Early in the morning, the bells in Wulian City rang and continued.

In the custom of Lost Land, this is the demise of the most important person in a city, announcing the deeds of the whole city.

Such bells rang in Wulian City, which only means that the old president, Chengguo Eaton, has passed away.

Some people feel sad, some people feel lucky, and some people have mixed feelings. For the magicians who are keen on power, the old president is like a giant, suppressing all ambitious. But it is undeniable that he also brought the best era to the Xijia District of the Magician Association.

Especially in the last few years, forums have flourished, and related things have emerged one after another, and those who cannot keep up with the times will eventually be eliminated. But the masters are people who are at the forefront of the times, so there are no outdated and pedantic concepts that are stalling.

Of course the creator of the forum is not the president. But immediately, when something new came out, it led the entire division to keep up with the pace of creation. This kind of courage and vision, even those who hate the old president, also admire it. So at the funeral of Chengguo Eaton, almost all magicians from Wulian City arrived.

When the president passes away, of course the association has certain ceremony and operational procedures, but it does not force all magicians to attend.

Those who have a head and a face, whether they come from the heart or not, they will definitely be there. Do a little gesture, show a little respect, and carve some advantages for the forces behind the president.

As for ordinary magicians, it depends on their attitudes. There was also a funeral for a certain president, and there were more guards than guests. But at the funeral of Orange Eaton, almost all the magicians who stayed in or around Wulian City came, and Lin was also in the crowd.

Many of the policies of the old president are really helpful to the magician who is rolling at the bottom. In particular, many people have accepted help from the age of apprenticeship and used this to become a formal magician. This kindness is like re-creation. Maybe these people can’t repay this kindness, but it is not difficult to send the president for the last time.

But after all, it is magician. No one wants to be desecrated by undead magic after death, so there will be some necessary ceremony to ensure the rest of the soul after death. These are so solemn and solemn under the management of the association.

Lin among the crowd, not to mention Earth, after coming to the maze, this is the second funeral he attended. The previous time it was his own teacher, Charlie Richard, who was dubbed the “Holy Mother” during his lifetime. His funeral is much simpler, without that many red tape, and the attendees don’t have the scale in front of them, just the nominal apprentices who have been helped by him, and they haven’t arrived in all.

Some people did not know that they had to come back to participate because they were out of town and the information was not well informed at the time. Some people who are ignorant and unjust because they think they haven’t received much help, they feel resentful and even presumptuously want to come back to attend the funeral.

The scale of this second funeral was beyond Lin’s imagination, allowing him to re-acquaint the Senior who had dealt with many times. Speaking of which, those senior’s evil tastes, it is inevitable to miss one or two at this time.

Just looking at Shure Ion, who is holding the president’s widow, Lin feels that life will continue to be sad. The malice of that one is becoming more and more unconcealed, only to show his cart, point to his nose and say, “I just want to fuck you.”

But to be honest, this is also a turning point. When the old president passes away, the forces of Xijia District will definitely reshuffle. Lin couldn’t help but wondered if there was anything he could do for himself.

On the contrary, the great magician standing next to him ─ ─ Juan Javier, took Lin very seriously and commented on the female magicians who came here in mourning clothes. After all, not all magicians like to attend general social occasions. So for Juan, there are indeed many new faces in the funeral of Orange Fruit Eaton.

But he will pull someone, because of the rumored matter, so Juan wants to help this person who is also called a friend, change his mood.

However, most of Lin’s attention, unlike Juan, is on those female magicians who rarely go out. Although he looked around in the same way, he was looking for another figure, a figure that didn’t come back last night.

I thought she would be next to the king of Zlin Kingdom ─ ─ Steiner III. Indeed, behind the king, I saw a man wearing a tailored suit and trousers, but with distinctive feminine characteristics, valiant and formidable looking. Although he didn’t use magic, or stepped forward to confirm, Lin knew that the one was not the one he was looking for.

There is no other way but to be in the crowd, looking left and right, trying to find the person’s figure from the vast crowd.

On the contrary, the two girls standing behind Lin pushed the glasses on their faces. This pair of glasses has a similar function to the one used by my own teacher. But it was not made by the teacher, but a gift made by the older sister and given to the two of them.

Except that they don’t need to hide the abnormality of the pupils, other functions are all available. So they secretly opened the window of the real-time communication software, placed their hands beside them, and typed a few lines calmly.

‘Sister, where are you? teacher is looking for you. ‘

‘Look for me? Where are you? ‘

‘We are here at the funeral of the president. Haven’t you come? ‘

‘Oh, that old boy is dead. He didn’t ask me to help him resurrect. I went to see what a piece of meat would not move. ‘

‘…Well, where are you? ‘

‘I am busy at home. Why, your teacher is complaining? ‘

‘No, he just looked around. ‘

‘Okay, it’s all right. I continue to be busy. Let me know if there is any news. ‘

‘Okay, my sister. ‘

Lich with Erlang’s legs upright, sitting comfortably in the community home, in the first coffin room, browsing a large section of the program primordial code.

During the time she was not at home, except for spending the night with some men, she was looking for magic that she hadn’t seen everywhere in Wulian City. Private inheritance, semifinished product in research, or magical notes obtained by accident. Of course, to solve the problem, how to cross the ultra-long distance of the astronomical unit.

Sending someone back to Earth’s home is an unsolved problem for her. Fern is only interested in solving problems, not really wanting to send someone back. Compared with this kind of difficult problem that does not know the answer, to write some software programs, as long as you understand the requirements, it is only a matter of time to type out the code. For her, the former is not as interesting.

It’s just past magic research, who would think about how to throw oneself on another star. So Fen’s search is not so much to find an answer as it is to find an inspiration.

But I found that the fragmentary knowledge scattered among the people was not helpful. Most importantly, there is no efficiency at all. So Fen set his sights on the Wulian City, where the most magical knowledge was collected, which was the South Tower.

If you want to find magic that can exert a certain effect through a formal way, you have to search from the Nanta catalog. And there will only record the name of magic, as well as some short, representative evaluations. The magician who wants to learn new knowledge can only bet on his luck from the public information.

So most people’s practice is by word of mouth. Which magic is more suitable for what to do? Then I went to study.

Sneakly breaking into the library of the South Tower to find the materials you want to find is also a way. But where is this place? The interior of a magic tower. Even if there is no video surveillance screen, it is not a place for people to come and go.

Fen has the confidence to come and go freely, but that method will not be able to look through the book to find information. For his own purposes, it is also a meaningless behavior.

So she decided to follow the third method to solve this problem of collecting knowledge.

That’s the “hacking method” that the Mysterious World has never seen before.

The magician association in Xijia District has established a forum belonging to the district association itself. All applications and discussions related to the association must be resolved from the dedicated forum. This of course also includes the exchange of magical knowledge, or direct sales.

As for the magic knowledge of Nanta, the establishment of the database was completed as early as the year before last. This means that instead of taking a risk or purse crisis to search for physical books, it is better to start from the forum. The way to do it is to get lost in this World, a network intrusion that even the concept has never seen before.

Someone once raised security issues in a small chat, including network security and program security. If someone who knows how to use it improperly, it can cause more or less loss. Regarding these practices, Lin said a lot about how to prevent them.

Fen was very curious at the time, and asked: “You know that you have to say that many, but why in actual use, you did not take the security measures you said.”

I remember at that time someone didn’t answer this question, just smiled and smiled trivially. It is only now that Fern understands that it is not that someone can’t make a safe design at all, but that he doesn’t want to do it. The result is naturally leaving an open back door for myself. Of course, it may also be lazy cancer, just digging holes.

Following the path, Fen successfully hacked into Nanta’s database and obtained the highest authority. All the magic knowledge, without cost, was exposed in front of her.

Using the small program originally written, download all the magic database of the Xijia Division into the first coffin. Fern carefully removed the traces she had left before exiting the forum screen of the club.

Fin has an inexplicable sense of excitement about the hacking behavior he saw for the first time in this mysterious place, and even wants to tell the whole world what he has done. But when the thief still shows off the stupid thing, I have no interest in doing it. She just followed the advice someone had given and put everything back to its original state, as if she had never been here.

The reason for this is, of course, that you don’t want to attract the attention of others, and then cause trouble to your upper body, or cause the other party to notice the security problem, and find ways to upgrade the program to fill the loopholes.

As for the downloaded magic knowledge, which amounted to over 10,000, Fen did not read it stupidly one by one. Instead, use text exploration to filter out some keywords and reduce the number of targets before looking slowly.

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