"That's not true. I've been calculating something just now, and I kind of forgot about the time. I haven't had dinner yet."

After a while, Song Xiyun replied:

"Then let me take you to eat. I happen to be a little hungry too. You are not familiar with this area, and you don't know which restaurant has good food."

Seeing what Song Xiyun said, Ning Chen thought this was fine. Of course, Song Xiyun couldn't be invited to treat guests.

"Okay, where shall we meet later?"

"You can come directly to the east gate in a moment, and I'll be there right away."

Ten minutes later, the two met at the east gate of Yan University.

"Ning Chen, when you start doing research, you really forget to eat and sleep!"

If it were Song Xiyun, no matter what she was doing that interested her, she would definitely notice that she was hungry.

"Hehe, our dean usually says the same thing about me. Well, this time I'll take advantage of you. I'll treat you to whatever you want to eat."

Hearing what Ning Chen said, Song Xiyun's eyes couldn't help but shine with light.

"Really? Can it be more expensive?"

"Of course, you can take your pick."

Now Ning Chen is definitely considered a rich man among students, so there will be no problem in buying him a meal.

However, Ning Chen also believed that Song Xiyun would not really take him to any particularly luxurious restaurant, which cost a few dozen yuan per person.

After leaving the east gate, Song Xiyun led Ning Chen south, and finally stopped in front of a small shop.

"Ning Chen, do you like caviar rice?"

"Okay, I don't have any problems."

Ning Chen is not a picky eater. Unless it is a particularly dark food like canned herring, Ning Chen will not refuse it.

Song Xiyun took Ning Chen into the store, and the two of them looked at the menu on the wall and studied it.

"The specialty of this shop is caviar bibimbap, which is very delicious. How about we each have a bowl?"

"Okay, boss, let's have two portions of caviar rice."

The prices in this store are indeed not cheap. A serving of fish roe bibimbap costs more than 30 yuan, which is definitely expensive for students.

But since Song Xiyun highly recommended this store, Ning Chen believed that the food in this store should be more delicious.

"Okay, classmates, wait a moment, I'll do it for you."

The waiter was a woman who looked to be in her forties and seemed to be the owner of the store.

While waiting, Ning Chen looked at the store.

This store is not large, but the environment is very well maintained, and it fits the atmosphere of a boutique store.

"Can you drink ice Coke?" Song Xiyun asked with a smile.

Although Ning Chen advocates health preservation, he also knows that room temperature Coke and iced Coke are not the same drink at all, so he went to the refrigerator and took two bottles of iced Coke.

After a while, two bowls of fish roe bibimbap were served.

"Students, please use it slowly."

Ning Chen looked at the fish roe bibimbap in front of him. The fish roe was bright orange-red, coupled with golden fried eggs, green lettuce, brown wakame and light yellow rice, which made it look very delicious. appetite.

Ning Chen picked up the spoon, mixed the rice evenly, took a mouthful and put it in his mouth.

Instantly, Ning Chen's expression changed.

"Yeah, delicious!"

Ning Chen had to admit that the fish roe tasted really good, with a very obvious grainy texture and a rich umami flavor.

The combination of fish roe, vegetables and rice makes people feel endless aftertaste.

"How is it? Is it delicious? The fish roe in this store are all fresh salmon roe, which is delicious and very clean."

The cost of salmon roe is very high, so after calculating this, the price of this bowl of fish roe bibimbap is not expensive.

Before Song Xiyun ate, she scooped some rice from her bowl to Ning Chen.

"You didn't eat tonight, please eat more. I can't eat too much for late night snacks, otherwise I will have to run two more laps tomorrow night."

Ning Chen did not refuse. For Ning Chen, the amount of rice in a bowl was indeed a little less.

After finishing the meal, Ning Chen went to pay the bill, and the two of them came out of the store side by side.

"Ning Chen, during the few months you are at Yanda, I will try to take you to eat at all the delicious restaurants around. I don't know when it will be next time you come to Yanda."

"Okay, you are responsible for finding a delicious restaurant, and I will be responsible for paying the bill."

"That's not necessary. We can just pay the bill instead. There's no reason why the boys have to treat us."

Seeing what Song Xiyun said, Ning Chen also felt that doing so would respect Song Xiyun more.

"Okay, that's it. Think of what else is delicious. We can go there to eat when we have time next time."

After returning to the dormitory, Ning Chen did not rest immediately, but continued to sort out his theoretical derivation of Majorana fermions.

Ning Chen still needs to organize it into the form of a paper. Otherwise, if it is just some derivation process, the teacher will seem to find it very difficult.

Because this is just a very mini paper, for Ning Chen, who has rich experience in paper writing, this work will not take Ning Chen a long time.

In less than an hour, Ning Chen compiled it into a short paper of more than 2,000 words and sent it to Ren Mingshan's mailbox.

On Saturday, although Ren Mingshan had no classes, he still got up early.

As a professor in the Department of Physics at Yanda University, Ren Mingshan actually doesn’t have much time to rest. Including most of his time on weekends and holidays, Ren Mingshan focuses on scientific research and teaching.

"First deal with the emails accumulated in the mailbox, and then go to the laboratory."

Ren Mingshan opened his mailbox and found dozens of unread emails lying in the mailbox.

Because Ren Mingshan had just left an assignment on Majorana fermions in his quantum physics class, and most of the emails included were small papers sent by students.

In fact, this method of retaining homework is not easy. Ren Mingshan needs to carefully read every paper sent to him by students.

Even if each paper only takes a few minutes to read, it adds up to several hours.

However, Ren Mingshan still feels that his efforts are worth it.

Many university teachers now focus on scientific research and only deal with teaching work.

After all, the performance of scientific research is directly linked to the professional title of teachers. In comparison, the performance of teaching seems not so important.

But Ren Mingshan knows that students can grow better only if university teachers really do their teaching work seriously.

Looking at the student roster of the quantum physics course, Ren Mingshan began to read the papers in his mailbox.

Since there is no definite answer to the question of whether Majorana fermions exist and it is an open question, Ren Mingshan’s evaluation criteria are relatively loose.

As long as the students are reasonable in their opinions and have certain theoretical basis, Ren Mingshan will give relatively high scores.

Ren Mingshan criticizes papers very quickly. If it is a relatively ordinary paper, he may give a score after reading it for one minute. Unless it is a relatively eye-catching paper, Ren Mingshan will take a closer look at the details.

After all, they are all students of Yan University, and the overall level of everyone's homework completion is still relatively high, but most of them stay at a relatively shallow level. It is difficult for an academic leader like Ren Mingshan to be easily impressed.

At this moment, Ren Mingshan suddenly saw a paper that made his eyes light up.

"Iron-based superconductivity and Majorana fermions?"

After seeing the topic of this paper, Ren Mingshan also looked forward to the content behind the paper.

Because Ren Mingshan himself also believes that superconductivity is very closely related to Majorana fermions.

One of Ren Mingshan's future plans is to try to find the existence of Majorana fermions in superconductors.

With such expectations, Ren Mingshan read the contents of this paper.

This paper is not too long, but because the theories involved are very complex, it took Ren Mingshan a lot of time to read through it.

Ren Mingshan glanced at the time and found that it took him nearly half an hour just to read this paper of more than 2,000 words.

"It turns out that I referred to the recent articles on iron-based superconductivity published in Nature. No wonder the theory is so novel."

Ren Mingshan had read these papers before and was deeply impressed by many of the theories in them.

Moreover, this is the research result of a very young student from China. It is rare for such an outstanding student to appear at Yanda.

Just when Ren Mingshan wanted to see which student from the physics department this assignment came from, the name of the author of the paper surprised Ren Mingshan.

"Ning Chen... Shengzhou University? Why is he a student from Shengzhou University?"

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