"Thank you, Dean Liu, and thank you to the school for recognizing me. I will definitely continue to work hard!"

"Well, we will hold an award ceremony later. We will tell you the specific time after we have decided it. That's all. Go and get busy. I won't disturb you anymore."

After thanking Liu Xu again, Ning Chen hung up the phone.

To be honest, Ning Chen was really surprised by this bonus. After all, these three papers of his were submitted in his own name.

This is also something Qiu Chengtong specifically asked Ning Chen to do before. According to Qiu Chengtong, it is not easy for a student to have the status of corresponding author in China, even if the main work of the entire research is completed by the student.

Only through personal submission can Ning Chen ensure that he has the status of both the corresponding author and the first author.

The identities of the corresponding author and the first author of a paper are both important. Sometimes the value of the corresponding author is not lower than that of the first author, and these will also be related to various future awards.

For this reason, Ning Chen deliberately continued to submit the remaining two papers in his own name, even though he could not get the paper award from the school.

But in the end, the school still rewarded Ning Chen in other names, which made Ning Chen feel warm in his heart.

The time for the award ceremony was quickly determined. This time the school was not just awarding awards to Ning Chen, but also to other outstanding teachers and students from Shengzhou University.

Of course, the "International Top Achievement Scholarship" awarded to Ning Chen is the most important award among all awards.

In addition to Ning Chen, Xu Zhou won an award from the school for several projects he participated in.

After all, he only worked on these two projects with Ning Chen. One published "Nature" and the other signed a 10 million horizontal contract. Among all the teachers at Shengzhou University, Xuzhou's achievements can be regarded as one of the most outstanding. One.

Before the award ceremony started, Ning Chen and Xu Zhou both came to the backstage and were preparing to receive their awards.

"Ning Chen, I heard that your bonus is one million? Our school is too open this time."

Compared with the grand prize that Ning Chen received, Xu Zhou's bonus seemed a bit pitiful.

"Yeah, how about...Teacher Xu, I'll give you half this time too?" Ning Chen joked.

"Come on, you won the award based on those three mathematics papers, how can you have anything to do with me? If you really have that heart, just invite me to the cafeteria for a meal tonight."

"No problem, I'll just eat whatever I want this time, just to be satisfied."

The awards ceremony in front of the stage was going on. At this time, it was finally Ning Chen's turn to go on stage to receive the award.

"What we are awarding below is the 'International Top Achievement Scholarship'. Please invite Ning Chen to come to the stage to receive the award!"

The students watching the award ceremony in the auditorium gave Ning Chen warm applause.

Hearing his name being called, Ning Chen walked from the backstage to the stage.

"In the past year, Ning Chen has published many papers in SCI journals, including one "Nature" and three "AMS". The three papers published in "AMS" have solved the problems that have troubled the mathematics community. More than 50 years of Qiu Chengtong's conjecture..."

After the host finished his award speech, the president of Shengzhou University came on stage and personally presented the award to Ning Chen.

After receiving the award certificate, Ning Chen began to speak about his acceptance speech.

“First of all, I am very grateful to the school for recognizing me. It is a great honor for me to be able to award this award to me.

During the two years at Shengzhou University, I received help from many leaders and teachers of the school, which enabled me to study and research with peace of mind and enjoy the best educational resources.

Next, I will continue to study and research hard, strive to produce more excellent scientific research results, live up to the ardent expectations of the school and teachers, and strive to make some small contributions to the country.

Finally, I also wish that Shengzhou University will get better and better, and that each of us can continue to make progress in our own research fields. "

After Ning Chen finished his acceptance speech, the audience burst into warm applause again.

Ning Chen's acceptance speech was a bit official, but these words were indeed Ning Chen's heartfelt words.

Returning to the backstage with the award certificate, Ning Chen saw Liu Xu walking towards him.

"Dean Liu."

"Ning Chen, congratulations to you again! You just spoke very well. I was very moved after listening to what you said."

"Dean Liu gave me the award. It was all from his heart."

"Ning Chen, if it's convenient, I can study something with you."

"Well, it's convenient. Dean Liu, please tell me."

Liu Xu took Ning Chen to an empty room. After closing the door, he asked Ning Chen:

"Ning Chen, what are your plans after graduating from undergraduate degree?"

Ning Chen was not surprised when he heard Liu Xu's question.

After all, Ning Chen had not made a clear statement on this matter before this.

But at this time, Ning Chen also had to make his own decision.

After thinking about it, Ning Chen said:

"Dean Liu, after graduating from undergraduate degree, I will definitely continue to study. I hope to become a scientific researcher in the future. This is my interest and my dream."

After hearing Ning Chen's thoughts, Liu Xu nodded seriously, with a slightly serious expression on his face.

"What about the choice of major? Materials science, mathematics, or other subjects?"

"Dean Liu, I personally hope that my research field can be broader. Many times, what limits our continuous research is not just the knowledge of a single subject. Of course, if we have to choose a major, I am willing to continue choosing materials science, and I already have some research directions.”

Hearing that Ning Chen still wanted to choose materials, Liu Xu's expression relaxed a little.

"Oh? Which direction is it specifically?"

"I want to study superconducting materials."

"Well, this research direction is indeed good. It is quite popular in the industry and has great potential in the future. Our Shengzhou University is still very strong in the field of materials and ranks among the top in the country."

Having said that, Liu Xu didn't intend to go around in circles with Ning Chen anymore.

"Ning Chen, the school sincerely invites you to continue your postgraduate studies at Shengzhou University. Whether it is a postgraduate program or a direct doctorate, you can choose freely. Of course, we must also respect your own wishes."

Liu Xu also knew in his heart that with Ning Chen's current ability, it would not be easy to keep Ning Chen at Shengzhou University.

Even if Ning Chen really wants to go to a top school at home and abroad to pursue graduate studies, the school will definitely support it.

Ning Chen thought for a while and said:

"Dean Liu, from the bottom of my heart I really hope to stay at Shengzhou University, but I personally still have some unkind requests."

"It doesn't matter, just say it, I will try my best to help you solve it."

After hearing what Liu Xu said, Ning Chen decided to express his thoughts.

"Dean Liu, I hope to focus on scientific research during my postgraduate studies, and the school can try its best to facilitate my research."

"That's no problem. You are basically in this state during your undergraduate studies, so you can just rest assured and do scientific research. The school will do its best to provide you with conditions."

"Also, I hope to have the opportunity to go to other schools for some exchanges and studies. Short-term exchanges are enough to get in touch with some top experts in various industries."

"Well, this is a good proposal. We will definitely support it and create such opportunities. In fact, not only students, we also hope that our teachers can communicate more outside so that we can make faster progress."

What Liu Xu said was true. Ning Chen had also heard about these situations.

"Finally, I hope that in my subsequent research projects, I can serve as the corresponding author of the project."

After hearing Ning Chen's request, Liu Xu hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Ning Chen, the classification of corresponding authors is like this. As long as you plan and control the entire experimental project and are responsible for liaison with the journal, you can be the corresponding author. Of course, normally during graduate school, your supervisor is usually the corresponding author. author's."

Seeing Liu Xu's somewhat embarrassed expression, Ning Chen knew that this matter might not be easy to handle.

"Ning Chen, do you want to stay in graduate school or get a doctorate?"

"It's best to get a straight PhD. I definitely want to get a PhD."

Direct PhD students can obtain a doctorate degree in a shorter time, and a doctorate degree is also one of the hard indicators for retention in many universities.

"What are your thoughts on the choice of mentor now?"

"Well... I want to choose Teacher Xu Zhou."

Liu Xu was also a little surprised when he heard Xu Zhou's name.

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