StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 1103: Triss Siege (2)

Outside the Peyton universe.

The main fleet of the Second Legion of Sanhe Civilization has arrived at the designated position for combat.

Next, as long as it breaks through the cosmic wall and descends into the Peyton universe, it can directly appear in the Tris supercluster.

"Commander, all the fleets have arrived!"

"Send all the fleets to start the battle! At the same time, send a message to all the fleets stationed abroad. If you find any signs of the enemy fleet returning to help, report it immediately!"

"Yes, Legion Commander!"

The next moment, a full fifty trillion god-level civilized battleships moved in unison, rushing directly towards the black Peyton universe wall.

The seemingly unbreakable cosmic wall was directly penetrated by the battleship that completely mastered the black cavity engine, as if it did not exist.

Soon, all the battleships of the fifty fleets disappeared into the cosmic wall.

When the picture in front of him changed again, the army had arrived at the Tris supercluster of galaxies.


boom boom boom boom...

Just when the fleet arrived, before it even had time to respond, countless attacks had already struck, and a large number of warships were instantly blown up.

"Damn, they already knew we were coming, and they even knew where and when we were coming!"

"Legion Commander, it should be that the other party left some monitoring devices in the black cavity and captured our fleet!"

"Well, it should be like this, but what if it is so? Do you really think that you can reverse the difference in numbers by more than two times by attacking first?"

In this regard, Vladimir expressed disdain.

The wave of attacks just now really surprised him, but at most, he killed tens of billions of battleships in one wave, which had no image at all for the overall situation.

"Order all fleets, don't panic, maintain the array and fight back against me!"

"Yes, Legion Commander!"

Vladimir stood up, his eyes narrowed, and then ordered.

Between the two sides, the fire of war was instantly ignited, and from the very beginning, it went directly into a white-hot state.

Although the main battleships of the Sanhe Civilization are weaker than the main battleships of the Federation, they are also very weak, and the difference in quantity is absolutely impossible to ignore.

The start of the fight brought great pressure and a lot of damage to the Federal Fleet.

"Marshal, the casualties are too great!"

"Where is Gallen now?"

If Li Yan did not reply to Liang Xue, he knew that the casualties were high. After all, twenty fleets and fifty fleets were facing each other, and the federal fleet was not invincible, so the casualties would naturally be large.

And this was originally within Lin Yan's estimate.

"Arrived at the reserved location in 37 seconds!"

"Very good, order the Seventh Fleet to act and open a breach for Garen's breakthrough!"


The Seventh Fleet, an ordinary fleet in the First Army, was nothing special.

But at this moment, his mission is very special...

Protect a battleship!

Trillions of warships provide protection for a warship. If this is Lin Fan's flagship, then there is no problem, but the warship that needs to be protected in this mission is not Lin Fan's flagship, and it doesn't even have any on it. one person. …

This is a bomber!

The so-called detonator is a special warship designed by Luo Li in order to solve some disadvantages of the black cavity particle detonation device after the last battle of Stoke.

After all, during the Battle of Stoke, Li Yan only fired once, and almost paralyzed the entire warship for a while.

Although Luo Li has a way to solve this situation, the problem is that although the solution is not difficult, the required materials are currently unavailable, not because there is no one in the Canglong universe!

Therefore, in the end, we can only come up with this method.

Build a special type of unmanned battleship designed to fire black-cavity particle detonation rays.

And today's Seventh Fleet has brought such a battleship.

Under the protection of the Seventh Fleet, the detonator quickly entered the attack position and locked its attack target.

"The target has been locked, the black cavity particle detonation device is being charged, and the estimated charging time is 10 seconds!"

"Charge is complete, fire!"


At the same time, the outermost flank of the fleet array of the Second Legion of the Triad Civilization.

Almost the same situation happened to the entire fleet, as if the battleship had lost its energy. As soon as the system went offline, even the lighting equipment in the ship gradually went out...

All the battleships suddenly fell into a state of being out of sight.

Although each of these warships, the captain responded quickly, and immediately ordered people to investigate the problem and repair it.

But what they don't know is that this is not a problem with one of their own warships, but almost the entire fleet has such a problem.

The next moment, as if being ignited, the black cavity particles and black cavity energy cores carried in all the battleships began to erupt frantically, instantly turning the entire battleship into nothingness.

If this is seen from outside the fleet, it looks like all the warships are collectively playing self-destruction, the scene is really weird.

"Marshal, the flanking portal of the enemy fleet array has been opened, and the particle energy eruption is expected to dissipate in one minute!"

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ "Notify Kanon, the assault will start in one minute!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

"Liang Xue, how long will it take for Wang Hai and the others to arrive?"

"five minutes!"

"Order the fleet, focus firepower on the opponent's flank, cooperate with the formation of Jialong and the local biological civilization group, before Wang Hai and the others arrive, they will create a certain amount of chaos for the opponent's formation anyway!"


A minute later, the terrifying particle energy eruption began to subside, and the long-prepared Jialong and 30,000 local peak-level biological civilization individuals also launched an assault in the form of a group.

And in Vladimir's flagship, everyone is still busy analyzing how the 39th Fleet, which was on the flank just now, was destroyed...

"No results yet?"

"Legion Commander, I'm afraid it's difficult to get a definite result in a short period of time, but the scientific team said that since the opponent didn't use it when they first started the war, and it's also not used continuously now, then this kind of weapon is very important. It may be a one-time use, and even if it is not, it is definitely not a weapon that can be used continuously for a short period of time!"

Hearing this, Vladimir's face was slightly better.

Destroys nearly an entire fleet in one blow.

If such a weapon can be used continuously, then the following battles will not have to be fought.

But even without continuous use, the threat of such a weapon is too great.

It seems that he must increase the intensity of the attack and shorten the entire war process as much as possible!

"Legion commander, the life civilization group found in the Peyton universe is found on the flank, and it is rushing towards our fleet array in a straight line!"

"Come on, the leader seems to be the one reported by the Seventeenth Legion. According to the test, its energy intensity index..."

"Up to tens of thousands!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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