In the stairwell on the third floor, Hakim, who leads the way, said: “The maze on the third floor is quite complicated. Please follow me closely. Otherwise, if you get lost , It will be quite troublesome.”

Although youngster said so, it didn’t mean “and the others” at all. As soon as he reached the exit, he suddenly accelerated into the third floor. The great magician Kabanbai followed closely, and secretly used occult techniques to track the footsteps of the young apprentice.

Lin, who was holding things in his hands, took a step forward with the two of them before entering the third floor of Tower VI. I saw… that haughty youngster, leading the Senior to walk like flying, walking around in an empty floor. The great magician Kabanbai looked back from time to time, his anxious expression at a glance.

The youngster said contemptuously: “Don’t worry, this is just a maze, and there are no traps that can hurt people. I will send you to the entrance of the stairs leading to the fourth floor, and then turn around. Look for another one.”

Looking at the performance of the two, and then think of the illusion maze on the third floor of Tower VI, Lin guessed, maybe those two were walking in the illusion maze. in. What I saw…?

For the empty floor, estimate its floor area. Compared with the area of ​​the next and second floor, it should be the actual floor area of ​​the magic tower.

The stairs leading to the upper floor are in another stairwell directly opposite where I am standing. Except for the two stair passages, there are only eight thick pillars on the entire floor, with dim lights that emit power and power hung above them. The two people who looked like they were sprinting through the maze were actually just going around between the pillars.

Someone who can see all of this is immediately suspicious of what he saw. What is it? Is it a very, very real illusion? Lin boldly walked into the third floor and touched a certain pillar. No mechanism or trap was triggered, only that very real feeling came from the hand.

It seems that the illusion on the third floor has no effect on me, so I can directly see this scene. Or is this actually a misleading link, making yourself think that what you are seeing is the real situation?

Lin ignored the two people who were walking around happily, and walked across the floor to the stairs leading to the fourth floor, and peeked. Do you want to leave those two people alone? Or just wait for them to come together?

Although the former saves time, it is somewhat impolite. It is nothing to leave the guide behind; not to mention, if you go up to the fourth floor without a guide, will it trigger any fatal trap? Someone thought about it, but stepped aside and waited for the two. Anyway, I am not in a hurry.

Rao is so, Lin also waited for almost half an hour. In the meantime, I heard the youngster keep boasting, saying that it is impossible for ordinary people to go through this level of maze without walking for a long time; but if he comes and walks, it only takes a little bit of time.

Speaking of which, a little time is really long. This is mystery and there is no instant noodles yet. Otherwise, cook a boiled water, soak instant noodles, and wait 3 minutes, you can eat two bowls, and I haven’t seen these two go to the stairs. .

Because of waiting too boring, Lin simply liberated his detection vision. In an instant, on the floor of the third floor, the flow trajectory and flow of all magical powers all entered his eyes.

Compared with the Great Sage tower that I modified, it is of course insignificant. However, the internal magic array setting of Tower VI is much finer and more complicated than traditional magic towers.

The main magic effect, of course, is phantom magic. This spell, designed to confuse people, has formed a system in the puzzle. From the simplest method of blindfolding to a powerful illusion that can mislead people’s perception, thinking that what you see can actually be touched. And not only can you encounter it, some high-level phantom magic can also be smelled and tasted.

There are some magicians who are not doing their jobs. They are even keen to make illusions of beautiful women and get pleasure from them. Such an experience cannot be said to be completely false, but it will not exceed one’s own experience.

To put it simply, people who have never tasted sweetness can experience an unprecedented taste because of eating sweets in an illusion. Similarly, people who have no experience in men and women can’t abandon their virginity from the body of the phantom beauty. These powerful illusions, to use Earth’s term to describe, are hormones that are enough to affect the brain’s endocrine, so that people can produce a false’real’ experience.

Such a high level of illusion magic in front of me, but I have never seen it in the magic knowledge database of the Siga District of the Magician Association. The illusion is a very important part of someone’s life-saving system magic. So of course I seriously record everything I see and start to calculate.

Maybe I haven’t calculated the extendable magic effect, but the cracking method has been revealed before my eyes. It’s just that I don’t know why this illusion magic fails on myself before I find a way to crack it.

After thinking about it, it’s not that my own dimensionality reduction method for high-dimensional information cognition is working. That is the understanding means designed for those difficult to understand high-dimensional existences during the study of World Tree.

Simply put, it is to start from the known part, continue to expand the cognition outward, filter the cognizable part, discard the redundant spam, or pass these redundant parts through various This kind of conversion technique allows it to be recognized and processed by its own brain. In the end, he will get a reasonable information that he can recognize, and he won’t be burned by the high-dimensional garbage information.

But such treatment will not completely eliminate negative effects. However, the remaining insignificant influence becomes the EXP that exercises the brain’s information processing ability, and continuously improves the domain and scope of one’s cognition. According to Cthulhu’s view of the world, the san value is lowered and it is getting closer and closer to those indescribable things.

But in the magical world, this is not a bad thing at all. And this kind of growth, for the magician who often comes into contact with mysterious things, is an inevitable result of unconsciously and accumulated experience. Therefore, in most cases, an experienced magician is better than a fledgling magic apprentice. Because this kind of cognition beyond common sense helps to cast spells.

But the magician, who is a maze, grows slowly by arithmetic. Someone grows explosively continuously at an exponential rate, and he has what it is today. But at this point, someone is unaware of it.

After all, he still thinks that the tower in his dream is the simple appearance he has seen. In fact, in the endless deep space, there are still many secrets still undiscovered, but they are indeed affecting him.

Just before Lin planned to make the sixth round of calculations, the young apprentice finally took the magician Kabanbai and walked to the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

Hakim gasping for breath said: “Your Excellency Kabanbai, please wait here for a while. I’ll go back to find another guest. It won’t work if you don’t find him. If you want to offer something It’s fine if it’s not in his hands, then I can lead you directly to the fifth floor and meet my teacher. Now I don’t know how much time is wasted to find someone who doesn’t know where I’m stuck.”

In comparison, the gray-haired old man did not blush and pant like the youngster, but did not look like a youngster. He looked angrily at this young apprentice who didn’t know how to advance or retreat. If it weren’t for someone else’s magic tower, he would have had an attack on the spot. However, under the eaves, people have to bow their heads. So for the other party’s unsatisfied words, Kabanbai indifferent expression, just looked at it coldly.

Lin, who was just standing by the stairs, was surprised. Is it a few steps away from the two that they can’t see themselves?

If the young man is really allowed to return to the maze to find someone, I don’t know when he will find him. So Lin simply blocked the direction he was going, and blocked the opponent with the wooden box in his hand.

Something suddenly appeared, making Hakim unprepared, when he hit his chest. There is a wooden box in the middle, otherwise the two of them will definitely hit each other.

After murmuring and cursing a few words, he realized a question, where did this suddenly appearing box come from? When I looked up, I saw the abominable face.

Trying to put on an amiable smile, Lin said: “Long wait. Let’s not waste time, hurry up to the fourth floor.”

“Why…” Hakim Looking at someone in astonishment, he couldn’t say a whole sentence for a long time.

The big magician Kabanbai was the youngster who overcame the harboring malicious intentions and happily moved towards Lin and said, “Little guy, you keep up. That’s really good. Hurry up, let’s go. Don’t let Miller Diades wait too long.”

“Okay.” complied. At the same time, the two of them looked at the young apprentice whose whole face was flushed with urging eyes.

Finally, Hakim knew that it was not a good choice to take the initiative to clashed with a big magician. So he took a few deep breaths, put on a grinning smile, and said, “Two, please follow me to the fourth floor.”

As the young apprentice walked up, Lin Thinking about it seriously, where did you offend this one? This is the first time we have met. Or do you say that you have been promoted to the level of anger and resentment without realizing it?

The scene on the fourth floor is not at all like the third floor, at least in Lin’s eyes, it is no longer an empty floor.

This is like a space that is cut into countless pieces, and there will be changes in connection due to a certain trigger mechanism.

And it happened very well. Just before the three of them officially stepped onto the fourth floor, the passage in front of them changed. Without warning, the area that was originally a wall suddenly became a passage, and the area where it was originally a passage had an extra wall. Especially after going up to the fourth floor, before the change, although it was just a glimpse, I vaguely saw that there was an upward staircase up ahead, and then it disappeared.

Hakim, who passed away, pointed to the changing floor in front of him and said: “This is the most mysterious space maze in Tower VI. It will change differently depending on the time of day. If you think that you can pass through every maze path with different changes, you are wrong. Because the maze will have corresponding changes with the actions of the intruder. Two people may be interested to try this maze ?”

This is obviously embarrassing. Because the two people who followed behind, obviously noticed that the young apprentice who came up first seemed to have activated a certain magic item and the power it radiated. And that prop, nine out of ten, is the maze activation switch on the fourth floor.

Because if it is as complicated as this youngster said, how do they navigate this ever-changing maze? is it possible that really memorize so many changes, and can intuitively pass through such a complicated maze?

The magician Kabanbai already wants to turn around and leave.

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