fact, just as NASA speculated, the Xiaguo Space Administration did incorporate some of the most advanced autonomous flight technologies into it.

The technical support here comes from the artificial intelligence technology and quantum computing technology of Star Technology. This is also the first time in human history that similar technologies have been added to the aerospace field.

This allows the aircraft to complete various complex operations independently without having to send signals to Blue Star and wait for signal reception. Even in space far away from Blue Star, the accuracy of various operations will not be affected.

Before many people could react, the aircraft had completed the orbit change process from Blue Star orbit to lunar orbit and began flying around the moon.

Confirming the news of the successful track change, the host said with excitement in the live broadcast room:

"Now we can see that our lunar landing vehicle has begun flying around the moon. After the flight around the moon is stable, we can prepare for the moon landing!"

Following the host's announcement, the audience watching the live broadcast of the moon landing became excited again.

As the news of this moon landing continues to ferment, more and more people have begun to watch the live broadcast of this moon landing.

Especially in the Xia Kingdom, except for those who were unable to spare time due to work, study, etc., almost most people were watching the live broadcast of the moon landing.

Everyone knows that this spacecraft is getting closer to the moon and is about to prepare for landing.

According to the data received by the Xiaguo Space Administration, the spacecraft is still maintaining a very stable motion at this time, and it can operate stably on the predetermined orbit without almost any correction.

Seeing such data, Ning Chen also seemed very excited, knowing that the final successful moon landing was only a few steps away.

After orbiting the moon for several weeks, the control center of the Xia National Space Administration has decided to start the moon landing process as planned.

"The lunar landing vehicle is preparing to enter the near-lunar braking phase!"

Following the command from the commander-in-chief, the lunar landing vehicle started a new program and began to control the aircraft to slow down.

During this stage, the spacecraft needs to accurately control its own speed. If it decelerates too quickly, there is a risk of hitting the moon. But if it decelerates too slowly, it will also greatly extend the time of the moon landing project, and the energy may be exhausted early.

But the same as the previous orbit change process, this aircraft still maintains very precise control and moves accurately according to the predetermined trajectory.

Finally, after a long period of steady deceleration, the aircraft was very close to the lunar surface.

The Xiaguo Space Administration chose a relatively flat location for this landing, which is also to facilitate the dummy's subsequent exit and moonwalk.

So far, Xingchen Technology has not developed the dummy to a very advanced level. If the terrain is not flat enough, it will affect the dummy's activities on the moon.

Fortunately, the aircraft's inspection of the area proved that it was indeed as flat as they had predicted, making it very suitable for aircraft landing operations.

After confirming this situation, there was no need for Xia Guo's astronauts to search for a landing site again, so they decided to carry out the landing procedures here according to the previous plan.

The aircraft slowly landed at the predetermined position. Even though the mass of the aircraft could not be ignored, it did not cause much vibration in the vicinity and stayed steadily at the predetermined position, with an error not even exceeding ten meters.

At this time, the aircraft's hatch did not open. Instead, after testing the surrounding environment and determining that the surrounding environment met the landing conditions, the aircraft's hatch slowly opened.

At this time, everyone is very much looking forward to what the scene will be like when the dummy lands on the moon. The number of people watching the live broadcast of the moon landing has once again reached a new peak.

In the live broadcast, the first dummy, wearing a space suit, slowly walked out of the aircraft and landed on the surface of the moon.

Perhaps because its whole body is wrapped in a space suit, no one can tell that "it" is actually just a dummy. In addition, its walking posture does look like a real human being, without any mechanical feeling.

There were two dummies that landed on the moon this time. In fact, there were three dummies that first boarded the spacecraft, but one of them is now staying in space.

This is also a plan that the Xiaguo Space Administration has set up before. Keeping an astronaut in space can ensure the safety of the entire project to the greatest extent.

Because if something unexpected happens to the two astronauts who landed on the moon, the astronaut who remains in space can provide assistance as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the two astronauts stranded on the moon to complete self-rescue. After all, no other life can be found within a radius of 360,000 kilometers.

The two "dummy astronauts" brought cameras to the lunar surface and filmed them walking on the moon.

This scene made the whole world excited.

"I really can't believe that these two 'people' in space suits are just two robots? They look too much like real people. How did Xia Guo create them?"

"This is definitely not a dummy. Xia Guo should have directly sent their astronauts to the moon this time! Even real astronauts would find it difficult to walk on the moon so freely!"

"Could this be a fake live broadcast? I still can't believe that Xia Guo has really sent their aircraft to the moon. NASA, can you tell me if this is true?"

At this time, NASA was still paying attention to Xia Guo's unmanned moon landing.

Like many ordinary viewers, NASA has a hard time judging whether these "astronauts" are dummies or real astronauts.

After all, their actions are indeed very natural, and even when wearing heavy space suits, they feel very smooth.

However, although there are some doubts about the "dummy" matter, NASA has no doubts about Xia Guo's successful moon landing.

Through NASA's satellite positioning system, it can be clearly shown that there are two Xia State spacecraft parked on the lunar surface and in near-lunar orbit.

Even in theory, this moon landing mission is far from over, but being able to get to this point is enough to show how powerful Xia Guo's technology in the aerospace field is now.

Compared to a real manned moon landing, it is actually more difficult to allow a dummy to walk on the moon.

Millikin has never done such a thing in the past, but for a long time in the future, Millikin may still not be able to do this.

At this time, the two "dummy astronauts" in the live broadcast began to perform a new mission.

They took the Xia Kingdom's flag out of the aircraft and planted it on the moon's surface.

Such a move directly made all the Xia Kingdom audiences excited.

In fact, before this, Xia Guo Space Administration did not announce this plan to the outside world, and no one expected that such a thing could happen so quickly.

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