Lich, who entered the research fanaticism, was finally a bit like what the magician on the side of magic did. She kept hunting wild beasts and demonic beasts, extracting cells from their flesh and blood, testing DNA, and then discarding the corpses. After all, it is on a journey now, and there is no way to bring all the spoils of war with him.

For this kind of behavior, the first person who couldn’t stand it and gave Lich a meal was Hallumi, who was about to transfer to the Druid. If there is a so-called transfer or part-time job in Midi World. Her reason is also very strong: “It’s too wasteful to do it this way. We can’t finish eating, why do we have to kill that many?”

The silence of the former Demon King-sama, although confronting her ‘S girl looks like a newborn baby who is not afraid of tigers, but someone really squeezed a cold sweat. The previous intimacy does not mean that offense is allowed.

In the end, Lin came out and persuaded: “Anyway, you just need to extract the DNA of those creatures, after suppressing them, dig out a piece of flesh and blood. This is easier than moving back after killing them. Right. If you are afraid of not being fresh, you can store it in the freezing method. And this has the advantage that you can take all the samples without throwing them away.”

The golden skull claps with her. The usual tone says: “Oh! It turns out that you can do this. I know.”

In fact, we should persuade others, not to tell others what to do, but to tell others that it will be better to do so. favorable. Such a statement will be easier for people to accept. But even though the one Lich listened to persuasion with kindness, somebody was still a little worried looking at the frenetic enthusiasm. This also reminded Lin of a phenomenon of fascinating land.

Is there any plague-like magic in the inheritance of the Magician Association? The answer is no. However, the plagues or natural disasters caused by magicians in various places in history have been heard from time to time. However, the magic that was created, usually not even the forbidden spell, is directly lost.

Forbidden spell is usually magic that has inheritance value, but is not allowed to be cast arbitrarily, such as strategic magic used on the battlefield. Plague magic to the magician association is that even the inheritance does not want to leave the inheritance, and it is directly annihilated in history. But despite this, large-scale disasters caused by magic are still emerging in endlessly.

In fact, the initial goal of most plagues is not to kill ordinary persons in large numbers. If it is just to achieve such an effect, for the Fa masters, there are many methods that can be achieved, and the effect may even be faster. The plague needs a certain period of gestation before it breaks out. On the other hand, as long as it is handled properly, it is possible to reduce the damage.

Just like Earth, some evil products will come out, initially for noble reasons. Heroin was invented in Britain as an anesthetic. In order to find soldiers not afraid of death and injury, and not to be slowed down by pain, during World War II, the drug invented was amphetamines.

Not to mention the theme of multiple media such as games, movies, etc.──Evil Spirit Castle (Resident Evil). The original intention of various T viruses and G cells is that scientists want to study anti-cancer drugs. , The funders want to make drugs for super soldiers. The combination of the two produces a chemical reaction, creating a monster that is difficult for an ordinary person to fight.

However, when this matter is changed to Necromancer and Lich, they may not have produced this kind of major event for such noble reasons. If it is not an accident, it is done for mass sacrifices. Because some demons sometimes have special requirements for sacrifice, these people who hope to get power from them can only comply.

For Fern, Lin is not worried about sacrificing demons or something. There are really no demons qualified to make this sacrifice, she shouldn’t go into the abyss and hit the door, those demons will be grateful. But an accident, someone can’t guarantee that it will never happen.

Although at the moment of speaking, someone thinks that they are just answering Finn’s question, what they are talking about is only common-sense knowledge on Earth. But it was Lich who got those’common sense’, how Finn would use it, already not in someone’s grasp. What kind of results will be made is out of someone’s imagination. Lin can only hope that things won’t get too bad.

But according to Murphy’s Law…

Unfortunately, the above worries lasted only three days for a heartless man, and then they were ignored. This is not forgetting, just thinking that when the sky is falling, there will naturally be tall people resisting it, so why bother to worry about it. even more how things that are destined to happen, is it possible that

Leaving the Basque Country, head north. Fern is focusing on areas where it is difficult for someone to intervene. But Lin is not idle. The completion of the flash technique gave him some ideas to experiment. And in order to design a suitable device, I immersed myself in the big business of programming and various sensors.

But behind that idea, there are also areas that I am not good at. Although there are some concepts, there are still a lot of male levels that require breakthrough to be realized. What is used to change the mood is actually an in-depth study of flash art. That is the problem encountered when walking back from Wulian City.

The advantage of flash technique lies in knowing the starting point, knowing the ending point, and knowing the clear direction and distance, and then it can be accurately transmitted to the destination. Going alone, it can also be said that there is no power consumption at all. If you want, you can flash this all day.

But what if you don’t know those parameters? Then catch the blind. The result is the same as last time, once again lost.

To improve this, an accurate map is necessary. Then positioning yourself accurately on the map is what Second Layer wants. Simply put, it is necessary to find a way to develop a maze version of the GPS positioning system in order to bring the flash technique into full play.

But this matter is not that simple, and there is no clue for the time being.

Another system to be integrated is the various sensing magic originally used on the Great Sage Tower.

Using far infrared to sense temperature, air flow to simulate terrain and ground objects, ultrasonic feedback based on the principle of sonar, and imaging of spectral wavelength changes, etc., to achieve real-time monitoring within the observation range. These magic arrays The patterns are also engraved on the dream magic tower by the fat house incarnation. This means that someone has become a humanoid monitoring device and is still under monitoring 24 hours a day.

This is not difficult to understand. Perhaps seeing with eyes and listening with ears, you will only know what is happening when you are awake and think about how to deal with it. But it does not mean that these sense organs have no effect when a person is in a non-awake state, such as in a dream. At best, the information received does not enter the brain in a conscious state, and it is just a feedback response that humans should have.

But the magic tower in the dreamland can receive this information and react according to the designed program logic. This is also the reason why someone will automatically flash when facing a fatal threat or attack.

However, the distance that can be fully monitored is still very short. Lin You has tested that within one meter, all monitoring feedback and automatic judgment can achieve the best results. But as long as the distance is more than one meter, all effects will show a cliff-like decline, or even no response at all.

…what is this? A double with a range of only one meter? Platinum star?

In short, this is related to protecting one’s own life, so someone can’t help but not care, and at the same time looking for ways to expand the scope. Because the former Demon King-sama has used actual combat level practice battles to confirm that the protection range of one meter is far from enough for her opponents of this level. As long as he mastered similar abilities, Lin couldn’t escape the palm of Demon King no matter how he flashed. And as long as a negligence, it is the end of life not guaranteed.

So I can only say that there is a long way to go. If I want to live comfortably in a fascinating way.

“teacher, teacher.” Hallumi’s call, pulling someone’s consciousness back to reality. Riding on a horse, she rode a horse and walked side by side with a wagon, and asked: “There is a fork in the road ahead. Which direction are we going to go?” Lin did not decide directly, but asked Xiang to sit in the carriage. Kaya in the driver’s seat: “On the map, where are we going? Is there any hint of the road ahead?”

“teacher, according to the map of Pilsen District, the road on the right should lead to Shao The territory of the Marquis of Beau, the left is the territory of some small lords. Both of them can eventually lead to the headquarters of the Magician Association Division in Pilsen District-Pilsen City.”

In order to realize oneself To make the designed device, you need some magical materials. The materials I bring with me are relatively precious materials, or the amount is small, and it is too wasteful to make the experimental product. So finding a branch headquarters of the magician association and finding a way to buy the materials you need is a very as it should be by rights choice.

As for going to the left or going to the right, Lin said without thinking: “Go to the left.”

“But…” Hallumi just wanted to talk about his thoughts. , Was stopped by Lin, someone said: “Considering the appearance of your sisters, you want to go to the territory of a great nobleman and explain to them that the skeletons of the undead family can also be very kind?”

The receptive ability of magicians is stronger, which does not mean that the lost nobles will accept a spirit race creature so easily. In this group, there are many diehards who only care about their own interests. But on the other hand, if a nobleman can easily take over Spirit Race, does it mean that there is a problem with his own camp?

This kind of truth is very common in the mysterious world. So she confessed directly: “Well, it seems a little difficult to do this.”

“It’s not a bit difficult. So let’s recognize it a little bit and go to the territory of the little nobleman. Even if something happens on both sides. At least the little nobles can deal with the crisis of conflict. It’s better to let them open one eye and close one eye by intimidation.”

“Well, I know. It’s.”

Using the elder sister whom the young girls admired as an excuse, it effectively blocked all sentences beginning with’but…’. It is rare for Hallumi and Kaya to decide to move towards the right in a short time. As for the person in the conversation, he is still buried in his own research, ignoring the disturbances from the outside world.

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