Spy Shadow

Chapter 1056 To save two people

The assets copied this time are indeed quite large, with an average of nearly 200,000 per person.

Units are US dollars.

Who is Qi Limin?

The famous person next to the old man is in charge of the Secrecy Bureau. How bad can he be in contact with him? The highest single person was worth millions of dollars. This person's rank and status were not low, but Chu Lingyun still made a move on him.

As long as he doesn't reach the level of transcendence, he won't be able to escape this time.

Qiliwan's hidden property also exceeds the value of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and his property does not even rank in the top 30.

The final total was almost 80 million.

Chu Lingyun knew very well that so much money would make the old man jealous, and they would not be able to eat it all.

The big head is handed over, and they eat the small head. Forty million is divided among three families, and each family has more than ten million.

Enough to make their mouths full of oil.

The inspection room has the fewest people, but the welfare of the inspection room has always been high. Chu Lingyun will not put the money in his own pocket, and will continue to distribute it to the inspection room for welfare.

The average annual income of Americans is only more than a thousand US dollars. Chu Lingyun gave the inspection office more points. Each person will be given three thousand US dollars in salary and benefits per year. Plus other funds needed for operation, this money is enough to support the inspection office for ten years. .

This time I really made a lot of money, and I don’t have to worry about the welfare of the inspection office for the next ten years.

I understand, just do it.

The eldest son is not a fool. He is blinded by money. Chu Lingyun is right. There is too much money and it must be handed over. When the time comes, his father will see that he can get so much money without killing anyone, so he will not continue to pursue the matter.

As long as he seals the coffin, the money can safely fall into his pocket.

The people whose homes were confiscated were definitely not willing to accept it, but they were not afraid and would take revenge if they had the ability. If not for the removal of some people who had dealings with Qi Limin but were also related to them, at least hundreds of millions of dollars in property could have been confiscated.

There were so many, and it was impossible for the old man to remain indifferent.

Money is needed everywhere now. With so many people pouring in all at once, they need to be settled and new soldiers need to be recruited. After all, many veterans are older and their combat effectiveness has declined.

Also buy weapons, especially cannons and warships.

What does it mean to sacrifice hundreds of people if you spend so much extra money at one time?

What's more, it didn't cost their lives.

The eldest son went over to explain in person, while Chu Lingyun and Chen Mutu stayed to chat.

Ling Yun, how are you going to deal with the aftermath this time?

Chen Mutu poured the tea himself and asked while drinking.

Chu Lingyun understood that he was not asking about the future, but now. Since they had made enemies, it was definitely impossible to keep these people, and they would be dealt with slowly in the future.

Remove them from their posts first, then find fault and deal with them.

The smart ones will take this opportunity to retreat quickly, leave Taipei, and live an ordinary life elsewhere. After making sure that they are not a threat, there will naturally be no reason to attack them. Such people are not suitable to be killed, otherwise they will make others People think they are too cruel.

It's easy to make more enemies.

Why do they need to deal with the aftermath? They don't dare to target us. They are angry with Qi Limin. You should ask him how to deal with the aftermath.

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Chen Mutu laughed loudly: You, you tricked him again this time.

Yes, Qi Limin was indeed tricked by Chu Lingyun.

He understood that the leader this time must be Chu Lingyun, but he had no choice now. Those who had been released gathered together and were looking for him.

He is now hiding in the old man's place and doesn't dare to come out at all.

These people's homes were only confiscated, and they were not dismissed from their posts. They were released without even being detained any longer.

A few people who spoke harshly were tortured and sent out after confessing their crimes. They are still in the hospital.

As for joining together to find the eldest son to ask for money?

They're not that stupid.

It was good to be able to let them out. Besides, there were three people who took action this time, and none of them were more difficult to deal with than Qi Limin.

Since it was Qi Limin who caused them trouble, Qi Limin would naturally have to wipe their ass.

The eldest son leaves quickly and comes back quickly.

There was still helplessness on his face.

The thing is done, are our pockets a little thinner again?

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile, and the eldest son sighed: I can't hide anything from you. Yes, it's done. My father said that since it is a hidden property, it should be confiscated, but he wants to leave 70% of it.

Now that we are short of money, can such a big piece of fat satisfy the old man's appetite at 50%?

He immediately wanted to leave 70%.

If it weren't for his sons, Chen Mutu and Chu Lingyun, he would have dared to leave.

But then again, who else would dare to do this except them?

And opportunities like this are rare.

The reason for taking action this time was to check for hidden assets, but why only check them and not others?

If they really want to conduct a large-scale inventory of hidden assets, they can make ten times or even more money, but the three of them will also be finished, including the people above.

If you arouse public anger, no matter who you are, you will rise up and attack them when the time comes.

The real reason for taking action this time was Chu Lingyun's revenge on Qi Limin.

He didn't touch a single hair of Qi Limin's body, but only targeted the people around him. Qi Limin's popularity was average, and the people close to him were not much better. Everyone was enjoying watching the joke, and everyone knew that the scope would not be expanded this time.

In order to reduce the impact, no one moved, and their work duties had no impact.

To put it bluntly, they are stealing your money, fattening their own wallets, and disgusting Qi Liming.

Kill two birds with one stone.

As expected of Chu Lingyun, he made such a big noise as soon as he came back. Some people said before that he was forced to leave by Qi Limin and was no match for Qi Limin.

Now look, who is not whose opponent?

Brother, you have to make the decision for me.

Qi Limin came to Qi Limin with a bruised nose and a swollen face. If others were missing, his brother would not be missing.

Seeing his younger brother's appearance, Qi Limin became even more angry.

Did they hit you?

Yes, if I don't tell them, they will put me in the electric chair.

Qi Liwan nodded. When he was first captured, he relied on his brother's relationship to have a very tough attitude. The person who captured him was Loach, and the person who interrogated him was the people from the war situation team. Without saying a word, he was beaten and kicked. .

Qi Liwan was frightened when he took out the whip.

He knew the taste of a whip, and he didn't want to suffer such a pain.

Finally admitted all.

Idiots, they don't have the guts.

Qi Limin cursed. In fact, he understood that the result was the same whether he was recruited or not. It was impossible to get the things stolen by them back, but it was their fault to have a confession. It was indeed hidden property, something they could not explain clearly.

They are already showing mercy without touching me, so how can I ask for it?

The Guo Party has laws. Although no one cares about those things, it is their foundation. Now it is obvious that Chu Lingyun and the others are talking about this.

Brother, they have stolen all my things. You have to help me get them back.

Qi Liwan said hurriedly that this was the purpose of his coming. It was the family property he had worked hard to save all his life. It would be more uncomfortable to be robbed than to kill him.


A confidant hurried over. He was the person sent by Qi Limin to find out the news.

He whispered a few words to Qi Limin in his ear, and Qi Limin's face immediately turned extremely ugly.

Chu Lingyun acted too quickly and confiscated the things without doing a detailed inventory. He came over to report the things before they could be cashed in. The old man wanted to take away 70% of the confiscated hidden property. No one could get back a penny this time.

Brother, what's wrong?

Seeing that Qi Limin looked wrong, Qi Liwan asked hurriedly.

They handed over the money, and you're not going to get your money back.

Qi Limin shook his head, and Qi Liwan's face instantly turned pale. This was what he had worked hard for all his life, plus the money he had earned from selling his property. All of his hard work was wiped out overnight, no, in a matter of seconds. The blow to him was like a bolt from the blue.

Brother, you have to help me think of a solution. That's something I've accumulated all my life.

Qi Liwan was anxious, and Qi Limin drank: How can I help you find a way? I have told you to keep a low profile. You are afraid that others will not know how much money you have. Now it's better. You may be targeted.

Qi Liwan felt aggrieved, but did not dare to refute.

So what if he is not low-key?

If my brother hadn't offended Chu Lingyun this time, attacked Zhao San's old subordinates, forced Zhao San to do wrong things, and finally forced Chu Lingyun away, would there have been such a disaster?

If you have the guts, you can kill Chu Lingyun. If you can't kill him, he is back now. He is obviously targeting you, but he is targeting us. Are we unjust?

Injustice, of course injustice.

But more innocent people are more unjust than them.

People outside could not see Qi Limin, but there were many well-informed people who quickly learned about what was going on in the camp. The eldest son was brave enough to hand over so much money.

It's completely over now.

Many people cried for father and mother, some scolded Chu Lingyun, some scolded Chen Mutu and the eldest son, but most of them scolded Qi Limin.

Even his brother thought so, not to mention everyone else.

Many people have regrets in their intestines. Why do they need to know a bad guy like Qi Limin?

Qi Limin was also scolding, but Chu Lingyun was the only one he scolded.

They're all gone, why are you back?

Besides, you have so much money, and the things you copied are only a fraction of your property, why are you still doing this?

Aren't you afraid that these people will retaliate against you and assassinate you?

Qi Limin knew the general situation of Chu Lingyun's industry. Among other things, the last time the TV station solicited investment, US$100 million only accounted for 10% of the shares.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun himself invested 100 million.

What I copied this time was less than one-tenth of what other TV stations copied.

Television stations are not Chu Lingyun's main industry at all. There are also pharmaceutical companies and Chu Corporation, which have assets of at least two to three billion.

Qi Limin didn't know that he was considered short.

After the national channel of the TV station occupied the first position, the value increased again. Now the total value of the TV station alone has reached 2 billion, catching up from behind and surpassing the pharmaceutical company.

The total assets of the pharmaceutical company are approximately 1.5 billion.

Including the value of Chu's company at least 5.6 billion US dollars, Chu Lingyun's total assets have exceeded 4 billion.

None of his companies are listed on the market, and they would be worth more if they were listed.

No matter how much you scold him, it can't change the fact that Chu Lingyun has already taken action.

In the office, Loach was reporting to Chu Lingyun.

Team leader, I have selected the fine antiques for you and will give them to you at 50% of the price.

You don't need 50%, just 70% will do.

Chu Lingyun shook his head, so many things were not all in cash. Many things needed to be cashed in as soon as possible and then handed over.

Among them, Chu Lingyun wants all the antique calligraphy and paintings, as long as they are high-quality, and he has to spend real money to buy them instead of giving them to him directly.

Public is public, private is private.

This is a joint operation, and the money divided will be used for everyone. Even if it gives them a little extra benefit, it won't be too much.

The eldest son is the same as Chen Mutu.

It's just that they have the final say on how the money is allocated, which is equivalent to their small treasury.

Team leader, if we achieve five goals, they won't have any objections.

Loach replied, and Chu Lingyun shook his head again: I know they won't have any objections. Too much was taken away from me this time. If I give less, the money will be even less. Just do as I say. .”

Yes, team leader.

Loach had no choice but to accept the order, but this was the charm of their team leader, who never usurped the interests of his brothers for his own personal gain.

The valuation of these antiques is based on 70% of the market price.

After all, gold was used in troubled times and antiques were used in prosperous times. Gold is more popular now.

Another point is that he understands that the team leader is not doing this for his own benefit. The blow this time is enough to prevent Qi Limin from working normally for a long time. The more chaos here, the better it will be for that side.

After this matter is over, ask about the situation of those two people.

Chu Lingyun said suddenly, and Loach was slightly startled, then nodded immediately: Team leader, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely help you handle it.

Loach understood who Chu Lingyun was talking about.

The two people who can be told by the team leader are definitely the two most important ones. They were arrested due to various accidents and are now in prison.

There is no possibility of direct release and other methods can only be used.

These loaches are very familiar, but these two people have important identities and must come up with a perfect rescue plan.

Okay, report any situation to me in time. Spend money when it's time. Don't be afraid of spending money.

Chu Lingyun nodded, he felt most at ease when Ni Loach was doing things.


Ni Loach took the order and left. It didn't take long for the people in the inspection room to know that among the antiques confiscated this time, the most valuable ones were all bought by the director at the appraised price.

Director, don't say 50%, even if you buy it at 30%, others can't say anything.

But he took it away at this high price just to let others share more money.

Not only the inspection room, but also the people in the intelligence office were also moved.

They are all old men in the war situation team, and it is obvious that the team leader is working for their benefit. The eldest son has said that he will only take 30% of the money they share and use it elsewhere, and the remaining 70% will be placed in the intelligence office.

The eldest son is now in charge of intelligence, and the Intelligence Department is the sharpest knife in his hand.

Chen Mutu also gave Chu Lingyun a thumbs up.

When Chu Lingyun did this, others felt embarrassed.

In addition to antiques, there were also confiscated materials such as jewelry, real estate, land deeds, and factories.

The appraisal is based on 70% of the market price.

Some people originally wanted to buy it at a lower price and sell it to earn the difference, but now no one dares to do that. With Chu Lingyun proofing, whoever does this will be scolded to death.

All the people at the bottom can do are those at the top, and those at the bottom cannot do it even if they want to, such as Zeng Wenjun, Chen Shouquan, Chen Zizhou, etc.

They all bought according to the appraised price, so everyone could share more money.

This was also Chu Lingyun's concern. He took the lead in buying it at a low price, and others would use a lower price. 70% of it had already been handed over. If it was too low, they would sell the property, and they would get less in the end.

Chu Lingyun had never done anything that cost a small fortune.

You damn ones, aren't you afraid of retribution?

In a mansion, the people inside cursed angrily. Not only their belongings were confiscated, but also their house.

Any hidden property that exceeds their normal income will be confiscated.

This house has been bought and they have to move. The police and the army are helping. These people dare not take any action except to curse.

The police chief is Wang Sheng, who doesn't know that he is Chu Lingyun's man.

No matter how much they scolded them, these people ignored them, threw their things out and sealed them.

Some people's houses were preserved because their income was indeed not low, and they had some ancestral property that could be proved. They made money by doing business with their ancestral property. After these were verified to be correct, all was returned to them.

Only the hidden property was inspected this time, and the real legitimate income will not be touched.

Who would have thought that the Hidden Property Inspection Committee established a few years ago would show its power again at this time.

Such departments should not exist and should have been banned in the first place.

But everyone understands that even without this title, the eldest son can still take action as long as he is authorized.

The country belongs to someone else's family, so what can't you do?

Qi Limin has been hiding. Some people whose houses were searched did not dare to break the seal in front of the police, so they simply moved to Qi Limin's house.

Let this guy hide and see how long he can hide.

As a result, too many people went there and there was no room for them to live in. The house was in a mess. All the people in Qi Limin's family moved out and let them occupy the house.

Qi Limin is so worried that he really has no mood or time to do anything else now.

The Inspection Office and the Intelligence Division acted very quickly, and successfully cashed out everything within a few days.

In the end, each family received cash worth about a little over seven million, and there was also a batch of things that had not been cashed out yet.

These are either too remote, or they are things that are not favored by others and are difficult to realize quickly.

For example, some factories that are losing money and are not in urban areas, even if the value is very low, it is difficult to sell them once they get them, so some people hesitate to buy them.

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry. Since no one wanted them, he would keep them for now. They would definitely become valuable in the future.

With so much money in hand, people in several places were very generous and held celebration banquets.

In the inspection office, each person was rewarded three thousand dollars, and nearly four hundred people were awarded more than one million dollars at a time.

You must be rewarded for your work. If you gain so much, what’s the point of giving it?

The intelligence office is decent, each person is three thousand. They are small, but they have to take away 30% of the money from the eldest son. The money left in the small treasury is actually not as much as that in the inspection room.

Loach is not worried, the team leader never treats them badly anyway.

Chen Mutu had no choice but to reward each person with three thousand, but only those who participated in the action were rewarded, and the others received a token reward.

There is no way. His family has a big business and too many people. If we really want to give it to everyone, this little money is simply not enough.

It doesn’t make much sense to send too little.

However, Chen Mutu also left the money in the intelligence department. He knew the importance of the intelligence department very well.

With this money, his intelligence agency will not have to worry about the finances in these years.

In a coffee shop, Loach is grinding coffee.

There was a person sitting in front of him, a little embarrassed: Director Zhao, have you asked me about my matter?

I've asked, it's a bit difficult. You know our current relationship with Qi Limin. He won't let him go.

Loach shook his head slightly, while Zhong Hui on the other side looked disappointed.

Is there nothing you can do?

It's not impossible. I can secretly help you transfer your position first, and then go to the team leader to intercede for you. But you know one thing. The team leader can't see anything in his eyes. You must obey the team leader's orders completely.

Don't worry, as long as I am transferred out, I will absolutely obey the team leader.

Zhong Hui nodded hurriedly, but Ni Loach sighed in his heart.

Now Zhong Hui dared to put forward conditions first, but he was indeed such a person. If he hadn't been too selfish, he wouldn't have made the wrong choice in the first place.

They were in Wuhan back then and worked together with Chu Lingyun to make great achievements.

Just Zhong Hui couldn't see the situation clearly and didn't follow.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhong Hui felt that he had no development prospects at the Shanghai Station and applied for transfer.

As a result, he was sent to Taiwan by Qi Limin.

But it was a blessing in disguise that if he stayed behind, he would definitely be left lurking.

Okay, this is what you said. I will transfer you to be in charge of the prison first. You will be better there than you are now. Don't tell anyone about this matter.

Loach finished his coffee and stood up, while Zhong Hui went to pay the bill.

Sitting in the car, Loach lowered his head and thought. What he was thinking about now was the task assigned to him by the team leader.

Rescue two important people.

It's really not easy to save them. Loach must make arrangements in advance. His plan is to perform a civet cat-for-prince at the last moment, find people with similar figures and looks, put makeup on them, and find a way to replace them.

The team leader said that he would report any situation at any time, but he had no intention of reporting it.

He had to do this alone.

Don't be afraid if something happens to him, the team leader can save him, but if something happens to the team leader, the problem will be serious.

No matter how dangerous the task is, he will do it.

People were being locked up by the Secrecy Bureau, so Loach investigated the people inside the Secrecy Bureau to see if he could find suitable candidates, and finally he selected two people.

The first one is Zhong Hui.

Ni Loach knew Zhong Hui. He was a wallflower. Ni Loach had no trust in him. He chose him because he was the best to control. After the incident was completed, Ni Loach would kill people and silence him. It was even less likely that he would report this matter to Chu Lingyun.

After all, Zhong Hui and the team leader had killed people without making mistakes and meritorious service. The team leader could not do such a thing.

The team leader can't do it, but the loach can.

He is very self-aware, and now he is the robber in the team leader's hands. He does the dirty work himself without the team leader pulling the trigger.

Next is Bao Shengqun.

Bao Shengqun is a member of the Party Communications Bureau and an old man from the previous Central Unification and Party Affairs Investigation Office days.

This person doesn't pay special attention to money or sex, but he cares about his son.

He had a son at the beginning, but he was killed by the Japanese. Later, he gave birth to a son again, and this son was extremely precious.

If you catch his son, you can force him to submit.

Ni Loach is still hesitant about whether to do this. This kind of thing is immoral and will be punished by God. However, Bao Shengqun is smart enough. If he can cooperate, the hope is indeed greater, so Ni Loach regards him as a candidate.

Let's first see if Zhong Hui can meet his requirements. If Zhong Hui can't, then choose Bao Shengqun.

It is not easy to send Zhong Hui to prison. It is not easy to be the person in charge of the prison. He is not valued by Qi Limin and does not belong to Qi Limin. Qi Limin cannot let him go to such an important place as the prison.

Loach's plan is to let Zhong Hui go as his deputy first.

Being a deputy is not that hard.

As for rescuing people directly from the prison, there is no possibility. These two people are wanted criminals and are under extremely strict custody. Unless Qi Limin goes there in person, no one can take them out of the prison.

Only by switching the package in the end can it be possible to conceal the truth and not be discovered.

Loach was not in a hurry and took his time.

In a house, thirty people were sitting in the living room.

This house is not too big, but it seems a bit crowded with thirty people. They are all the targets of this investigation of hidden assets, and they are basically the ones whose wealth ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

This time they suffered heavy losses and most of their property was confiscated.

A lifetime of hard work has all become someone else’s wedding dress.

After being released, they were extremely unwilling to contact each other and got together to find a way to get their money back.

I have determined that they quickly realized the cash and basically digested it internally. They divided up our property, house, and various treasures. The money in exchange was converted into gold and US dollars, and they handed over a total of five thousand Six million.

One person gritted his teeth and said that he worked in the Executive Yuan and his position was not low. The money had been put into the treasury and deposited in the bank. Once it was inside, it was almost impossible for them to get it back.

There are new plans for this money.

Another person said, everyone was silent, their hearts were bleeding, this is their money, damn robbers, took away their money and handed it over to the superiors, leaving only a small part for themselves.

A typical example of harming others but not benefiting oneself.

Chu Lingyun deserves to die. He has so much money, why doesn't he hand it over?

One person cursed fiercely, Everyone knows that Chu Lingyun is rich. He is not just a little rich, but very rich.

The things they were confiscated were nothing to others.

There are so many exposed spots between the fingers.

He was forced to leave by Qi Limin. If he had the ability, he would kill Qi Limin. What would he do to us? You villain, you damn villain.

Lao Gao, you are in the Ministry of National Defense, can you give them some obstacles?

One person asked, and Lao Gao immediately shook his head: They are not short of money. I can't stop them. Besides, this is a three-person alliance. Who dares to really get stuck and risk his life?

They can't afford to offend any of the three. This is their greatest tragedy.

Persimmon picks out the weak, damn Qi Limin, we were harmed by him this time.

Someone sighed, his eyes were red when he spoke, he really wanted to cry.

Is there nothing we can do? Even if we can't get it back, we can't make it easier for them.

Another person yelled angrily, and everyone looked at him without saying a word.

If they want to take revenge on you, they will not participate.

If you touch any of these three people, you will eventually die.

Let’s talk about Chu Lingyun first. How much power does the inspection office have? It used to be in charge of the intelligence department, but now?

Is there anything they can't control?

If you dare to make the slightest move, he will investigate you, and even investigate all nine of your clans.

No, Eleven Clans.

Isn't that the case with Qi Limin? They met with bad luck just because they knew and had contact with Qi Limin. Who dares to touch his bad luck now?

Not to mention the eldest son and Chen Mutu, one has power and the other has soldiers.

The three of them are a combination of money, power and soldiers. Who can stop them?

As for normal attacks, there is no need to think about catching Chu Lingyun's faults and letting the people above deal with him.

Who is the biggest now?

It's not them, but the father behind them. He is the one who can control everything in his father's house. How much do the people above want to touch him without holding a meeting?

Why don't you talk?

The caller yelled angrily, They are all spineless. The three of them are really difficult to deal with, so deal with one of them first. Even if they are assassinated, they must take revenge.

No matter who he looked at, no one looked at him. They really wanted revenge and wanted to kill Chu Lingyun, or even kill all three of them.

But they don't have the guts.

After all, they were not forced into a desperate situation. They were safe, their positions were not removed, and not all their money was taken away. At least this part of their normal income was left to them, but the proportion of this money in all their properties was very low. .

But it is better to die than to live. If you touch someone, you will die.

With a little hope, who is willing to take risks?

Now these people are eager for the person who shouted to take revenge and help them take revenge.

You are all cowards, why are you holding a meeting? I don't even bother to associate with you.

The caller left angrily, and no one stopped him. This was either a formal meeting, or everyone gathered together to complain.

There were so many people and they talked a lot. The fact that they had gathered together for a meeting was soon known to Deputy Chief Zheng.

Guang Tao, go tell your director about this.

Deputy Chief Zheng said to his nephew with a smile, while Zheng Guangtao looked angry: Don't worry, uncle, I will tell the director when I get back.

go Go.

Deputy Chief Zheng waved his hand. He knew that his nephew only had their director in his heart and could not care about it. He was too lazy to care about it.

His position changed again. He was originally the Undersecretary of Defense and now the Undersecretary of Staff.

Still the deputy chief.

However, the power of this deputy minister is much greater than before. The real power of the Ministry of National Defense lies in the staff department. This time he finally got his wish.

When Zheng Guangtao returned to the inspection room, he immediately came to Chu Lingyun's office and told him in a more embellished way.

Not only was there a detailed list of more than thirty people, but also who had scolded Chu Lingyun.

Especially the one who left early.

The one who left early was in the army. He was a general with a hot temper. We must guard against such people. If they had soldiers in their hands and they did something impulsively, wouldn't it be an unjust death?

Go tell General Chen about this and let him help handle it.

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. Zheng Guangtao was startled and immediately understood that he wanted to attack that person.


He was in the army, and if Chu Lingyun wanted to deal with him, he needed to get his ironclad evidence, and it had to be the kind that violated the old man's bottom line.

Chen Mutu was different. He was first transferred to a vacant position and hung up.

Then assign him some tasks, or do dangerous things, such as patrolling the sea, sending him out, etc. Anyway, let him go wherever the danger is.

Not going?

That was disobedience, and at the very least, he would be dismissed from his post. After losing his post, Chu Lingyun thought it would be easy to deal with him.

If you shoot the first bird, you should slowly take down all these people. Now that someone shows his head first, let him be the first to be operated on.

A smart person will not complain around now. If he really wants to take revenge, he should endure it until later.

His fate served as a warning to these people.

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