
The lightly twisted flower bones whirled around in someone’s hand. The metal that should have been hard-dragon’s blood copper red braid, at this time, it was like a natural plant, gently swinging in the rotation.

In the unlocking secret spell, the calyx lock of the Rabian Rose is lifted one after another. Under the influence of centrifugal force, the petals in the swing peeled off. However, as soon as the petals peel off, the dragon’s blood copper of the scarlet will be transformed into extremely fine dust under the action of the magic array pattern, and then fly like a laser in a random straight line until it attaches to something.

As long as there is an object attached to this dust, the power virus hidden in it will start to infect the power of the object itself, forcing it to be reordered. When the new power turns into the same sequence as the power virus, it will also turn into dust, and continue to spread infection following the way of compiling into a program.

For such a process, the time required for one round is on the order of nanoseconds. When the flying dust increases, sometimes it happens to have the same flying trajectory. At this time, the clustered dust becomes visible to the naked eye, just like the Buddha’s radiance beam, although it is only a fleeting moment.

In the end, in the eyes of the audience, with the magician who suddenly appeared in the demon army as the center, all the demons surrounding him turned into ashes without the slightest pain. And the more the scope spreads, the faster the speed of the whole change.

When the number of flying fans reaches an order of magnitude, the flashes that were originally just a glimpse will become can be seen everywhere at any time, naturally forming a similar Totem. Just like the blooming posture of a metal rose, a gorgeous flower representing death blooms in the abyss of the earth.

More importantly, this flower is not only devouring demons, but within the scope, all objects with eight powers, whether living or dead. Even if it contains only a small amount of power, it will not be spared in the scope of the rose. Of course, things with too little power content will only be slightly uncomfortable after being infected, and the whole body will not be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

It can be said that the more ordinary living creatures or things are, the more they can survive the ravages of viruses. But in the abyss, there is no ordinary thing. Even if it is a grass and a stone, if left in this special environment for a long time, it will be eroded by the chaotic energy of chaos, and naturally it will bring eight powers that are unique to the abyss and cannot maintain a balanced state.

This is not to say that such a metal rose can destroy the entire abyss. The damage mechanism of the Rabian Rose is actually the viral self-reproduction and the assimilation mechanism of the divine force power level, especially the latter is the most critical.

It is not a god or the existence of the same level, of course it is impossible to maintain the power of divine force without restriction. The true Spiritual God can also arbitrarily bestow divine force to the divine envoy, allowing mortals to temporarily own it. Lin can’t do this, nor can the weapon he designed.

As long as a certain range away from the flower bones of the control center, the power virus will lose support and collapse on its own. Viruses cannot even exist in the natural environment by themselves. Within the time limit of microseconds, if they cannot infect the next host and perform the behavior of assimilation and self-reproduction, they will naturally be eliminated.

It’s just this defect, Lin didn’t plan to fix it. In other words, from the very beginning, there is no plan to make an uncontrollable tool for killing the gods. Such a shortcoming, on the contrary, saves oneself from thinking about how to limit the power virus.

In this actual measurement, in addition to verifying whether all the processes are in line with expectations, it also needs to test the controllable range and whether the virus’s solution is really sufficient to resist this fixed form of power virus. Because the problem of solution is related to whether the user will be threatened, rather than making a self-destruct technique.

In Lin’s vision, he did not see the blooming flower of death. But countless data poured into his thoughts. There are observations, and there are also log files returned by the virus, including the location, time, and general information of the infection area and the infection.

And this information can be used to build a power virus propagation model for further research. It can be said that if the function of returning records is removed, the power virus can reduce its magnitude and further enhance its transmission and infection power.

However, the follow-up research will not mention for the time being, someone in the center of the storm has keenly observed one thing. It is the flower bone in the hand that is the control center of the power virus, which is actually not very powerful.

First of all, the theoretical value of the virus’s influence is around one kilometer, but in fact it is only a little more than half, that is, a radius of more than 500 meters, including the sky and the ground.

Second, the protection mechanism for the users in it does not seem to be thorough. The original power virus should be more than 1.5 meters away from the person holding the flower bone. As long as it is less than this distance, the virus will be killed by the detoxification program transmitted by the flower bone.

But I don’t know if it’s because the order of magnitude is beyond imagination, or for other reasons. The safety distance of 1.5 meters will be reduced as the Labian Rose works longer. . It even irritated Lin’s Black Tortoise robe, the Spirit Beast who was from home but had been asleep.

Black Tortoise did not take shape, Lin just felt the resistance of his clothes to foreign objects. Even the part that has been fascinated and empowered has faded due to the influence of the virus. But the other half from Earth has resisted the erosion of the power virus.

This also proves from the side that the virus designed by Lin for power is successful. Because as soon as it encounters other kinds of biological codes or energy codes, this virus stops.

Fern once mentioned that in the process of self-reproduction, in the form of a biological virus, it gives it the uncertain characteristics of self-mutation. It’s just that this request was rejected by someone without the slightest hesitation, but to let the power virus retain its characteristics like a computer virus. Unless it is artificially changed and reprogrammed, the virus will not mutate by itself.

In this way, in addition to protecting the user’s detoxification distance is effective, it also prevents the power virus from getting out of control. At least, from the current experimental results, even if it does not have the characteristics of self-mutation, this power virus still exerts unexpected formidable power, especially threatening users. This shows that the Rabian Rose still has room for improvement.

Compared to a certain human magician in the center of the storm, the battlefield was quiet at the moment when the flower of death bloomed. All demons, as well as magician or non-magician who are very sensitive to changes in power, feel the…despair that this flower brings.

The eight powers are fascinated by the earth and the abyss, just like air and water, which are already something that everyone is accustomed to. But if the oxygen in the air can burn without combustibles; or when water everywhere becomes highly toxic, what kind of reaction will the people who rely on for their livelihoods have? That feeling is how the demons and other people feel now.

The demon in the battle, regardless of whether it is foe or foe, stopped moving. Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Lich frowned rare. Although the heavy sniper rifle that has not been officially used, “I have no life”, is designed based on the same power virus.

But that gun emphasizes instant attack power, so it will have the effect of extinguishing material smoke. Unlike Rabian Rose’s slow knife-cutting method, it feels completely different.

Even since he regained his body, he has been calm and composed of the original sutured corpse Shidong. For the first time, he looked at the blooming gorgeous flower, or the magician who should be in it, for the first time.

Demon King son Azad was silent. He promised that it was himself, for the first time that he felt so close to death.

In fact, he had already realized that he died in battle. It is normal for the loser to lay down his life after a furious battle. He never thought that he would always stand as a winner.

But this…this kind of death, Azad couldn’t even describe what kind of death it was, it was unacceptable to him. Because the deceased had no ability to resist, and even if he said how he died, no one might understand, so he just went.

Even when facing the gods, Azad could not feel this powerlessness in front of him. But this magician did…

The most shocking thing is Demon Lord Sabine. He thought he had found a foreign aid, but found that his companion was hiding one after another.

Whether it is the woman who once had the name of Demon King, the unremarkable youth who was suspected to be her subordinate in the past, or even the human who wears exaggerated red-clothed, it seems that there is a demon bloodline. Anyone who stands up has the strength to fight him.

And the magician who was originally cited as a foreign aid, according to the opponent’s previous tactics and that irresistible weapon, he already looked at the opponent a lot. But Sabine had never thought about it. What he saw in the past was far from the magician’s limit.

All of the three demon leaders who attacked are quite close to their own ranks. Even in the past at the peak period, it took some effort to deal with any of them. So even if I knew that the other party was coveting his position, I didn’t act on those three. But today, it was so breathless.

Things that should have been happy, but happy at all does not raise. Now Sabin can only hope that the magician will also die in the flower of death, even though such hope is quite slim.

Just like a flower blooming, no matter how beautiful the flower is, it will come to an end. Especially the flower of death sucking human blood, when the human blood is sucked dry, it is the beginning of its withering.

When the blooming rose of Rabbian gradually dimmed, the demons and people who were on the sidelines finally saw what it looked like inside.

The army of the three demons is no longer visible, even leaving no remnants. The originally bare land was also the only channel connecting the castle on the cliff. The part covered by the Rabian rose was now dead gray, which formed a strong contrast with the original appearance of the land next to it. And it looks so fragile that it breaks when touched.

The magician is still alive, standing upright in the center of the withered flower. The black robe exudes the oppression of the divine might level, which once again refreshes the perception of him.

Maybe his apprentices and companions did not feel so strongly. But all the demons present understand that the birth of a new star is right in front of them, and it is unstoppable.

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