Chapter 460 The sudden arrogance! Fang Ze’s doubts! (Subscribe)

“My dear Highness Fang Ze, where are you going?” The green figure gradually took shape.

From blurred to clear, he opened his mouth and blocked Fang Ze in front of him.

Fang Ze frowned slightly, as he expected, it still took too long.

The figure gradually became clear, Fang Ze was slightly stunned that the figure in front of him turned out to be arrogant!

The leader of his demon army, the arrogant leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, was looking at Fang Ze with a faint smile on his face at this moment.

It seems that he met Fang Ze here by chance, and then had a chat.

“Why are you here?” Fang Ze frowned slightly, this is a space crack, because it is extremely unstable, only the conscious body can enter.

Once the main body enters, this space crack will not be able to withstand the pressure and collapse. He appeared here because he merged with Skynet’s consciousness.

Moreover, Skynet and the consciousness that he can come in are only partially, even if too much consciousness comes in, there will be problems.

“My dear Highness Fang Ze, I didn’t expect me to appear here.” Arrogant still smiled, he did not directly answer Fang Ze’s question, but started to show off.

Fang Ze frowned and asked again, “How is the situation outside?”

The arrogance in front of him was a little weird, and it should have something to do with his behavior just now, but at that time Fang Ze didn’t pay any attention to him because he was bent on breaking the defense of the Suzheng AI.

And he believes that with himself and the angel family, these demons can’t afford any trouble.

The most important thing is that the control of these demons has been fully handed over to him by Lucifer, so even if these demons want to make trouble, he has a way to deal with them.

“My dear Highness Fang Ze, do you still have time to care about the outside world? You should worry about your own safety in this situation.”

Arrogance was still smiling, and told Fang Ze that he was in danger now.

“Who are you?” Fang Ze felt wrong. Although the figure in front of him looked like an arrogant face, it was definitely not arrogant.

This was Fang Ze’s intuition, and at the same time, Skynet also detected that there seemed to be two different consciousnesses in this consciousness.

They seem to be vying for arrogant control, but that’s just induction.

In order to really know whether this induction is correct, Skynet needs to conduct a careful inspection of him.

“Hahaha, have you finally found out? My dear His Royal Highness Fang Ze” Arrogance was still a teasing tone.

At the same time, some madly biting their fingers, although it is a virtual consciousness body, even if the whole body is eaten, it will not feel anything.

But this still made Fang Ze a little sick, and he was more convinced that the person in front of him was not arrogant.

“I am arrogant!” Suddenly, before Fang Ze could speak, the “arrogant” in front of him spoke again.

He admitted that he was arrogant again, and his expression looked a little painful.

But Fang Ze doesn’t have time to care about these things now, no matter whether the figure in front of him is arrogant or not, he doesn’t have time to waste it.

There has been a change now, and if it is delayed for a while, I don’t know what will happen.

So Fang Ze planned to bypass the “arrogance” and make a space jump.

As a result, the arrogance that was still struggling on the spot suddenly rushed over like crazy.

“You can’t go! You have to stay here with me, hahahaha” Arrogant laughed horribly.

Fang Ze’s mind was also in a trance. If he was outside and returned to the main body to fight, he could slap a demon like arrogance to death, but he was very weak in the battle between consciousness bodies.

What’s more, this is not all of his consciousness, the remaining consciousness is integrated into Skynet’s light brain.

Originally, Fang Ze’s battle in this area was relatively unprofessional, but only a part of the conscious body came.

There was a strange power in the “arrogant” laughter just now, which made him feel a little dazed.

Nearly fainted, Fang Ze was startled, arrogant when (baae) mastered this power.

It’s not that this kind of power is strong, but it is very strange. It can directly penetrate the body and reach the consciousness of others. Even their first-order quantum entanglement cannons can’t do this.

“The protection of consciousness is turned on, and the consciousness is being reorganized…” At the first moment of the arrogant attack, Skynet responded quickly.

He first added protection to a part of Fang Ze’s consciousness. Although it could not increase the power of Fang Ze’s consciousness, it could protect Fang Ze’s consciousness from being violated, and it could also improve the tenacity of Fang Ze’s consciousness.

This can help Fang Ze to delay for some time, and at the same time start to reorganize Fang Ze’s consciousness in his optical brain, and compress his consciousness in this space crack, so that Fang Ze’s consciousness can appear more.

As long as Fang Ze’s body’s entire consciousness is reorganized, even if there is no way to solve the “arrogance” in front of him, at least he can escape.

Consciousness “Reorganizing… Consciousness reorganization is disturbed.. Disturbing sources are being eliminated”

Naturally, Fang Ze knew about Skynet’s thoughts immediately, but what he didn’t expect was that Skynet’s reorganization of his consciousness was disturbed.

“Supreme Al!” Fang Ze immediately thought of the Supremacy AI, because now only he can interfere with the light brain to attack, and he can also extend his consciousness into this space rift.

What Fang Ze was worried about happened, and the Suzheng AI began to counterattack.

But what made him relieved was that it was not the consciousness of Suzheng AI that entered here, but a small stream of data flowing along the space rift to interfere with Skynet’s actions.

Because there is already an “arrogant” complete consciousness in this space rift, plus the partial consciousness of Skynet and Fang Ze.

Suzheng AI also knows that if its own consciousness is entering it now, even a small part of it will enter here.

It will also cause the crack in this space to collapse instantly, which can be regarded as some comfort to Fang Ze. As long as the consciousness of the Suzheng AI can’t get in, the threat to them will not be so great.

After Skynet removes the interference of the Suzheng AI, and reorganizes his consciousness, he can jump out of this space rift.

Immediately after going out, kill the arrogant body, without the body’s consciousness strength will be weakened by a large piece.

And without the support and maintenance of the body, his consciousness will soon die out, and then the entire space will be cut off.

Without the outer layer of mental protection, Suzheng Al can be successfully killed.

“Do your best to remove interference” After Fang Ze gave an order, part of his consciousness greeted him and began to deal with the arrogance in front of him.

Fortunately, there is something wrong with this arrogant consciousness. It seems that there are two different consciousnesses fighting for control.

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