Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Vol 3 Chapter 462: Airship over Australia

Regime transition fields in Europe often take place in fragile peace, and memories form demonstrations-protests-protests. Bloody protests are also common. In the entire West, there are not many civil wars, but they are not uncommon.

such as the Americas.

In Brazil's empire, Prime Minister Fonseca and supporters of Pedro II took to the streets vowing to help Fonseca hold on to power, sending supporters of Pedro II to each other.

In the Confederate States of America in the south, which was split off from the United States, Vice President Alexander Stephens and new President Robert Lee politically fought for power and gain.

The scene was no less powerful than President Lincoln, Secretary of State Seward, and Vice President (now President) Andrew Johnson of the North American Commonwealth of Michigan. Even President Robert E. Lee is worthy of being a general. He issued a "fire order" against those stubborn supporters of Alexander Stephens demonstrators, which almost made people feel that the Confederate countries were about to have a civil war again.

"Fairy Wood"

Even the government of President Andrew in the north has issued a "hand of friendship" to both sides, apparently trying to profit from the situation.

This has made many high-level European countries begin to prepare for the continuation of the civil war that has just subsided for about a year in North America.

Among them, the UK, France and Spain are the most troublesome.

At present, the three countries have the greatest influence in the Confederate States of the Rice Grains. The English, the French and the Spaniards all have considerable influence.

According to William IV, the British currently support President Robert Lee and former President Davis, while the French support Vice President Alexander Stephens.

The Spaniards are rudderless and neutral.

At present, the national environment of the Netherlands is good, but the internal political process of the Netherlands' external allies is often interfered by external factors, and often "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop", and even many countries are unintentionally tied to the competition chariot of major powers and it is difficult to get out .

Just a few years ago, Sweden and Norway, because of the intervention of the United Kingdom, almost shouted that they wanted independence and rights.

Britain's role has always been built on the role of weakening others.

William IV remembered this very well.

Among the current Dutch allies, it is not the Commonwealth of Millikin, but Argentina in South America that most disturbs William IV.

At present, Argentina is willing to establish an alliance with the Netherlands, mainly relying on the economic strength of the Netherlands to gain strength against the strong enemy of Brazil in the north.

Argentines know that Britain, France and other countries are unreliable, and the "enemy" between the Netherlands and Brazil's European backer Portugal makes Argentina think that there is an opportunity, and they want to use the Dutch idea of ​​gaining a firm foothold in southern South America to complete Argentina's transformation from a South American agricultural power into a South American agricultural power. An industrial country that can rival Brazil's transformation.

The Dutch industrial technology is precisely what Argentina lacks.

It is precisely because of Argentina's "stay at home" that when the relationship between Argentina and the Netherlands is getting closer and closer, although other countries such as Britain and France have not made it clear, the various factions in Argentina have to move between the Netherlands, Britain, France and other countries. Careful weighing, unable to fully control their own internal affairs.

Although Mitre is strong, he is not willing to offend the UK too much. After all, South Africa, a British colony, is across the Atlantic Ocean from Argentina, and New Zealand, a British colony, is to the west of Argentina's Pacific Ocean, and Chile in western Argentina is British. ally. The British navy is the best in the world again. After Argentina weighs its strength, it will naturally choose to retreat.

In fact, the same is true for other countries. In South America, although these phenomena are not enough to summarize the whole picture of South American politics, nor can they deny the self-reliance of South American politics, but William IV admitted that these changes and turmoil in South American politics, It is indeed the old style of politics-politics-fighting in the 19th century, which was the European template before the First World War, with the powerful, blood-blood-struggle, secret diplomacy, intrigue and so on.

These phenomena reflect the political civilization process of the countries concerned and the political and cultural level of the people. It is of course an extravagant hope to change overnight, but understanding the current situation and characteristics should be a prerequisite for progress.

The current world is an era when solving food and clothing is the biggest problem for the country. In the whole world, the countries that can solve this problem are only a few big food countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, the United States, the United States, and Argentina.

The progress of other countries is slow, and even the capital of many countries has made a fortune through this.

The Netherlands is currently an exporter of food, weapons, and industrial products, which is why the Netherlands' international influence has increased.

In William IV's plan, the Netherlands' "democracy" export will become the largest soft power product in the future. If successful, it can even be exported to Britain, France, Pumi and other countries. At that time, the Netherlands will become the world's top product. When I was a country, I want to come back then, it was the highlight era of the Netherlands.

"The Netherlands will not keep this card in the safe for too long, because it will get moldy. Maybe at the beginning of the next century, the previous American country's means of interfering with countries all over the world can be used."

William IV muttered.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the encrypted letter sent by the ambassador to France, Jefferson Brin.

William IV was very proud that everything was going according to his plan.

Secretly said: "James Rothschild agreed as expected. As the Rothschild family defended the interests of Jews in Europe, they were vigilant from various countries, and the financial strength of the Rothschild family made all countries fearful. The Netherlands gave Through a door, James and Lionel's uncle and nephew saw hope, and the Zionist Restoration succeeded, then the Rothschild family would have a place to live. - The R&D of Israel-Israel technology is overwhelming the world, and even in terms of advanced weapons, some of them seem to be more advanced than the technology of the United States, the Rothschild family and the forces derived from them are indispensable."

"The future of this newly-built state supported by the Netherlands may be an early 'Israel-Israel', or a financial state backed by the Rothschild family, New-Jia-Poland or Switzerland-Switzerland."

"However, they must not have thought of it. I will choose such a place for them. If they want to come, this place will definitely surprise them."

Just as William IV was imagining how the Netherlands would control and suppress the country after the founding of the Jewish state, a piece of news came, which made him, who has always been very calm, show joy.

On January 3, 1869, the Kingdom of the Netherlands conducted the first test of an airship powered by a battery-powered electric motor in the suburbs of Sydney, an eastern city on the Australian mainland, under secret conditions, and was named "Holland". The airship is about 55 meters long and has a front diameter of 9 meters. In the early morning of January 3, accompanied by the observers from the Far East Branch of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, the Far East Arms Company unmoored and tested the airship, and the airship was opened at an altitude of 300 meters. The valve discharged hydrogen and landed, and the landing location was very accurate. The entire trial voyage took 30 minutes. After sailing for 6 kilometers, it returned to the source and landed. The voyage was 12 kilometers and the flight speed was 24 kilometers.

The airship successfully flew into the sky. Although the time was very short, it was enough to make the airship in the Netherlands the first airship that could be manipulated by humans. Therefore, in the airship project with the Dutch East India Company, the Far East Arms Company, One step ahead.

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