Start as a top student and move towards the stars and the sea

Chapter 332 I already understand the situation

A few days later, American international students at Shengzhou University started their monthly gathering as usual.

Kim Pierce also specifically asked for leave from the former coach, saying that he would leave the laboratory earlier today.

"Kim, of course there is no problem. After all, the time you left was after we normally get off work. Enjoy this party."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Yuan."

After Kim Pierce left, the former coach immediately reported the matter to Ning Chen.

"Ning Chen, Kim Pierce left early today, saying that he was attending a party for their international students. I have confirmed this with others. There is indeed such a party tonight. Kim Pierce usually has no special circumstances. Will attend."

In a foreign country, such gatherings of international students are the best time to ease their minds.

"Okay, former commander, I understand this matter. How is Pierce's condition recently? Is there anything unusual?"

This is something Ning Chen specially told the former coach. He must pay close attention to Kim Pierce's words and deeds, and report any actions to him as soon as possible.

"Pierce seems a little dull these days. When I asked him, he said he was a little homesick. However, the work in the laboratory did not have any impact. Pierce is the kind of person who can control his emotions very well."

"I understand, former commander, please continue to pay attention to Pierce's situation."

"Okay. Well... Ning Chen, is Pierce really their spy?"

Since Pierce came to Shengzhou University, the former coach also recognized Pierce very much, and some couldn't believe that there was a problem with Pierce's identity.

"At least not yet. If there is anything else that needs your attention, I will tell you again."

Now Ning Chen doesn't plan to tell others too much about Pierce. After all, he is the only target of Pierce, and in order to better complete his plan, he cannot let too many people know about this matter.

After coming out of the laboratory, Pierce came to the gathering place.

There were more than a dozen people attending the gathering of international students this time, all of whom were students from America who came to study at Shengzhou University. Pierce came to the box and sat down, and first started chatting with the other international students.

After a while, Irina Falk also came to the party.

Falk walked up to Pierce and asked sweetly:

"Kim, can I sit here?"

"Of course," Pierce replied.

Falk is still as sweet as ever, but in Pierce's heart, Falk is no longer the same Falk he was before, which makes Pierce feel a little creepy.

What makes Pierce even more sad is that in this gathering, there are probably not a few people with similar status to Falk.

Perhaps Pierce himself is the only one who doesn't know the truth.

Pierce had always regarded these international students as his good friends, but at this moment, Pierce no longer had anyone he could trust.

But in order to save his mother from danger, Pierce must cooperate with these people.

After the party started, everyone chatted while eating, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

Even though he knew that this gathering was no ordinary gathering, Pierce still couldn't see anything unusual.

At this time, Pierce felt a little depressed and said:

"I'm going to the bathroom."

When he came to the bathroom and looked at himself haggard in the mirror, Pierce felt extremely depressed.

Pierce knew that regardless of whether the mission could be completed, his future would be bleak.

Even his own life may come to an end.

But no matter what, before he leaves, Pierce must deal with his mother, otherwise, Pierce will not rest in peace until his death.

At this time, Pierce saw Falk coming over.

The bathroom here is a shared sink for men and women. Seeing Falk coming over, Pierce was not interested in talking to Falk and just continued to look at himself in the mirror.

"Kim, you seem to be in a bad mood. Is there something bothering you?"

"It's nothing, it's just that there are some scientific research issues that I haven't figured out yet."

"There's no need to be impatient. Kim, you are already good enough. These things can be solved gradually. What's more, you have an excellent mentor like Professor Ning. You will definitely become the best materials science expert in the future. ."

Falk was still as considerate as before, but these words had a completely different meaning to Pierce.

"Thank you, Irina, for lending me your kind words."

"Kim, here, this is for you."

Falk handed a bag to Pierce. Pierce hesitated, opened the bag and looked at the contents.

This is their usual style when receiving gifts. They usually check what the gift is in front of the other party.

"Kim, this is a wallet I knitted by myself. I finally finished it two days ago and now I give it to you. Although cash is basically unavailable in Xia Country now, you can still put some documents and bank cards in it."

"Thank you, I like this gift very much."

Pierce put the wallet directly into his pocket and threw the wallet bag directly into the trash can.

Falk was not surprised by Pierce's behavior. He still maintained a smile and followed Pierce back to the box.

After eating, Pierce returned to the foreign student dormitory where he was.

Taking out the wallet that Falk gave him, Pierce looked at it carefully.

Pierce knew that this was not an ordinary wallet, there must be some mystery hidden in it.

Pierce first searched inside and outside the wallet and found nothing unusual.

At this time, Pierce discovered that there was a mezzanine somewhere in the wallet.

Pierce used a fruit knife to carefully open the sandwich and took out a small package inside.

"Is this...a transparent thread?"

If he hadn't looked carefully, Pierce wouldn't even have been able to detect the existence of this thread.

The thickness of this thread is about the same as hair. Because of its transparent material, its existence is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Pierce knew that this thread was definitely not an ordinary thread, so he held it carefully and studied it.

After just a simple test, Pierce was very surprised to find that the strength of this silk thread was so strong that he could not even imagine it.

"The sharpness of this thread... is much stronger than ordinary knives. At the same time, its strength is also very high and will not be easily destroyed."

Pierce tried to cut the silk thread with a fruit knife, and was surprised to find that the silk thread did not change at all, but the blade of the fruit knife was damaged.

Even Pierce had never seen such material before.

If this was a simple discovery of materials science, Pierce might be extremely excited and immediately share his discovery with Ning Chen.

But at this time, Pierce didn't feel the slightest bit like this.

Pierce understood in his heart what purpose the mysterious organization had in handing this thread to him.

Due to the stealthiness of this thin wire, even with the most sophisticated instruments, it would be difficult to detect any abnormalities.

And at the same time, with the sharpness and strength of this thread, it was perfect for being used as a murder weapon.

Even when facing the most powerful opponent, as long as the opponent is not prepared, he can cut the opponent's neck in an instant and end the opponent's life.

Although Ning Chen's brain and body are somewhat different from ordinary people, it is difficult to react immediately when faced with such a secret and highly destructive weapon.

If Pierce chooses to follow the mysterious organization's request and use this thread to attack Ning Chen, there is still a high chance that he will be able to complete the mission.

However, Pierce also knew that even if he could successfully complete the task, his end would be death.

But as long as it can be exchanged for the safety of his mother, Pierce feels that it is still worth it.

"I'm afraid... my actions, which I paid a huge price for, can't buy my mother's safety at all."

After all, Pierce was not a fool. He knew that once he lost his use value, his mother would also lose value.

But other than that, Pierce didn't have any good choices.

"Otherwise... let's give it a try first. At least by doing this, my mother still has a glimmer of hope for safety."

In desperation, Pierce had to make such a decision temporarily.

At this moment, Ning Chen was sitting in his study, thinking about various things that happened today.

Ning Chen already fully understood the scenes that happened at the international students' gathering today.

Through his own quantum cloud network, Ning Chen could easily monitor the situation in the party box and also learned that in the bathroom, Fokker once handed a hand-knitted wallet to Pierce.

If Ning Chen guessed correctly, there must be something mysterious hidden in this wallet.

Judging from the time when Falk came to Shengzhou University, Falk is most likely the mysterious organization responsible for delivering mysterious weapons to Pierce.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen said silently in his mind:

"Ash Ketchum!"

【Here you are, Master】

"Use the quantum cloud network to help me enter Kim Pierce's dormitory."

[Okay, Master, Xiaozhi will help Master perform the task]

Immediately, Xiaozhi successfully entered Pierce's dormitory through the quantum cloud network of Star Technology.

At the same time, Ning Chen also sensed various information in Pierce's dormitory through Xiaozhi's information perception ability.

This is a function recently discovered by Ning Chen, which can interact with Xiaozhi simultaneously. Although the degree of realism is not as realistic as the brain simulation function, it is enough to help Ning Chen carry out various analyses.

Ning Chen felt that this was a hidden ability he gained after using evolution points to strengthen himself.

After testing the wallet that Falk gave to Pierce, Ning Chen didn't find any abnormalities.

Although this wallet is not very professionally woven, it is indeed just an ordinary wallet. There are no weapons, poisons or other substances hidden inside.

At this moment, Ning Chen discovered something in Pierce's hand.

"This... this thread seems very unusual!"

With the help of Xiaozhi's information perception function, Ning Chen quickly discovered what was special about this thread.

Even Ning Chen had never seen a material with such high strength at this diameter.

In particular, the color of this material is almost transparent and does not attract attention at all.

"They actually wanted to attack me in this way... They really took great pains..."

This was an attack method that Ning Chen found unexpected but also reasonable.

Without any preparation, it would be really difficult for Ning Chen to react.

Although Ning Chen did not completely trust Pierce, even the security equipment deployed by the school could not detect abnormalities in this kind of thread, which was more secretive than hair.

Fortunately, Ning Chen still has many trump cards that others don't know. Even if it is a more secretive method, Ning Chen can crack it immediately.

Ning Chen didn't need to worry about just such an attack method. He only needed to use Xiaozhi's highest level of security protection function to directly make Pierce lose his combat effectiveness before Pierce took action, and he could easily solve this crisis.

But at this time, Ning Chen suddenly sighed.

"Hey... I don't know what choice Pierce will make in the end."

If Pierce really chooses to use this thread to attack him, even if Ning Chen pities Pierce's talent, Ning Chen will not give Pierce any chance.

After all, if such a thing really happens, everything will seem irreversible.

But if Pierce can pull back from the brink and give up his action in time, then Ning Chen will do his best to help Pierce and rescue his mother.

"Forget it, let's forget about it for now. I can't influence Pierce's choice."

After sighing softly, Ning Chen decided to divert his attention and focus on this mysterious silk material.

Putting aside other factors, Ning Chen was still full of curiosity from the perspective of this new material.

After all, even Ning Chen himself has never developed similar materials, which is enough for Ning Chen to think about it.

After studying the microstructure of this material, Ning Chen quickly understood the mechanism of this material.

"This is an outstanding research result. I didn't expect that they could actually do it, and successfully bring a material that only exists in novels into reality."

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