
When the young elf king, Ridan III pushed open the gate of the government affairs hall of the palace, he saw a scene he had never thought of. All the elves are like prepare for there funeral, regardless of enemy and me.

The ministers of the Kingdom of Yameran who were kicked out of the government affairs hall, of course, they heard all the discussions between a certain human magician and the World Tree. They just didn’t have the ability to speak in front of the magician like Wildwalker Wütten. But the despair is exactly similar to the fat elf.

Of course, Ridan III did not know the psychological activities of this group of people, anyway, as the loser. It’s normal to look ugly. But the Wood Elf Alliance also had the same expression. What is going on? The young king looked inexplicable.

Lin has been paying attention to the government affairs hall, and when he saw the door opened, he knew that there was a conclusion inside, so he greeted him. Jidan III quickly picked up his confused expression, and the people facing outwards said: “Your Excellency Tripwood, Your Majesty, and the sirs of the Kingdom of Ameran, Andre Your Majesty has made a decision and will openly report to you. Everybody declares, please enter.”

The old elf king sitting on the throne still has that solemn face. Even if it is inferior, it is still respectable, without any waver. The ministers of the Kingdom of Yameran stand in two rows with the wood elves holding World Tree clones, on either side of the long conference table.

Ridan III stood on the side of the wood elves, respecting the last seat. Even Liena Titov, who is holding the clone of Lahti, is one place ahead of him. Who said that the little king was an uninvited guest in the original plan. Lin was sitting in a big way, directly opposite the old king, the long-backed chair that was moved from the high-seat meeting. Anyway, the soldiers who invaded the house were arrogant enough, and there was no need to continue to pretend to be grandson.

Seeing the two parties sat down, they were all waiting for their own reply. Andrei Prier uses his own mother tongue, said solemnly: ‘My princes, I have decided. In principle, I agree to liberate Chloe from World Tree. But—’

A turning point, a stress, temporarily suppressing the commotion that may be raised on the minister’s side,

‘I have two conditions. If you cannot agree to these two conditions. Then I can only regretfully reject your request and continue the battle. ’

In order to express prudence, the elves used their native language back. Although Lin could also say, but he didn’t want to follow suit in this kind of occasion, because he was weak in imposing manner. So with a wave of his hand, he said in fascinating lingua franca—in fact, the language most used by humans, “Andre Your Majesty, please say it.”

‘Everyone knows what the kingdom’s prohibition of World Tree is all about. My first condition is that after liberating World Tree, even if the coexistence relationship cannot be maintained, I hope to maintain a minimum of friendship. I don’t want you to support World Tree Chloe and launch any retaliatory actions against the Kingdom of Ameran. ’

With only a flash of thought, Lin reached a consensus with the World Tree in the space of the high-rise meeting. Said: “We can agree to this condition. Maintaining the state of peace will also help reduce the production of variables in our plan. There is no reason to disagree.”

The old king raised his hand, continued to suppress what his ministers wanted to say, and said his second condition. ‘Actually, I can’t decide on the disposition of World Tree Chloe. Elder in the Guards of the Gods, they won’t obey my orders. Therefore, I agree with the attitude of the Kingdom of Yameran; but you have to persuade the people of the Shenmu Guard. ’

This condition is a bit like throwing a pot, a trouble that can’t be solved by oneself, throw it to those who want to take over and find a way to solve it. However, the degree of this, if you don’t ask clearly, it may cause other troubles. Therefore, Lin asked tentatively: “Your Majesty means, can we persuade by ‘any method’?”

‘Instead of using any method, it’s better to say that you have to be prepared for battle. Those old people are stubborn, but they are not as easy to talk as I am, and there is bound to be a battle between the two sides. ’

At this time, the corner of the old king’s mouth seemed to be lost, slightly raised. If you don’t look closely, you still can’t see it. But the attitude of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune is self-evident.

But here is not afraid to fight, the most afraid of all kinds of conditions for binding hands and feet, there is no ability to display. Therefore, there is no World Tree that expresses redundant opinions on the conditions put forward by the old elf king.

The attitude between World Tree and World Tree has always been to fight, the winner swallows the loser. Like nowadays, it is rare to discuss it. So being threatened to fight, World Tree and the wood elves are not afraid. It can even be said that if you haven’t played a game, it’s not like conquering and communicating between World Tree.

“Good.” Lin promised: “Andre Your Majesty has any other requirements?”

‘No, just these two points. Under the Monarch Armament, it seems impossible to tell good from bad to mention too many conditions. In fact, if these two conditions were not fulfilled, the covenant between us would be equivalent to non-existence. I really don’t want to say this. ’

“Covenant.” Lin’s eyes turned to Ridan III. The little king at first still feels a bit twitchy and evasive. Later, he just sat up straight, looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and looked straight ahead, but didn’t dare to look at other people.

The discussion was completed in an instant in the high-rise meeting space. On behalf of the World Tree, Lin said: “In order to protect World Tree and make our plans go smoothly, it is imperative to form an alliance with your country. Therefore, on behalf of you Your Majesty, I endorse this covenant and cooperate with your country. Become a kingdom of brother. Your country will have the same status as the Kingdom of Pyatjame and all wood elves tribes, but this also means that it is necessary to pay. According to the spirit of mutual assistance of the Turtle Dove Alliance, no one can unilaterally No one needs to give unilaterally. This request, Andre Your Majesty may accept?”

‘I agree. And I will do my best to convince the Elders of the Kingdom. ’Andre Priel got up, put his hands on his chest, and bowed.

This is the etiquette agreed upon by the elves. There is no embracing, handshake, cheek kiss, etc. This is because the elves are relatively distant, and they are not willing to get too close to people who are not close enough. Even touching the body of a king or a noble person is an offensive behavior.

Although someone is not familiar with the elves’ etiquette, some taboos are still understood beforehand. In order to avoid committing themselves to the absurd tradition of ‘if you open your face mask, you have to marry someone back, or be chased by thousands of miles’. As for the things taught by the ceremonial officials of the Spirit King country, they have long been thrown into beyond the topmost clouds. So Lin only responded with magician etiquette, which is considered the most familiar and decent to him.

After the ceremony, Lin resumed his usual relaxed attitude and said: “Since we have decided to cooperate, please tell Your Majesty the location of the World Tree in your country. We will finish the matter as soon as possible.”

Regarding the anxious attitude of a certain magician monkey, the old king was a little puzzled. He said: “Your Excellency Tripwood, it will take a few days to march from King City to World Tree Cloy. You are not in our King City. Mid-study for the whole day, be prepared, will you leave early tomorrow morning?”

Regardless of whether the opponent intends to use procrastination tactics, tomorrow dawn will raid the rest of the wood elves coalition forces to solve their own problems in one fell swoop. Lin had nothing but snort disdainfully for the old king. How many days will it take to march? Even if it takes a few years, it’s just one thing.

However, the other party was so cooperative, and it was impossible to dismantle the platform in person. So Link restrained his urge to complain about the other party, but a flash, appeared next to the old king, and smoothly pulled out the box cut from under the young cloak.

The blade of the box-cut version of the blue wave knife is not mirror-finished, but a stone-washed non-reflective knife surface, which is restrained and looks more threatening. Drawing a knife around a king would have caused many bad associations. Fortunately, those who were able to enter the government affairs hall were all people above a certain status, and those impulsive guards or youngsters were still kept out.

Andre Prier is thinking about his hands-on words, the question of who will win or lose between him and the magician. Lin cut and tossed the box in his hand, caught the blade, and handed out the handle.

The hilts of the knives were brought to the front, and the old elf king, not even think, reached out and took it. It’s just this magician’s move, what’s the intention behind it? Is it to give a knife, representing peace? Or…

Before Andre Prier could think about it clearly, Lin flashed a summon, held the casket back in his hand, and then slipped it back into the scabbard under the cloak. At the same time, he turned his head and said to everyone: “I already know the location of Chloe in World Tree. I will go over and establish the reference coordinates. You can follow up later.”

After speaking, someone who was about to leave suddenly turned his head to look at the old elf king. Without thinking about it, he put his hand on the shoulders of the old king and said, “Since this is the World Tree of your country, I think Your Majesty will take a look at it. In order to avoid any problems in the future, let Your Majesty It’s not good for people in your country to mistake it for us.”

Without waiting for Andre Prier’s consent, Lin Jing took the old king and disappeared before the spiritual eyes.

In addition to the disappearance of the victim and the king, the combined forces of the wood elves and the Kingdom of Pyatjame scattered around the palace were also in a state of chaos. Everyone uses platoon as a unit and gathers near the wand holder holding the transfer wand. The number of reports and confirmations continued. As long as a team of people arrived, the stick-bearer would use the stick to the ground, and instantly transfer a platoon, the number of elves in a hundred.

As if they suddenly appeared, as a team flashed and shifted, the palace returned to its original tranquility. A group of elven ministers looked at each other in blank dismay. Only the traces of the battle proved that there was an invasion of wood elves here.

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