Chapter 457 Disagreement! Lazy Lust and Choice! (Subscribe)

This seal prevented him from opening his mouth easily, if no one touched it, he would be fine.

He will not return to its original state until the demon dies or the original owner returns to remove the thing.

And for what happened before will not remember at all, the most important thing is that it is likely to cause brain damage.

This damage is permanent and there is no way to recover.

Of course, if it wasn’t for a human reply, it would be forcibly breaking the seal with mental power like jealousy.

Then it is like this situation, the body explodes and dies, and the head is like a watermelon.

It seems that “someone doesn’t want us to know the whereabouts of arrogance”, Lust said.

Anyone with a discerning eye can feel that someone must have made a move, just to prevent someone from spying on the traces of arrogance.

“Could it be arrogance…” At this time, a demon said that he had arrived.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then shook their heads. It was not that they had not thought about this possibility before.

But in the blink of an eye, they all denied this idea, they knew the arrogant strength, even though they were the boss of the Seven Deadly Sins.

But the strength is not too different from them, not to mention that they are not arrogant from the inside.

As the Seven Deadly Sins who have been with each other for hundreds of years, they are very familiar with each other’s breath.

Previously, gluttony was wrong because of the chaotic aura of this battlefield, not to mention that arrogance also covered the body of this ordinary demon with a layer of his aura.

This led to the wrong judgment of gluttony, but judging from the mental strength and breath that broke out just now, arrogance could not reach such a height.

“Who is collaborating with Arrogance?” Laziness asked in a deep voice, their Seven Deadly Sins having been between each other for hundreds of years.

Even the details of the opponent’s talent are very well understood, not to mention the arrogance of being the boss.

If someone cooperates with him, everyone should feel it, and it is not until now that someone is secretly helping arrogance.

The most important thing is that they feel the devil’s breath from above, which means that no matter who this person is, he has not left the category of the devil family.

Demons “A tribe of people?” Sloth muttered to himself again, and if so, their range could be narrowed again.

But now this is not the most important, even if it is to find out who is helping arrogance, it will not have any effect.

What they are looking for now is arrogance, but now the only clue is broken, plus the energy and mental fluctuations here are so chaotic.

It’s not easy to find.

“Would you like to find Fang Ze for help?” Someone suggested, and several demons were a little moved, because Fang Ze was monitoring the overall situation.

With the existence of the light brain, all the actions on the battlefield below are under his surveillance. He must know where the arrogance is now.

But several people quickly rejected the idea, not to mention whether Fang can spare the time now.

Even if you can make time, you may not choose to help them.

The death of a demon meant nothing to him, and Lucifer had already handed over the command of the demon to Fang Ze.

In other words, Fang Ze is now equivalent to the commander of the entire demon army.

A commander will not act for an insignificant demon, although it is the first of the seven original sins.

But after seeing the technology of Fang Ze’s first-order empire, they know that Fang Ze can always find someone who can replace arrogance if he wants.

He can even create “arrogance”, which is more obedient and stronger than the original arrogance.

The most crucial point is that now not only arrogant can’t find it, Fang Ze and the others also haven’t seen it.

Things went back to the original point at once, everyone lost their clues, and now the only clue has exploded.

And the only one who could help them without clues was nowhere to be found.

Looking at the increasingly large blood spheres condensed from blood in the sky, everyone’s expressions became more and more solemn.

I don’t know what to do now, I want to escape, but all the demon army is stationed here.

Even if they run out, they are all alone now, and they have no fighting ability after they go out.

In the vast interstellar space, fighting alone is never the best choice.

Although the strength of these demons is not very good, this number alone can play a big role.

Even if it doesn’t work in the frontal battlefield, the collective self-destruction of these demons will cause a lot of trouble to the opposite side.

It gave them a headache, so these demon legions had to be taken away.

But taking away these demon legions at the same time is a bit too huge.0

Fang Ze is still on the battlefield and evacuated without his orders. These people will be considered deserters.

You must know that in this kind of battle between the two legions, if they become deserters, their fate can be imagined.

Looking at the blood balls that were getting closer and closer in the sky, the demons even felt the thick blood energy above.

This blood cell has not stopped, and it is still absorbing the surrounding blood gas, and it does not mean to stop at all.

Even at this stage, these demons from hell feel a chill in their hearts.

“It’s too late if you don’t run,” he said furiously, seeing that he was ready to leave here at any time.

Sloth and other demons also instigated the magic power of the whole body to prepare, and the target of this thing can be seen as the entire fortress.

That is to say, it is impossible for them to protect themselves, unless they run out of this fortress.

Otherwise it will be destroyed sooner or later.

“Wait!” The sloth on the side didn’t seem to be in a hurry, and followed the other five demons.

Let everyone not worry, just wait and see how the situation goes.

“What are you waiting for? We’re all going to be planted here!” The taciturn Gluttony also said at this moment.

This sentence also expressed everyone’s heart. They came to help Fang Ze in the battle. It would be nothing if they died in the battle.

That’s because their skills are inferior to others, and they also have the pride of being demons, but in this situation, it is no longer the result of 0.4 people’s strength that can dominate the battle situation.

They don’t want to die inexplicably, at least not now.

“Wait!” Lazy glanced at the huge blood sphere in the sky, glanced in another direction in the sky, and said a word.

Then he stopped talking, and even started to close his eyes, as if he was asleep.

“Lazy! You!” was extremely angry, but he didn’t expect Lazy to fall asleep under such circumstances.

Now is the time when life is at stake, and even lazy people should get up now and figure out whether to run away.

Lust also glanced at the sky, not knowing what direction, and then glanced at Laziness with eyes closed.

Immediately afterwards, she also learned to be lazy and did it, “I believe in laziness” and ignored other people.

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