Chapter 752 The Traitor Dies (For Subscription)

Fang Ze directly regarded their silence as approval, sat down on the stool brought over by the guard, held his chin and said, “Since you have no opinion, then come one by one. Whatever I ask you to answer, as long as you act. All right, let you get out of here.”

The people who were in the house before, now their hearts are together again, they silently set their eyes on the monkey, and their eyes are full of expectations.

Monkey, you are the leader of all of us, at this time it is up to you.

The monkey was so bitter that he couldn’t tell. This group of people had just been accusing him carelessly and sternly, and now they suddenly agreed with him, which was changing faster than the weather.

And he knew very well that no matter what the other party asked, as long as he answered, it would be treason. His brothers are still here. If they let the “three or four zeros” go out, maybe they will bite him back, and then the matter will not be hidden. Living.

I always feel that no matter how I plan, I’m going to die.

Either die here, or die by being sued by them, because they have a law in the Retan Empire, and this law takes precedence over all laws.

“Death to the traitor.”

Four light words can determine a person’s life and death. As long as he has treasonous behavior, even if he has made great achievements, he will still die.

Therefore, the monkey at this moment is very determined, and always feels that the two roads waiting for him lead to hell.

“Brother Monkey, don’t worry, we will never say anything about it, we will rot in our stomachs.” Before he shouted a villain, but now he turned into Big Monkey.

They also don’t want to be beaten in the face, but the charge of treason is too cautious, who knows if everyone is of the same mind, as long as one of them will make a small report, all of them may be implicated.

So they put all their hopes on the monkeys, and even intentionally or unintentionally, they spread to Fang Ze that the monkeys are the boss, just to turn Fang Ze’s eyes on the monkeys and let him focus on the monkeys and not ask questions. them.

Everyone has been brothers for so many years, how could the monkeys not be able to see what they mean?

What kind of brother is this, he knows how to sell his brother at a critical moment. Look at it, if he can leave here safely this time, he must treat this group of people as his brother.

There was a wolf in his heart, but a pleasing smile appeared on his face.

“My lord, in fact, I’m just a small person. I don’t know a lot. Maybe there are many questions you want to ask that I can’t answer.” Monkey said cautiously, he knew that he would not cooperate, but he also Wanting to leave a little room for himself, to be humble, although he used to hope that he would become a big meat, but at this moment he hopes that he is a gang leader, even smaller than the gang leader.

In this way, when he asks about some confidential things, he can confidently say, I don’t know.

“You don’t have to be so careful, I have my own way to verify whether what you said is true or false. After all, Mohr is in my hands.” Fang Ze knew what these people were thinking, and smiled and said a shocking news to them .

What?! Is Mohr actually in his hands?! Who among them didn’t know that Mohr was missing? At that time, the brigade captain searched with great effort, but there was no trace of Mohr at all.

Although they were fighting interstellar pirates who were not worth mentioning, a group of scumbags, but after all, it was also a space battle. Maybe which one of the unlucky ones was hit by the flying stray bullets?

So after they searched for a while, they still couldn’t find Moore, and almost everyone believed that he was the unlucky guy.

Not only was the unfortunate one hit by a grenade, but after the hit, no bones were left. Those who knew the news at that time, who didn’t feel sorry in their hearts, and shed two tears of emotion, but what should be done in the future, almost all of them are about to forget about it.

As a result, they now know from the enemy’s mouth that Mor was originally caught by them.

This is fucking embarrassing. What they originally thought was to say two irrelevant words, and then answer two ambiguous sentences. Anyway, no matter what, they can’t leak the secrets of the empire, 0

As a result, the other party now told him that Moore was in their hands. Why didn’t he say it sooner or later, but at this time? Isn’t it just beating them and telling them that he already has someone of yours in his hands, and he may know more than you and speak more than you. I’m sorry for your two confessions, but one of you must be lying.

This is simply a blatant threat, telling them not to use tricks.

Mormore “How could it be in your hands? He was obviously hit by a stray bullet and died in space!” One of the detainees suddenly couldn’t accept it and shouted loudly. His name was Finn, and he was Moore’s brother, the kind of real brother.

The two have had a very good relationship since childhood. Because one wanted to sign up to become an elite unit, the other person also signed up and became an elite unit. Two brothers in the same unit can be considered a good story.

What’s more, how long has there been no war in the galaxy, peace is advocated everywhere, and propaganda is everywhere, and peace is hard-won, let alone war, and they think they can live safely until retirement.

As a result, I did not expect that His Majesty the Emperor suddenly sent them to suppress the bandits. In fact, they are not afraid of bandits. Who doesn’t know that the interstellar pirates have technologies that are eliminated by some empires, and they are not worth mentioning at all. They are dispatched by elite troops. Isn’t it just like playing games? As long as luck It’s not too bad, he will definitely be able to return safely, and he will even be able to get a wave of merit.

But who knows, fate is so joking, but Moer is the unlucky person who suddenly disappeared without a trace during a battle to destroy the interstellar pirates. No matter how you look for it, you can’t find him, even his overweight machine. Not a single piece of armor was found. Finn almost went crazy at the time. His best brother had disappeared. How could he accept this? He ignored the military order and searched and searched in the area in charge of More. Can float in space.

In the end, the captain led a group of people to capture him, and after a long time of persuading him, he reluctantly accepted the fact that his brother died.

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