Chapter 109 This will be a massacre!! (Subscribe)

Accompanied by the deafening roar of the starship’s engines.

A 10,000-meter-long heavy space battleship smashed through the clouds and appeared high in the sky of Tailong.

With the help of the anti-gravity traction device mounted on the starship, it collided with the gravitational force of the planet and finally stably suspended above the sky tens of thousands of meters high.

This fleet consists of more than one hundred heavy space battleships.

Enough to put unimaginable pressure on the Pelo people of Talon.

At this moment, countless Pelos on the planet are panicking, and even the crime rate around the world is high.

Soon, however, the Pelos’ own soldiers came out to maintain law and order.

so far.

Fang Ze has yet to announce the disbanding of Talon’s Pelosi soldiers.

The reason is very simple. There are too many Pianluo people on Tailong Star, with a population of more than 50 billion. Even if he dispatches all the starship soldiers in the fleet, he will not be able to supervise them.

If it is supervised by the Pelos themselves, it will also be a great help to the stability of society.

After all, he was always an outsider.

When he just arrived, he dispatched his people to militaryly control the more than 50 billion Pelosi people in the entire Tailong star, and various problems are prone to occur.

what he’s going to do now.

It is to send starship soldiers to take over the major military bases of Tailong Star, as well as important departments of cities in various regions.

Coupled with the deterrence of expeditionary fleets.

There is no need to worry about Talon’s Pelos rebelling against him.

And the reality is the same as Fang Ze’s plan.

After he completed these tasks, there was not much turbulence in the Pelosi society of Tyrone.

He also successfully carried out a preliminary occupation of Tailong Star.

at the same time.

On the information template of the imprint of his lord’s civilization, there is another life planet in the affiliated planet column, which is the Tailong star under his feet.

Tailong Star, the main administrative city.

Palace Hall.

Fang Ze walked in this extremely luxurious and magnificent hall.

Orsa, who was half a stature behind him, was reporting to him.

At the end, he said to him: “Lord Lord, although all aspects of the work are progressing very smoothly, we still need a lot of manpower.”

“Preliminary estimates.

We “need at least 10 million people to fully take over all areas of Talon.”

“Need so many people?”

Fang Ze’s footsteps paused slightly.

In his current interstellar expedition fleet, there are about 1.5 million starship soldiers.

And on Capone Star and Solid Star.

The number of starship soldiers who have completed training, plus those who are currently undergoing training, is about six million.

That is to say, even if he transports all the starship soldiers to Talon, it will not meet Orsa’s requirements.

Orsa reluctantly said: “This is still the least. After all, the Tailong star is too big, with a diameter of 200,000 kilometers, which is larger than the Solid star.”

“The most terrifying thing is the population of Tailong Star, which is as high as 54 billion people.”

“To control such a planet, the human and material resources required are very huge.”


Fang Ze said with a smile: “We are not going to enslave the Pelos, but to make them surrender to me, be loyal to me, and integrate into the civilized world of the empire that I am about to build.”

“There is no need to put the entire Tailong Star under military control.”

“In addition to military bases and important departments, other positions, jobs, and even the security of cities around the world can be handed over to the Pelo people themselves. In this way, the Pelo people can be integrated into my civilized world faster. .

Orsa thought about it.

Then he respectfully said: “The lord is wise!”

Fang Ze nodded slightly.

At this time, an interstellar warrior walked into the hall and said respectfully: “Lord Lord, we have arrested all the councillors and seventeen councillors of the Pelo Empire.”

“They are outside the hall, waiting for your disposal!”

Orsa looked at Fang Ze in surprise: “You ordered those members to be arrested?”

Fang Ze asked with a smile, “What’s the problem?”

Orsa hurriedly said: “Lord Lord, the Pelo Empire has always been in charge of Shalgreen and those councilors. Their power, connections, prestige, etc., have affected the various administrative stars of the Pelo Empire.”

“If they are all arrested, there is a good chance that there will be a riot!


Fang Ze shook his head.

He walked to the top of the hall.

Sitting on the throne that once occupied the civilized ruler of the Pelo Empire.

He looked down at Orsa, the Space Marines, and a group of heavily armed escort soldiers standing in the great hall.

He is like a god, looking down at his domain world.

Fang Ze said with a calm expression: “Then go directly to the Star Fleet to suppress! If you kill more people, others will naturally learn to bow their heads and know what it means to be obedient!

Orsa took a deep breath: “Everything follows your will!”

As secretary, she is obliged to alert Fang Ze of any adverse influence.

But when Fang Ze decides something, she also chooses to obey without hesitation.

Fang Ze said: “Orsa, send the Space Marine Corps to collect information on the members of the families and forces behind the Senators, and clean up all the relevant personnel!”

“I don’t want people with prestige and great influence in the Pelos Empire!”

“There is only one voice in this star field, and that is my voice!”

Fang Ze’s expression was a bit ruthless.

He knew that when his order was passed on, countless Pelos would die.

A conservative estimate is tens of millions.

Because behind every congressman there is a huge power organization.

To clean up all these forces and organizations, it will be a big purge.

However, he did not hesitate.

Because someone has to be responsible for the war!

Fang Ze said with a blank face: “The Pelos could have chosen to surrender, but they desperately resisted my interstellar expedition fleet. As a result, I lost thousands of starships and more than two million loyal starship soldiers!”

“I know, this is war!”

“War means sacrifice!”

“But someone must also stand up and bury the starship soldiers who died for me!”

“And these people are the top parliamentarians of the Pelo Empire!”

“In any way, they have no reason to live!”

Fang Ze looked at Orsa standing on the main hall and said: “Your next task is to mobilize the Space Marine Corps, collect information on the members of the forces behind the Senators, and then clean them up!”

“Don’t care how many people die or whether there will be riots.

“Someone has to pay for my fallen fleet soldiers!

“Follow your orders, my lord!”

Orsa respectfully answered the order, and a strong chilling breath appeared on her face.

Fang Ze said lightly, “Go to Shalgreen and bring it in.”

Orsa asked: “Lord Lord, what about the other councilors? Are you imprisoned immediately?”

Fang Ze waved his hand: “Execute on the spot!”

“As ordered!”

Orsa respectfully backed out.

Fang Ze sits on the throne that once belonged to the ruler of the Pianluo Empire.

“The feeling of sitting in the seat seems to be a normal boat.

“But overall, not bad!”

with his whispers.

There were screams outside the hall.

But it was soon lost.

In the hall, his captain of the guard respectfully said: “Lord Lord, you are more qualified to take this seat than the former ruler of the Pelosi Empire!

Fang Ze ignored the smell of blood coming in from the hall, shook his head and said, “It’s just a throne of a level 2 technological civilization, it’s nothing. We will conquer more and more powerful civilizations in the future!”

“At least until we rule the entire Milky Way galaxy, our war cannot stop!”

“Dear Lord, you will definitely get what you want!”

The captain of the guard and the other bodyguards looked at Fang Ze wildly.

In their hearts, Fang Ze is the supreme god.

God, naturally, should stand at the peak that countless civilized races look up to.

Soon after.

Orsa returned to the hall.

Behind her, followed by hundreds of space warriors wearing Tailong’s seventh-generation interstellar armor, all of them holding energy lightsabers, watching a silver-haired old man with great vigilance.

This silver-haired old man was the Senator Shalgreen.

Today, the most influential person in the Pero Empire is also the most powerful person.

Shalgrim’s life form level is as high as thirteen.

Although he is old, his combat power is still stronger than their space warriors.

But there were hundreds of Space Marines present.

Enough to suppress the Chancellor Shalgreen.

What’s more, their lord also has the power of the fifteenth level, and it will not be a waste to kill the Senator Shalgrim.

Shalgreen was brought into the great hall.

His expression was calm, and he did not have too many fluctuations because of the execution of those congressmen. It seemed that he was already mentally prepared.

However, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Shalgreen raised his head.

Looking at Fang Ze sitting on the throne in the main hall, his expression immediately became complicated.

A few galactic days ago, sitting on the throne was their Majesty of the Pero Empire.

Today, after a few galaxy days, the people on the throne have changed, and he is still a ruler from an alien civilization, which makes his mood become mixed.

Think again of those congressmen who were executed just now.

Can’t help but feel even more sad!

Shalgreen said: “The ruler of the Morda civilization, I finally understand that you have no (money Zhao) plan for us to help you stabilize the situation in the Pero Empire.”

“You just used our hands to help you get rid of the Huolin family.

“That’s right!”

Fang Ze didn’t hide it, and said lightly: “Anyway, the Huolin family chose to join me and helped me destroy the third and sixth integrated fleets.

“They have served my expedition strategy!”

“I originally planned to clean them up secretly, in case they spread out, it would be detrimental to my reputation, and it would be difficult for anyone to rely on me in the future.”

“But since you are willing to help me, I will naturally not refuse.

“This is the ruler!

“Relentless and hegemonic!

Senator Shalgreen let out a long sigh and said in a deep voice, “I understand that you clean up the top of our Pelo Empire. But the forces behind us are innocent in this war.”

Fang Ze shook his head and said, “Civilization and race war, no one is innocent!”

Shalgreen looked at Fang Ze and said: “The forces behind us have penetrated into all areas of the Pelosi Empire. They are huge and intertwined. If you clean them up, it will surely cause social turmoil in the Pelo Empire, and even riots!

Fang Ze said: “The riot, then suppress it!”

“Someone has to pay for the more than two million starship soldiers I sacrificed. Otherwise, how can I comfort their spirits in the sky? How can I comfort their families?”

Shalgreen roared angrily: “This will be a massacre!!”

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