Chapter 463 Stop the attack! Chaotic space rift! (Subscribe)

Although the attack had stopped now, Fang Ze still did not dare to go forward, but Skynet let him analyze it first.

It wasn’t until Skynet was sure that there was no problem and that the consciousness in this body completely disappeared, Fang Ze walked over.

It was found that the arrogant conscious body was hanging in the air in a very strange posture, and the whole conscious body was like Jesus on the cross.

Moreover, Fang Ze was still a little puzzled, since this arrogant consciousness has been completely dissipated, why does it continue to exist.

And from Fang Ze’s perception, the energy in the arrogant consciousness did not dissipate.

It stands to reason that if the arrogant consciousness begins to disappear, then the energy in it should also slowly dissipate.

But this is not the case. At this moment, the energy hovering in the arrogant conscious body in the air is still very abundant, and it is impossible to see the appearance of consciousness dissipating.

The most important thing is that Fang Ze always felt that it was not so simple, just like after he had easily defeated the Supremacy Legion before.

Fang Ze felt that it was too easy, not because he wanted to make things complicated, because the Legion of Serenity was the center of the entire galaxy.

10 plus the only super body to be upgraded to an eighth-level civilization, no matter what you do, it is not unusual.

So sometimes it’s not that Fang Ze has to make things complicated, but the reality is this, facing a behemoth that is about to reach the eighth level of civilization.

This makes Fang Ze raise twelve points of vigilance is what should be done, so after this conscious body thing is over.

Fang Ze still feels that something is not quite right. Could it be that Suzheng Al’s backhand and hole cards are such a thing?

Fang Ze admitted that he was taken aback when arrogance first appeared, not because arrogance appeared here.

It is because Fang Ze’s plan is likely to go wrong when another consciousness emerges.

The most important thing is that he is only a conscious body now, not only many things cannot be completed, but also it is very likely to be directly eliminated by a conscious body stronger than him.

Therefore, when the powerful conscious body of arrogance appeared just now, he was startled.

This is indeed a threat to Fang Ze, but the behavior of this thing is really stupid.

Or it’s not the problem of this conscious body, it’s that the Suzheng AI is a little too impatient, and he made this thing without thinking.

But because he was too impatient, he forcibly merged the two consciousnesses that had not yet been fully integrated.

There is a big rift between them, and the most important thing is to send them to an extremely unstable space rift.

After another tremor in the space crack, their results can be imagined, there is no weak fusion that is affected by the surrounding and instantly cracks.

And their original consciousness naturally began to recover. Once they recovered to 1% of their original consciousness, they would be repulsed by instinct.

The greater the rejection, the more they will reply, and the rejection between them will also increase.

This is an infinite loop, an infinite loop with no solution, so it is useless and meaningless for the Suzheng AI to send them in.

If it is purely to delay the time, the AI ​​of Suzheng doesn’t have to use this method, which is what makes Fang Ze puzzled.

One more thing, what does the arrogant sentence at the beginning mean?

Let yourself join him? Can the consciousness continue to merge? There is another consciousness that is Lucifer, and what is the situation.

Even arrogance would not have achieved this level without the inheritance of Lucifer.

And the most important thing is that Lucifer’s power is very powerful, and his consciousness is naturally different from that of ordinary people.

If he merged with arrogance, his arrogant head would explode without any suspense, just like the demon whose head exploded before.

So sending them in is meaningless in itself, because the time is too short.

No matter how powerful Al Suzheng’s computing power is, there is no way to completely integrate them into one consciousness.

Fang Ze doesn’t care how Arrogant and Honest Al got together, nor if he is combined with Lucifer.

Fang Ze now wonders why the consciousness body whose arrogance has dissipated has not disappeared.

When things go wrong, there must be demons, but the ones here can’t continue to drag on.

The feedback I received from the outside just now shows that there seems to be a new situation outside, and now I have to solve the matter here immediately.

Otherwise, everyone will be buried together, because the arrogant consciousness dissipates, so the carrying capacity of the entire space becomes stronger again.

So Skynet expanded his consciousness again at this moment, and also wrapped his arrogant consciousness into it.

Because the consciousness in it has dissipated, they don’t occupy the space here, afraid that Suzheng Al will enter by the chaos.

Therefore, Skynet did not compress himself this time, but instead stretched his consciousness in the entire space fissure.

Fang Ze conscious body went out, and then left Skynet to support in the entire space crack.

Preventing himself from being unable to come in for a while, he rushed out and began to prepare for a head-to-head confrontation with Suzheng AI.

He is not going to confront Suzheng AI head-on, the most important thing now is to return to the fortress and take out the space cutter.

Then quickly cut this piece of space, and the cosmic nerves in it will be packed and taken away.

Of course, this is the best situation, Fang Ze is now going to plan the worst 167, desperately destroying this space rift.

However, when he went out, he found that there was no obstruction from the AI.

Fang Ze went out unexpectedly smoothly, not only did he not block Su Zheng A, but most importantly, even those strangely shaped consciousness bodies did not appear.

Fang Ze was a little puzzled, but was quickly attracted by the scene outside.

Looking up at the big blood globule in the sky, Fang Ze’s eyes flashed with solemnity, and what he was worried about still happened.

Not to mention those demon angels, even Fang Ze can’t do anything about it.

He sensed the red blood cell in the sky, only to feel that there was a continuous surge of blood in it.

It made Fang Ze feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t have time to pay attention to this thing now, the space cutter was the most important thing.

But when Fang Ze was about to jump away, he saw Lust and Laziness on the battlefield.

The two of them are sitting on the ground like an old god at the moment, looking very relaxed.

It was as if they were waiting to die, and the other demons, except for the arrogance that they had just seen, did not see it.

It is estimated that he has already left, Fang Ze did not say anything, just glanced at the position of the two demons and nodded.

The implication is also very obvious.

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