Chapter 718 Punishment Means (Subscribe)

With the idea of ​​not wasting resources, Fang Ze did not leave Moll idle, but directly handed him over to Bol.

Moore was pushed around tremblingly. He was very worried about his fate and always felt that he had fallen into a tiger’s den.

“Your name is Mor? Someone from the Retan Empire?” When Fang Ze cooperated, Bol was still very kind, just like now, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But Mole felt inexplicably cold on his neck, and felt very strange. The corner of the mouth of the person opposite obviously had the most comforting smile, so how could he still feel sullen?

“Don’t worry, we don’t have the practice of killing prisoners. As long as you cooperate with us well, we won’t do anything to you.” Bohr thought that laziness had frightened others, so he deliberately comforted them, but in fact they frightened them. The person is right to him.

Although he is usually not very strict, he just concentrates on doing the tasks assigned to him by Fang Ze, but he has unconsciously condensed an invisible coercion, and this coercion is affecting the people around him all the time. 10 people.

People who have worked with him for a long time don’t feel anything, after all, they are used to it, but people like Moore who have just met Boll really have a feeling of urination, and always feel as if they are facing the kind of Like a prehistoric monster, it seems that he will be eaten in the next moment.

“Okay, let’s relax first, I feel like you’re about to pass.” Bol feels a little speechless, is he that scary? His position is obviously a civil servant, so it can’t be more scary than laziness, right?

“Then are you pirates?” Moore asked, and now he no longer believes in his previous judgment, this group of people is absolutely impossible to be pirates.

If they were pirates, they wouldn’t be able to just rob the merchants who came and go, and they wouldn’t be able to let go of the military warships that transported supplies.

For this question, Bol just smiled: “I think you may not understand your own position deeply enough, now you are our prisoner, so it is not up to you to ask us questions, but we to ask you some questions .

Mole reacted suddenly. He had an occupational disease. When he was still in the Ruitan Empire, he would help some policemen manage the public security issues in the community because he was too bored.

Sometimes they have to assist the police to record some confessions, and they get used to it.

This group of people knew that they were not simple characters just by looking at the equipment. He actually used his previous thinking to think about these people. Maybe his own life would be lost in the next second.

Bol was not in a hurry to ask him to answer some questions. After all, Moore was just caught by them, and his understanding of his situation was not clear enough. After a while, he would understand who is the boss here and what he should do. Make a statement to live a better life.

As for the kind shown in the TV series, those who are willing to risk their lives for the sake of their motherland and their own civilization do have such heroes, but they need a very lofty spirit of self-sacrifice. More does not have this spirit at all.

As a captive, Mor was finally handed over to Ah Feng and asked him to arrange what Mor should do every day?

Ah Feng felt that this was Master Fang Ze’s test for him, and it was also the first task given to him, so he must complete it well, and must not live up to Master Fang Ze’s cultivation of him.

They also learned that Mor was the first prisoner they captured, and the empire made it clear that they wanted to grab territory with them. Ah Feng had already regarded himself as a person in the first series, so he was very indignant in the face of Ruitan Empire’s territory grabbing behavior. , but also regarded Moore as a thorn in the eyes.

Therefore, the work that he arranges every day is particularly frustrating, or he is asked to go to the kitchen to help, or he is asked to clean all the public health.

These simple tasks are usually done by robots, but in order to toss him, Ah Feng deliberately stopped two robots and let him go out to work with those robots.

Robots won’t stop as long as they have energy. They can work for days and nights without stopping, but Moore can’t. He is a human with flesh and blood, and his physical strength is also that of a normal human. How can he compare with those robots?

Therefore, he would be left behind every day, and at this time, Ah Feng would appear anytime and anywhere, warning him not to be lazy.

It’s only been three days since these days, and Moore was in a trance. He almost didn’t know what he was doing, who he was, and why he was here?

When he was an elite member of the elite team, he trained very hard every day, but at that time he was dignified and even respected by many people. It was a kind of spontaneous training.

Now, he is only working as a prisoner. The colleagues who work with him are all robots, and he is the only one who is a human being who can’t do it well or works too slowly, and has to be told by others.

This caused him to go into a trance and almost collapse.

Bohr saw More’s dazed face on the surveillance screen and nodded: “His body has been worn clean, bring him here now, I believe he will be very cooperative.”

Ah Feng: “It’s only been three days now, isn’t the time too short, I think his arrogance is hard to be wiped out.

323 Those who are proud cannot be wiped out in just three days. They insist on being proud of their origin. How could they betray so quickly?

“You were born in a junk star, and you slowly climbed up from the bottom, so you don’t understand the feeling of being trampled under your feet, trust me, if you bring him here now, he will know everything and say everything. Because he’s terrified that days of endless torment like this are his future.” Bol was pretty sure about it, and unless More made up his mind to clean on their side for the rest of his life, he certainly wouldn’t. will be happy. Ah Feng thought about it and felt that what Lord Bohr said was right. After all, he has never been arrogant. He used to be willing to do anything in order to survive, so he couldn’t understand the thoughts of such a person.

He quickly brought Mohr over. At this moment, Mohr’s eyes were blank, his face was pale, his hands were still trembling slightly, and every step was extremely difficult.

In the past three days, what he has heard the most is the sound of scolding trash, everyone is laughing at him, even those demons who don’t seem smart are laughing at him as a trash.

As an elite, he has already begun to doubt whether he is an elite or not, and his spirit has already appeared in a trance.

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