Fen, who is holding Lin’s arm, is close to someone’s ear and quietly said: “They are discussing how to kill you, or should I teach these ungrateful lessons? “

“No, eldest sister. It sounds like most people still oppose it. Don’t be so rushing to force those who oppose to agree. This is not the mistake made by their Guardian. Well. If she continues to pretend, instead of turning her face, maybe things will continue to delay, instead of letting the dwarf who originally supported her to support the other party’s opinion.”

“Oh, you understand Their language is gone.” Fen eyes shined, said with great interest.

“Yeah, I don’t know why I understand. Anyway, just pretend not to know, just like you did before.”

“What are you doing? Idea?”

“I’m not making any crooked ideas. It’s just sister, just talk as you talk, can you not stay so close. The tongue is almost sticking into my ear.” Someone leaned back With his head. It’s a pity that the right hand was tightly grasped and couldn’t escape.

“Huh, don’t you like it?” Fern said with a teasing expression.

This can make someone slightly red face and say: “It’s not that I don’t like it, but I’m not used to it.”

The two are just like that. While chatting, he left the most important nuclear area in the Silverbeard Dwarf Iron City. I didn’t care whether Jermaine followed, the most important way to come, because of the anti-Guardian Lubita’s sake, Lin had already paralyzed all the equipment.

Although before leaving, there are help dwarves to relieve themselves of the logic bomb left by the Miser energy nuclear system. However, the gates on the passage have not yet resumed normal operation, it can be said that the door is open, and the passage of certain two people is unimpeded.

As for the peace arms, because there are too many, it is too troublesome to disarm them one by one. Using the original broadcast method to release batches also requires a redesign of the program. In view of the fact that some dwarves still do not have good intentions, Lin does not plan to help them that many. Anyway, this little thing, they can take it slowly later, and everything can be restored to normal.

Along the way, you can see the silverbeard dwarf’s city is still asleep, dark everywhere. However, under the hustle and bustle of the group of people in the energy nuclear zone, there have been a few blocks of cities that have recovered their light. In the bright light, a dwarf was shouting and jumping for joy.

Lin felt this emotion, and was also infected by the joy. Although there is no actual reward or reward from the silverbeard dwarves, the feeling of helping people is not bad. The premise is that I have spare capacity, and it is not something I am forced to do. Being forced to do good deeds only makes someone sick.

When you leave, there are not many things to bring. The most important thing is the first coffin that Fen brought down.

According to Jermaine, the Silverbeard dwarf prepared some dry food for the two to eat on the road. Except for a guide who took him out of the city, no one came to see him off, and of course no one expressed gratitude for his contribution in this event.

This ending is not surprising. After all, he left early, when most dwarves still don’t know what happened. This time, the action is not like the Earth before crossing. It can be recorded or even broadcast live. And most of the dwarves who know are busy restoring the mission of Miser Energy’s nuclear power supply, and they have no time to publicize their achievements.

The reason for not wanting to be too much, and not to mention that the dwarves proposed to keep themselves at the banquet and plan to make other plots. The food of the silverbeard dwarves is really not good. Perhaps it is the lack of underground food and the fact that the dwarves prefer not to eat, so the food eaten in the past few days is nothing more than a delicious meal.

If you really are a hillbilly who has never seen any technology, you might want to stay and learn the technology of the dwarves if they allow it. But as a translator, whether it is the reality of Earth or the brain holes in the film and television media or novels, the achievements of the silver-bearded dwarves are really worthless.

So I went to the forest where my mind was already strong, quickly packed my things, and came to the passage out of the city. This is because iris scans are required to enter and exit the city of dwarves, or someone would not even take the guide.

The dwarf only took himself to the entrance and exit with all his heart, and after opening the gate of the dwarf city, which was so solid, he stood in the city and watched the two leave. Looking at that frame, it’s more like monitoring whether there are people who have actually left. It seems that this city still doesn’t trust itself.

Simple thanks, Lin left this can’t be called a warm foreign city. For an area that has been self-enclosed for a long time, I didn’t slaughter myself secretly like eating Human Race, should I be grateful? Someone thought so in mind.

Because when they invaded the center of the dwarf city, it was confirmed that they also initially realized the monitoring facilities. It’s just not clear what distance and range the dwarves can monitor, and how they monitor and present them. After all, the time spent in this city is quite short. Even if the dwarves don’t deliberately conceal it, they don’t have enough time to explore everything here.

For the sake of safety, the two people who left the dwarf city did not immediately use the flash technique to return to the surface; instead, they went on for a certain distance. Around a few bends of the underground cave, came to a relatively empty space.

Lin lost a copy of the map information he had recorded when he came to Fen’s vision of glasses, and then put a copy of the various parameters required by the flashing technique.

When I came, I walked for a few days, even if it was because of advancing underground, a lot of time delay was because of the terrain, so I moved faster does not raise.

But if you want to flash back to the surface in one breath, it can still be called a long-distance instant movement, so it can’t be overstated how to calculate it carefully. After all, it is underground, as if the direction and distance are miscalculated. Among the rocks with no gaps, how can I jump back to the real world? This is a big question.

Now the two are checking the data obtained before. Of course, Fern also compares his records and calculations. For Lich, this is also the best time to modify her various calculation programs.

Just as the two of them were doing the final check, the familiar yelling came from behind: “Hey, big brother, wait for me.”

Jermaine, the silver-bearded dwarf, and his good partner Reilly, each of them led a woman they hadn’t seen before, and the four of them carried simple bags and jogged to follow.

When I ran to Lin, Jermaine gasping for breath said: “Very good, you haven’t gone far.”

“What’s the matter, you guys are going to elope for breath.” ?” Lin said jokingly.

“It’s okay. Didn’t you tell me, don’t put eggs in the same basket. I thought about it, you’re right. And we are locked in this small city It’s been too long here, and I want to go out and have a look. Didn’t you say that you are traveling, so I want to join you and see what other places in the mysterious world look like.”

He politely showed an expression of disgust. Jermaine hurriedly said, “Hey, big brother, don’t make such an expression. Take me on the road, but it is very useful. I am the only silverbeard dwarf who has won the honor of a great engineer for nearly three hundred years. Oh. In dwarf engineering, as long as there are enough materials, I can build it even if Miser can nuclear.”

‘Yes, because a dwarf of your age acquired it earlier Such a privilege. You are indeed the only one and the last one in three hundred years. ‘The female dwarf who was held by Jermaine also spit out unceremoniously.

Probably thought that someone could not understand dwarf language, so Jermaine complained to his companion with a little grievance: “Don’t talk nonsense, what if my big brother refuses to bring me ? I am just a little slower than others, but I have learned everything I should learn. ‘

Hearing this, someone couldn’t help sighing in his heart: dare to say that this product is still a super crane tail. The expression on Lin’s face is even more exaggerated. But what kind of role is the woman brought out by this cheating dwarf? Tucao this stuff is pretty fluent. Wouldn’t it be bringing your own mother? Is it Mumbo’s failure? Someone who is blind cannot tell the age of these longevity species.

“hehehe, big brother, don’t despise me like this. Take me, I will definitely be able to help. Not to mention the others, help you dig a little on the way to leave, this It’s really not a big problem. I don’t have anything else, I definitely have enough strength.”

The more I listen, the more worrying people feel. Lin thought to himself.

“And.” A certain dwarf suddenly became convulsive and whispered, “I want to learn that from you.”

“Which?” imitate the dog and The steal chicken thing? Or how to read Little Huang’s book in class without being caught by the teacher? Lin thought so.

“That’s the way to keep the Peace Armed from moving, so that Master Guardian can’t see you.”

“Oh, that.” Lin thought, originally he wanted to Learn programming language. Maybe the dwarf’s liver is not new, after all, it is more than five hundred years old, but it is better than patience.

Don’t say anything else, it’s been exposed to radiation for hundreds of years, and it’s still alive. With this life force, Lin feels that it’s liver damage. It’s not for them. Exist. Since I want to learn programming, what can I not teach? But some words still have to be said first: “Friend, you should know that if you want to gain something, you have to give something. If you want to learn from me, it should be a little help. What do you think.”

“Of course, I can understand this. On the way out, I promise to help you stand and walk through the road. Even if I am not enough, I still have three helpers.”

The three silver-bearded dwarves who were sold in an instant, all stared fiercely at some big guy from behind.

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