Fin has agreed to the great magician Kabanbai???s dinner invitation, so she naturally needs to make some preparations. One of the most important points is: clothes.

In view of the fact that in the airship accident, the clothes that were not worn on the body were almost burnt, even if there were leftovers, they were all in tatters and could not be worn. After leaving the Jura mountain range, arriving at Abadan City and the next few stops, of course several women will buy some replacement clothes.

But those clothes can only be said to be clean and tidy, and they are not suitable for some formal occasions. Considering the time it takes to sew by yourself, it is definitely too late for today’s dinner.

So Fen grabbed a large bag of money, and after catching two young girls’ tolerance, he happily went to the streets to buy. And the place is… the owner of the hotel, the retired magician, and Shaoerhua who used to be known as the “Red Lotus on the Battlefield”. Even though she has gray hair, it is said that the boldness of the female magician is not diminished back then. For things like buying clothes, especially finding good clothes, she nominated herself without the slightest hesitation.

Then four women took to the street, and the men shivered. One after another they made excuses and took a short run. Someone is simple, and fled the scene with flashing on the excuse of being busy. Sauer’s husband, the man who was rumored to have been snatched by the female magician, had many chores to do in the hotel, and also fled.

Holy City Estali has gathered a lot of magicians, but various things that have nothing to do with magic are also very prosperous. Especially because of the popularity of this city, there are countless merchants who come here to do business.

If there are more people doing business, the natural type will be myriad. The fabric shop and the tailor are the targets of the Finns this time. It???s just that Midi???s clothes are mainly made-to-order, and there is no sale of ready-made clothes. Can those people find the dresses that can be worn tonight? Someone who was fishing thought so.

But maybe just by shopping to express my dissatisfaction, or to soothe the unfathomable mystery mood. If this is left on Earth, someone will definitely say: This is a disease and it can be cured. But in Midi, the person involved is Lich again. For the sake of his life, let’s forget it.

When the dinner was approaching, the carriage sent by the magician of Kabanbai to pick up the guests was already waiting in front of the hotel. Lin is a white robe, hemp rope waist, and a magician shawl embroidered with his own mark???the pixel version of the three-headed monkey.

Usually, he is a gray robe, but whether it is white or gray, it is a very common material. For him, clothes are consumables of flash art, the kind that will be eliminated after flashing a few times. If you don???t change, you will have to go shopping. So it doesn’t make sense to buy too good clothes or make magic robes.

Fen is the inner silk, with linen satin, meticulously embroidered with magical runes, the overall design looks very coordinated and textured. Additional magic, in addition to’purification’,’breathing’ and other comfort-enhancing effects, there are also protective effects. Even if the sword is added to the body, it will not be broken through the defense so quickly.

The shortcoming is that the loose robe will hide the water snake-like figure.

This very high-quality magic robe, it was Sauer’s appearance, and the owner of the tailor shop was willing to sell it. Of course, in that store, there are more flashy robes for magicians or apprentices from the noble Eldest Miss. But wearing clothes that have no life-saving effect or strength-enhancing effect will only be ridiculed if you see it to someone who knows how to do it.

Lin didn’t carry any props or equipment such as magic wands. Since the flash technique, those things were just a waste.

Fen thoughtfully didn’t take the ship-cutting knife or the machete with him. Instead, she tied a holster to her back waist and brought the magic gun parsley, which was also the gun she most often carried.

Considering that most people in Lost Land still don’t recognize such weapons, so someone just let it go. I really wanted Lich to go to another magician’s territory with his bare hands. I couldn’t say that anyway. And the reason someone doesn’t bring anything is because if necessary, they can summon directly, which is more useful than bringing any powerful equipment.

It’s just that Fen looks a bit dissatisfied with the luxurious carriage in front of her. She didn’t care that the waiter opened the door, waited by the side, and said to herself: “We just flashed the past, okay. It feels very troublesome to ride in the carriage.”

Holding Lich’s hand, she went to the carriage. Send up. Lin said with a smile: “There is a saying in my hometown, a guest will comply with the wishes of the host. And today we are guests at a new friend’s house, and flash past it directly. Wouldn???t it be too rude. Just you Just as enjoying the scenery along the way.”

After thinking about it, Fen still lifted the hem of his robe and stretched his feet onto the carriage.

Amidst the sound of reeling, the carriage quickly reached its destination. It is located in the outer area of ??????Holy City Estali, behind the Kabanbai Academy, a villa area with a quiet tree-lined path. There is a considerable distance between the house and the house, and noisy sounds will not easily reach neighbors’ ears.

The carriage passed through a gate guarded by a magic puppet, passed through a small courtyard, and then stopped. The owner and his wife of the house are already waiting at the door. For an old and big magician, this is enough respect for the younger generation.

… Considering the age of the person next to me, it seems strange to say that it is the younger generation. However, some unnecessary complaints should not be said on this occasion, so as to avoid worrying about their lives.

First step down the forest of the carriage, extend the hand to support the other lady on the carriage. The slightly raised hem reveals the ankle and light blue pointed high heels, and there is a small blue flower on the upper. Not big, but very eye-catching.

Speaking of which This pair of high heels also has a story. When Fen was in Wulian City in Xijia District, he would compete with a group of noble ladies at a noble banquet. At that time, the clothing taste seemed to be cancerous, and moved towards the maze spread everywhere.

So the four women who came back from the battle in the afternoon, except for Fern who bought himself a decent gown for the banquet, all of them took back one or two pairs of shoes. There is no enchanting effect, it’s just cute, beautiful, attractive, very…very…a lot of feelings that someone can’t understand, so they bought it back.

In all fairness, those shoes that are worn on the feet of the right people do add a bit of hard to describe charm. At least when Fen was in the carriage, that picture was no less than in Earth, those big stars who got out of the car and prepared to walk on the red carpet. To be able to hold such an attractive woman, Lin Du felt that he was in a dream.

“What’s the matter? Just lead me, don’t go forward?”

“Ah, yes.” Someone who was reminded finally remembered to take someone forward.

Balta, who is the introducer, also waited at the door. He introduced for the two who came forward: “Two sirs, this is my mentor, the great magician Kabanbai, next to him Her wife, Ms. Westminster, the great magician. This is the great magician who also teaches in the Academy, Your Excellency Bizhan. The three have been good friends since they were young, and they often visit each other today.”

Because Baltar said it was a simple dinner before, and no outsiders were invited. But one more person came out today, so he still explained the reason. And it seems that this good friend has long been regarded as family by the Kabanbais.

Also under the introduction of Balta, Lin and Fen both exchanged a few words with the Kabanbai couple at the door, and then went into the living room of the house, waiting for dinner preparation.

The small chat while waiting is very magical. Everyone talks about how the certain spell model is, and what room for improvement. What kind of magic is effective, and what kind of changes can be made, applied in different places. In particular, what interests someone most is that they are not only discussing attack or auxiliary magic, but seriously thinking about how to make life more convenient.

Soon, the waiter came to inform the owner of this place, and the magician of Kabanbait invited everyone to the restaurant.

This dinner is different from the feast you imagined. At least they didn’t put roasted whole chicken or roasted whole lamb directly on the table. It’s a simple dinner plate, knife and fork, wine glass, and then from appetizers, appetizers, main dishes, and so on one after another.

Each meal is not much, but it is quite delicate, and the taste is nothing to say. Not like a nouveau riche, the spices are used to add money without money, but very cleverly to cook the sweet taste of the food itself. Even the heirs of a self-proclaimed food empire, there is nothing to be picky about.

Of course, with this way of dining, there will be a lot of chat time. Everyone talked about all kinds of topics, from the taste of the meal to the demonic beast that I hunted when I was young. Some demonic beasts can’t be eaten, but some parts of the demonic beast are delicious that ordinary people can’t taste. Then, talking about the thrills of the hunting process, of course, two friends were also interspersed with each other to leak their bottom and air.

With these veterans driving the atmosphere, it is difficult for someone to chat to death. Of course, ginger is old and spicy after all. From time to time, they will ask about someone’s opinions or opinions, and there will inevitably be a little temptation mixed in and out of the words.

Neither Lin and Fen have anything to conceal. In other words, the things they ask about are actually only because they don’t know them well enough, and they are far from touching the secrets they don’t want to mention. So for each question, they appropriately expressed their opinions. Without considering conspiracy theories, this is just like normal communication.

When I finished my meal, I came to the little Sand Dragon in the mansion. The drink served was not an after-dinner drink, but coffee that I hadn’t tasted for a long time. When the black liquid entered the throat, someone’s spirit came!

For a person who is addicted to caffeine before crossing, in this world without tea or coffee, it is definitely a torture. Even if I seem to have opened the way for the strayed people to drink coffee, it is far from enough. If you want a world where you can drink tea, coffee, and happy water from Fat House, you are your ideal hometown. There is no reason to want to go home.

“Your Excellency Tripwood.” The great magician Kabanbai said sternly: “I believe you also know my destination from Baltar. And I believe that the past few days Your Excellency also received no Few similar messages. It???s just that I haven???t replied to anyone yet.”

“Yes.” It seems that my actions are in the eyes of this Senior. Someone thought so.

“Here, please allow me to formally invite you to come to my Academy to teach you about’mathematics’.”

“I agree.”

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