Chapter 773: Wesher is Missing (Subscribe)

With just those words, Fang Ze suddenly withdrew all his smiles, and his face became extremely gloomy.

“Be clear, what’s going on, aren’t you by Weiser’s side to protect him?” Under the protection of so many people, he still had a problem and disappeared. Could it be that there was something in there that they didn’t realize was a trap? ?

Del reproached himself and said: “We are in the third room now, and there is a secret door in it, because the previous two rooms also have such a door, and there is a small warehouse behind it, so none of us paid attention to it. After Lord Se entered, the secret door closed by itself. We thought of various methods, and finally opened the door, but the result was

Needless to say, the next time he could guess, the door opened, but Wither had disappeared.

He didn’t expect that with Forman following, Weiser was still in danger. Sure enough, he was seeking wealth at risk. If he wanted to get the things inside, he still had to bear certain dangers.

However, Weather is very important to him, and he will never allow Weather to have any accident.

“I see, you guys stay there and don’t go anywhere, I’ll rush over right now.” Fang Ze hung up the communication with a blank face after saying this.

Although he had thought about something big before so that he could get out of here, but after the accident happened, his heart was very bad.

He looked at Bingyu apologetically: “Something happened, I can’t stay here any longer, I’ll come to accompany you when I deal with it.”

Weiser is too important to him, and he absolutely cannot let it go, so no matter what happens here, he must rush over as quickly as possible.

An unhappy look appeared on Bingyu’s face for a moment, but she knew that this was not the time to be angry, so she nodded, although she looked a little reluctant.

Fang Ze’s heart softened in an instant. He felt that at that moment, his heart seemed to be touched by something, and he felt a little emotional. Then he stepped forward and touched Bingyu’s hair, and left without saying a word.

The people outside are fast and have everything ready, including the fastest battleship.

Yes, it is indeed a battleship that is prepared, not a hover vehicle like before. No matter how fast the vehicles used in the planet are, they can only break through the speed of sound, but the speed of battleships is even faster than these.

If you want to rush over with the fastest speed, you must use a battleship.

After boarding the battleship, Fang Ze entered the coordinates of the previous military base and arrived at the military base within an hour.

At the entrance of the military base, Fang Xinghe stood there waiting for him with a face full of reluctance.

“Give it to you, it’s back to its original owner. Seeing” Fang Ze came over, Fang Xinghe hurriedly handed over the Soul Orb in his arms to Fang Ze.

He didn’t take the initiative to stay here and wait for Fang Ze. Entering the military base requires permission. Only Forman has permission. Fang Xinghe can only stand here and wait for Fang Ze’s arrival. Otherwise, Fang Ze can’t even enter. .

At this moment, half a day had passed since Weiser disappeared, Fang Ze didn’t want to waste time, and directly used Foreman’s authority to enter the military base, and he kept walking all the way to the scientific research institute.

In the open space in front of the scientific research institute, there are still many robots patrolling back and forth diligently, but this time Fang Ze really didn’t have the energy to pay attention to these, and walked in quickly.

Not long after, he had passed the corridor he passed by before, and came to the door of the third room.

Del had been guarding the door of that room during this period, not daring to take a step away, but when he saw Fang Ze coming, he immediately knelt down on one knee with a face full of guilt.

“Mr. Fang Ze, this subordinate is negligent, please punish you.” When Fang Ze left, he told Del that he should take good care of Weiser. As a result, how long has passed and Weiser is under everyone’s eyes. Disappeared, no matter what, he felt that he could not shirk responsibility for this matter.

“Get up, now is not the time to be held accountable. The most important thing for us now is how to find a way to rescue him.” Fang Ze sighed and asked Del to stand up. After all, this was the former Rhone Empire. There must be unknown dangers in the scientific research institute, so he did not anger Del because of Weiser’s disappearance.

The most urgent task now is to find Weiser first, and to be punished or punished, let’s talk about it when we go back.

Del nodded, followed Fang Ze without saying a word, and entered the third room. At this moment, the room was empty, and the researchers who had followed him were also arranged in the open space outside.

There is no way, one person has already disappeared, they will never allow the second person to disappear, they can only temporarily guard this room and not allow anyone to enter.

“Is this the secret door?” After entering the room, Fang Ze took a look around and directly locked the only open door.

“Yes, it’s this door. This door is no different from the doors of the previous two rooms, as if it’s really just a warehouse, but I didn’t expect the door to close automatically after Mr. Weiser entered, and then With great effort, 370 opened the door again, but there was no one inside.”

After listening to Del’s explanation, Fang Ze nodded and raised his feet to go in and check it out. Del hurriedly stopped in front of him: “Lord Fang Ze, please don’t enter until we figure out how Mr. Weiser disappeared. If you also disappear inside, then we will be to blame. .

In their eyes, this place is indeed very dangerous. The key point is that this danger is not on the bright side, but like there is an invisible trap, if one enters, one will disappear.

Therefore, they will never allow Lord Fang Ze to enter until they understand the principle and where the missing person has gone.

What if it is lost again?

Fang Ze nodded, and did not confront them. He insisted on entering, and asked, “What happened to the room inside the secret door? Have you checked it? Is there a new secret door in it? ?

It is impossible for people to disappear for no reason. It is more inclined to have a secret room inside. Wither may be in that secret room, but they have not touched the mechanism or the key to entering.

Or maybe the inner secret room hides a bigger secret, so his entry is very strict and has very strict requirements.

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