The people present were all close people. At the public meeting, these people were also their own supporters. Of course, Uzov was impossible to pick them out on purpose. even more how There is really good news to gather everyone today.

Seeing everyone’s expressions eased, Uzov said: “Recently, Kabanbai Academy’s printing magic scroll work has made good progress, and the manroland printing press we built is the key. I believe that those who are interested in printing magic scrolls also hope to have the same machine and try to contact you privately.”

Seeing someone who wants to try to explain, Uzov He shook his hand and continued: “When assembling the complete machine, you were all there to help and watched the entire process. How to put all the parts together, besides my Boss, does anyone guarantee that they can do the same? Not to mention the magic arrays and programs that control the machine.”

“Yes, brother, I told that person the same way.” Someone agreed in agreement. Suddenly realized that he had missed his mouth, and that he had really come into contact with outsiders, and he couldn’t help showing a panicked expression.

To appease everyone’s worries raised again, Uzov said: “Don’t worry, my boss didn’t say not to sell printing presses. So if someone finds you again, please bring them to talk to me directly. According to the agreed rules, whoever introduces guests will receive an introduction bonus.”

In the Technical Association, there are some staff who can speak well. In addition to helping to deal with some customers who like to pick and choose, their other major responsibility is to take the initiative to run business and get business. Just like Chamber of Commerce, some aristocrats or magicians with high self-esteem are waiting for the Chamber of Commerce director to come and flatter them, and will not take the initiative to contact Chamber of Commerce, unless they are long-time partners.

Even if those great characters really want a certain product, they will only use other people’s mouths to hint at Chamber of Commerce’s needs. At this time, Chamber of Commerce had to take the initiative to send a steward to visit and do this business. The sanitary equipment business of the Technical Association does not specialize, but the same business model as Chamber of Commerce, sending people to take the initiative to visit those’great characters’.

Of course, these employees are not the only ones who can make business, as well as every workshop owner or craftsman. As long as the commission is established, the construction is completed, and the reward is received, even if the person who ultimately participates in the construction does not include the introducer, they can get a bonus called the introduction fee. This is a long-established rule, Uzov just repeats it.

The craftsmen were a little surprised at this attitude, and asked: “Big Boss really said that?”

“It’s bastard if you have money or not. This is his In the original words. Besides, if he sells a machine, he will do what he can and get paid. Why not sell it. He has also been doing research recently. Magician also needs financial support.” Someone’s silk industry, Uzbekistan Zoff was also watching.

The craftsmen of the Technical Guild are not ignorant of the magician world. So someone asked: “What about Kabanbai the magician and their thoughts?”

Printing magic scrolls, the leader is the old and respected magician. Moreover, the opponent’s strength in Holy City Estali is no worse than the technical guild with the background of the Turtle-Dove League.

Everyone is used to doing things in this city full of magicians. Of course, they have to think a little bit to avoid being involved in conflicts between magicians. Like this time, the attitude of the great magician is also very important.

Offending the Technology Guild, now it seems that it will only lose money to the pain. Offended Kaban to worship the magician, but he would not even be able to live in Holy City. The Senior disciple of grand disciples is not a fragile ornament.

Understand everyone’s worries. However, these little things were already in the hands of their own bosses. Uzov said in his very contagious voice: “Don’t worry, everyone, Kabanbai Da magician also agreed to this kind of sale.”

Seeing that everyone still doesn’t believe it. Of course, Uzov has to spend some lip service to explain: “If it is the most primordial printing press version, of course, there is no such thing as that great magician. But the subsequent improvements are the results of their research. If someone wants to directly Buying an improved version of the printing machine, impossible does not have the permission of that person. If you want to get such a license, a technical licensing fee for the big magician, of course, can’t escape. So, in this matter, Kabanbai big magician It is also good.”

“But no matter how many benefits, it won’t be more profitable than monopolizing this technology.” Artisans who have lived by hands all their lives, of course, will come to this. Conclusion, and questioned such considerations. Of course, this is what Uzov once had.

However, his own boss used the same reason to persuade Kabanbai and himself. Now I will replace myself, to convince this group of craftsmen. Uzov said: “Do you think that just relying on the Kabanbai Da magician and their group and a machine to print magic scrolls can satisfy everyone’s scroll needs? My “owner” refers to the entire Holy City The market, the entire market of the empire, and even the entire maze.”

Maybe the maze is quite primordial in economic and business perception, but Uzov, who was affected by a certain silhouette, came to influence again. People in the technology guild. Economic terms such as’supply’,’demand’, and’market’ are often used in the guild, so no one can understand it.

As for the questions raised by the president of the Technology Association, everyone thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. According to the production efficiency I have heard, even if it is increased tenfold, no matter how large the workshop is, it will not meet the demand similar to that of a bottomless pit.

The magic scroll is different from the bathroom equipment. The former is a consumable, and the latter is a semi-permanent construction. Although the demand for the latter will not disappear completely, it will always slow down. But the former is consumed as much as it is produced, and there is almost no upper limit at all.

As for those who are playing hunger marketing in a fascinating way… guess what, how many thugs who can’t buy things will break the people who did it? In a world with individual power, many considerations are different from those of Earth.

And when the research team led by the Kabanbai Academy produced results, the old magician also discussed the follow-up plan with Lin. Even such a request for discussion was initiated by a cowardly transgressor.

The reason why I will find things on my own is because Midi has never had experience in’mass production’. In order to prevent the patron from playing himself to death, someone feels it is necessary to step on the brakes, or direct the momentum to the path that will not self-destruct.

Although there is still a long way to go before the complete printing of the magic scroll, the results at this stage are enough to shock the world. Not to mention those parts that can be printed, because the manual operation is reduced, and the success rate of making the reel is relatively increased. This alone makes the magician who knows the details excited.

The demand for magic scrolls has always existed and cannot be satisfied. Because adventure will be used, war will be used, pure warrior will be used, even the magician will choose to use the magic scroll in order to improve his chances of survival in a place full of dangers, and retain his own spellcasting ability when it is more urgent. . Not to mention some life-saving magic scrolls.

Before this kind of market demand, it is very difficult to completely cover this technology. Unless the old magician can increase the production capacity to satisfy those who only want to use it, but have never thought of profiting from it. At least in the two major ethnic groups that have this need, first eliminate the pressure that one of them may generate.

This means increasing manpower, increasing the number of printing presses, and expanding the scale. The most difficult point is to ensure the source of raw materials. The materials for making magic scrolls are not something that you can find on the streets. If the source of the material is stuck, it is very likely that the previous investment will become a burden that can overwhelm oneself.

In order to prevent those who also want to profit from it, from improper channels to obtain secrets, there must be enough manpower to guard against such things. And the larger the printing workshop, the more manpower needed to guard against it. But the most troublesome of these is not the magician colleagues doing this, but the pressure from the national level. It is still pressure from an empire, the Gwana Empire.

There is no doubt that the magic scroll is a strategic material in the mysterious land. For a country, the best situation is of course to hold such technology in its hands, rather than being controlled by people beyond the control of the empire. After Lin raised such a question, whether it was Kabanbai or others who participated in the discussion, they did not believe that the Gwana Empire would stand by.

In other words, if you choose to monopolize this technology, you must have the consciousness of being an enemy of the whole world. Even in Earth, there is no military strategic level key technology that is held in the hands of civil organizations, except for the country that is known as immigrants and is actually composed of chaebols.

And the method of breaking the game is familiar to someone. Since a table of delicious food can’t be swallowed by yourself… Then turn the table! Sprinkle all the soup on the ground, and whoever wants to eat it will lick it on the ground.

Of course, Lin Impossible used this argument to convince Kabanbai the old magician. Rather, the research results are published in a way that recovers costs and can generate profits, and those profits can become the funds for the next research.

At the same time, the demand market is so large that it is not possible for one person to monopolize the family. Academy continues to print and sell magic scrolls. This business can maintain the vitality of research and bring endless sources of funds. Those who can also print magic scrolls will form an alliance invisibly against other forces trying to monopolize this technology. It doesn’t matter if it is a person or an empire.

Finally, publicizing this technology for a fee will certainly gain reputation. After others get the first-hand data, it takes time to understand what they are doing. During this period, as long as your research is still going on and there is continuous progress, you can maintain your leading position in technology.

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