Different from the defensive formation, Fen and Stone are like crabs’ protruding double claws, nailed to both sides of the fragile line of defense. Every time a vacant lot is cleared out of the incoming enemies. Each of their actions is fatal, and no effort was wasted.

Experienced them, on the battlefield in front of them, they have regained the feeling of the past. Incarnation is the most efficient humanoid ultimate weapon, supporting the weak defensive formation.

But the enemy is densely packed and can never be killed. Even if Fen’s magic gun fires fully and the ship-slashing sword keeps swinging, the barrage is still not as dense as the multi-tube Vulcan cannon, and the killing is not as strong as the army formation. To deal with these tens of thousands of enemies who are not afraid of life and death, the two are strong, and it is also an utterly inadequate measure in a short time.

Is it necessary to change the battle method to kill more enemies, or…

Fennian turned his mind and shouted: “Retreat!” She and Stone were in a tacit understanding. At the same time, they retreated and retreated into the protection of the restored Black Dragon. Augustus opened his mouth just right, spitting out the strong acid dragon’s breath, clearing a barrier between the enemy and ourselves.

Getting a short breathing space, everyone quickly regrouped. Fern glanced at the unexplained fight. Not only was everyone injured, but even the Black Dragon got stuck in a lot of short spears and iron swords in the cracks in the scales. No matter how powerful Augustus is, it cannot conceal its old shortcomings. After a moment of confrontation, it was like having experienced three days and three nights, gasping for breath.

“Kaya!” Lich rarely called the girl’s name directly. “Find out where your teacher is. He should be somewhere here.”

“Okay.” He took out a magic stone inlaid with dark red gems from his arms and threw it to himself Grown up partner.

Without much to say, Hallumi knew what to do. She put the magic stone on the sling, using all one’s strength, and striving to move towards the high altitude in the distance!

Throwing into the sky is the Kaya version of Arcane’s eye detection terminal, and the black hair girl with brown skin has a receiving and imaging terminal on her hand. This is what Kaya learned from their teacher’s tactical thinking, and opened the map before starting the fight.

After doing it, I realized that whether it is the difficulty of recycling or the loss of its own rights and energy consumption, it has become a one-time consumable. There has been no good time to use it until today.

When someone uses Arcane’s eye to present regional thumbnails, he has to rely on the first coffin to continuously display dynamic thumbnails. But the detection end that was thrown into the air only used half a standard red Yao-class magic stone. The detection time depends on whether the power in the magic stone is exhausted first, or if Hallumi is not thrown high enough or far enough. Things land first.

Because the receiving and imaging side consumes more power, Kaya uses the standard orange ingot grade magic stone. Even so, the imaging time is only about 3 minutes in length. The detection mode is not like the standard Arcane eye with the first coffin, which can be varied. The more complex detection you want to do, the shorter the duration will be.

Kaya has only three sets of such magic props. In other words, only three sets were made from beginning to end. That is, she must find their teacher in this limited time. Besides, the half-orcs surrounding the outer circle would not let them find someone safely.

Although people who can attack remotely, they have already done their best to harass and kill orcs outside the isolation zone. And the arrow shot by the opponent, under the influence of the Magic Wind Formation, shot slantingly to the ground on the side.

But the enemy is still forced to pass through the blank area separated by the strong acid dragon’s breath, the method is simple and violent. The big half-orcs kept throwing their small comrades on the ground, covering all the acid with their corpses, then trampled on the broken corpses of their companions, and once again approached the on the verge of collapse front line.

Seeing that the Orc army came up again, Fern regretted not having brought that many Vulcan cannon with him. The barrage of three magic guns firing alternately cannot withstand the endless stream of enemies in all directions.

Just as she was about to chant the forbidden spell, Kaya yelled: “I found someone!”

“Where?” Fen asked urgently.

“Volcanic crater!” Kaya pointed to the low-looking mountain not far away. And the last water mirroring scene before the magic stone power in his hand was exhausted was a scene of someone standing by a lava pool and hitting iron.

However, Fern’s attention is not on someone, but not far from him, a huge black armor that is fully covered. The appearance is hideous, and there is a billowing black air. Staring a few more times, there seemed to be a murmur in his head, constantly tempting himself to fall.

Huge mace hammered on the ground, with both hands on the handle of the hammer. If it hadn’t been for this armor to raise its head, as if it was eye-to-eye with the person behind Arcane’s Eye, everyone would mistakenly think that there was nothing in the armor.

There is no doubt that that huge armor is the biggest problem this time. Fen didn’t think about it, but simply instructed everyone: “You find a way to survive, and I will save people. Shi Dong, take care of them.” After speaking, he flashed away without waiting for an answer!

Although there is no powerful helper, but in exchange for a sutured corpse with skillful martial arts, and is not afraid of life and death, combined with elemental creatures, shrinks back to the line of defense, instead of being free. Fight arbitrarily.

Fen’s flashing technique is not as accurate as someone’s positioning as long as the distance is long. If you want to locate it in one breath, you can only spend some more time. But now in the emergency situation, she didn’t care much about precision, and she flashed directly across the tens of thousands of army positions and came to the volcano. At the next moment, she appeared again slightly higher behind the armored giant, with a formidable power of the ship-cutting knife, and slashed her head instantly!

The black-armored giant didn’t move his body, his feet didn’t move, he only moved his mace upwards, and he was able to hold up the attack of the ship-cutting knife. Even with the high-speed running of the serrations ground by dragon scales, it is impossible to cut this unremarkable mace as smoothly as in the past.

Compared with the unexpected scene of the sword and hammer strike, Fen felt an obscure force even more, moving towards herself oppressed! Squeezing one’s own body, squeezing the space of one’s existence, and squeezing one’s ability to think, as if to deny himself from the world.

Fen, who was defeated, flashed again, escaped the giant hand caught by the black armor in reality, and retreated to someone beside the iron forge.

The box cut was inserted a few steps behind Lin, the outermost periphery of an azure-white aperture. It seemed that it was an array of demons that expelled evil, so Fern did not rush in. This is just because this kind of magical array can’t come in and out freely, and it’s not that Fen will still be recognized as an evil camp today. Her existence has long been not the’Lich’ that most people recognize.

The army of half-orcs on the outside was just besieging but not attacking. But when there is one more person, they are not as silent as the original ones, but screaming, dancing their weapons, and waiting for an order, they will rush forward.

Fen also knew that the situation was critical. She did not dare to look back, but stared at the real enemy and said: “I will ask the reason later, what should I do now?”

Someone who concentrates on casting, doesn’t listen to foreign affairs. This is still a talkative cynicism instead of him and said: “Slaying the army of half-orcs can weaken Sauron’s power. Defeat him and everything will be done.”

“Sauron, is that big black guy? “

“It’s him, the Dark Lord, Sauron.”

“hehe, the Dark Lord. It’s a choking name.” Fen stuck the Ship Slasher on the ground. Holding hands one by one, I feel the feeling that I haven’t had in a long time. “Anyone else?”

“Co-authored hundreds of thousands of people nearby. In your eyes, they are all clay chickens and pottery dogs. But he is the only one of the same level as Sauron. Wrong. The other people who came up with it were restrained by another group of people. He was the only one who could show up.”

“Very good.” Fern flashed again and appeared directly in front of Sauron. A thin layer of mist evaporates from the surface of the black tight-fitting leather jacket, and the exposed skin is covered with purple strange dense lines, and the pupils are constantly swaying like a burning black fire. The ship-cutting knife held in both hands strenuously slashed, and roared: “If you are singled out, who will not lose!”

The huge mace took another blow from the ship-cutting knife. But this time Sauron was unable to receive as easily as before. I stepped on my feet and stepped back a few steps, then stabilized my body.

Although it is a few steps away, the two of them stretched out their hands and pushed each other in the air! That obscure force shook each other in midair, and the half-orcs surrounding them seemed to be squeezed by a heavy object, and their flesh and blood exploded directly. The scope expanded layer by layer, forming waves of rippling damage.

Convergence of this simple force and force, Fen uses flashing technique to keep coming in and out of Sauron’s side. But one after another heavier slash can’t break the tight defense.

A more dangerous confrontation than a sword hammer is the confrontation between the invisible spirit and the will. Magic and incantation have lost the form used by mortals in this level of battle. From Finn’s huge but orderly power, it fights against another evil and deep alien energy.

The two sides kept generating shields and then shattered, constantly sending out lance attacks that were interrupted. Constantly cursing and concealing the other’s senses, and constantly strengthening all their physical abilities and thoughts. Constantly changing the surrounding environment, using Power of Heaven and Earth to attack together; and constantly resisting the all around changes, turning all pressure into invisible.

Such a battle is almost turned into instinct, but it requires more careful consideration and determination than wild instinct. In reality, every swing, every parry, every punch, behind every foot is accompanied by countless metaphysical fights. In other words, without such a reaction speed, it will only be defeated by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

This doesn’t mean that fighting in reality is like acting. Sauron slammed with a mace, even though Fern used the ship-cutting knife to parry, he was still smashed by a pair of feet and flew into the air, crushing an unknown number of half-orcs before reluctantly stopping.

On the other end, no matter how the ship-cutting knife cuts, it can’t leave any traces on Sauron’s full-covered black armor. But the occasional attack can cut the strong orcs around trying to fish in troubled waters into two parts, without exception.

At the beginning of the battle, the elite of the strong orcs can still intervene, trying to disrupt Fen’s rhythm. However, both sides lacked a powerful attack that was sufficient for a hammer; any Xeon would be spotted at its weak points in an instant, and would collapse before a move was made.

However, as the evenly matched battle lasted longer, the increasingly proficient Fen recovered the touch of the magical battle in the past, and merged the new knowledge into actual combat. Gradually, no strong orcs could step into the range of her fight against Sauron. Even among ten moves, the fleeting weakness can be caught, fiercely give the opponent a look.

Unfortunately, the ship-slashing knife has only changed from a situation where it could not leave a trace to a white mark that can leave scratches. It seems that there is progress, but in fact nothing has been achieved.

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