Chapter 639 Coordinate Determination (Subscribe)

“You still think I’m your human? I don’t care to lie. However, you can’t think I’ll tell you how to open it. You can find a way yourself.”

Fang Xinghe rolled his eyes and said, with a particularly Tsundere expression.

Fang Ze is breathing in a room, what kind of temper do you want at this time? If he could find a way to open it, he would have opened it a long time ago, why should he stare at this ring.

“Don’t be like this, you can’t open the treasure chest yourself, I will help you when the time comes. We brothers will help each other.” Fang Ze said with a smile, trying to be moved.

Fang Xinghe’s love for the treasure chest was extremely deep. After allocating a room, he locked the door directly, just fiddling with how to open the treasure chest inside.

Unfortunately, this treasure chest is very stubborn, no matter what method he uses, he can’t open it. It is estimated that this is the first time that the bear child has nothing to do with something since he can remember, which has caused his temper to be very bad, and it is not pleasing to everyone.

But this is also normal. He is the core of the galaxy, and his energy can indeed bring a lot of convenience, but for some high-tech things, he can’t do anything about it.

And this treasure chest is the representative of high technology. There is no gap on the top and bottom of the treasure chest, just like it was carved out of nature, there is no chance for him to open it.

Moreover, the material of this treasure chest is also very strange, he can actually isolate Fang Xinghe’s spiritual power detection, so he can’t know what is inside, only that the contents inside have a fatal attraction to him.

He even felt that if he missed this treasure box, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, the exchange condition proposed by Fang Ze is still attractive to Fang Xinghe.

“How? You can’t open it by yourself, but we still have a laboratory in the first sequence. Even if we can’t open it within time, there will always be a day, right?” Fang Ze’s voice was full of An irresistible temptation, like the whispers of the devil.

Fang Xinghe struggled in his heart, he didn’t want to fulfill Fang Ze in his heart, it made him feel very coquettish. But the temptation of the treasure chest was too great for him, and in the end he couldn’t hold back, nodded and agreed.

“Okay, you must help me open the treasure chest, otherwise I will not let you go~!” Fang Xinghe threatened in a milky voice, thinking that he was very deterrent, but in fact he was very cute and made people feel Especially want to love.

Fang Ze nodded with a smile and agreed.

Since the two sides have reached an agreement, Fang Xinghe will not hide it.

“You can’t find the special area inside, just because this special area requires specific mental power to open.” Fang Xinghe woke up Fang Ze with one sentence.

Everyone’s mental power is different, in layman’s terms, it is brain waves. The frequency of each brain wave is different. Perhaps the ring had an owner before, and the spiritual power of others was already branded on it, so it only recognized the fluctuation of that spiritual power, and the other spiritual powers belonged to outsiders. The only thing that can be opened is the watch

face space.

Those hidden spaces can only be opened by the same spiritual power.

After Fang Xinghe explained it like this, Fang Ze understood. Just like the immortal cultivating novels he read on Blue Star before the time-travel, any magic weapon in it is the master. Since there is a natural connection between the master and the master, only the master can use these things.

If other people want to use such a thing, they must meet a condition, that is, to erase the brand left by the previous owner.

“You mean that the spiritual power is still in it, so this ring actually has a master. He doesn’t recognize me as his master, so he doesn’t want me to open his core space?” Fang Ze quickly got the point.

But if this happens, things will become tricky. The Rhone Empire has mysteriously disappeared hundreds of years ago, which means that his master has disappeared for at least hundreds of years. Where is he going to find someone with him? The master has the same mental power.

In other words, he didn’t even know what kind of mental fluctuation his master possessed, even if he wanted to find him, he would be blind.

I thought I could pick up the leak this time, but I didn’t expect this leak to be bad. But another way of thinking, if the hidden space inside is so easy to be discovered, then it is impossible for this ring to be auctioned here, at least it is impossible to appear in the auction before the contents are taken out.

Probably this is a gain and a loss.

“You don’t have to put on such a dejected face, I didn’t say that this matter can’t be solved.” Fang Xinghe gasped and said innocence all over his face.

Fang Ze: “…Really, he doesn’t want to kill this bear boy all the time, can’t he finish it in one breath? If you have to take a big breath, is it interesting to leave half of what you say?

Fang Xinghe was keenly aware of the crisis and defended himself: “You are too good at brainstorming, I have never said that this matter is not easy to solve, it is just a little tricky, and there is no such condition to solve this trouble now. ”

“Humanity’s exploration of spiritual power is still on the surface. Only god-level civilization has entered a higher level, but it cannot be said that they have fully explored it. But from the mental power imprint on this ring, at least they have already Can use mental power to leave their own marks on private items. You also know that my core is actually a mass of energy

, so I can simulate all the energy bands in the universe. After we go back, you can get me a machine, and I will help you simulate the spiritual energy band in the ring, so you can turn it on. ”

This time, he learned to be smart, finished all the words in one breath, and explained it in place.

The method he said was the most simple. In fact, it was a trick to deceive the ring and make him believe that the person standing in front of him who opened the ring space was his master, then he would willingly take the core space Open.

However, according to the existing technology in the first sequence, this step cannot be achieved, so to complete this step, Fang Xinghe’s cooperation is required.

From this point of view, it seems impossible to take out the contents before going back.

Fang Ze held the ring in his hand and played with it for a while before putting it away helplessly. It’s useless to look at it, anyway, I can’t take it out, it’s better to be a pure man out of sight.

Then, he finally walked out of the room and asked Feng to find out when he could let them go.

Ah Feng went naturally, this time it was just right, and news just came from them.

The coordinates that have been unable to be determined before can finally be determined this time. .


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