Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 382: So many things happened during the epidemic

In fact, Kong Ming's question to Zhang Zhongjing can be regarded as a kind of ridicule.

Today, the fate of Divine Doctor Zhang is completely different from what this descendant described.

There is no need to avoid Lingnan, Liu Bei has become the best refuge for this miracle doctor to write books and treatises.

Therefore, Kong Ming also observed the Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases and, with Zhang Zhongjing's consent, selected some prescriptions with simple ingredients and obvious medicinal effects to promote them.

For example, this time when they entered Guanzhong from Yongliang, in addition to Guizhi Decoction, the army prepared Ephedra Decoction to treat no sweat and aversion to cold, Bupleurum Decoction to soothe wind and relieve the symptoms of wind and fever, and Treat red sweat in the face of strong heat. Baihu Tang, which relieves aversion to heat, and Qinglong Tang, which relieves cold and heat caused by poisonous rivers.

It is also for this reason that this time the Three Qin Dynasty was also determined. The number of people who died of illness in the army was only two palms, which also made morale stronger.

How lucky you are to have medicinal powder in your arms, decoction in the army, and miracle doctors in the rear!

However, even if Kong Ming joked, others still looked at Zhang Zhongjing with unconcealable shock:

The person who canonized is actually by my side?

Ma Chao, who was jumping out of his wits, was silent for a while. Those who were marching and fighting knew the value of doctors better than ordinary people, but they didn't expect that Xuande Gong had such a god under his command!

Moreover, before Xuande Gong came, this hero had also lamented Hua Tuo's name to him when he was drinking with Zhang Fei.

A generation of miracle doctors were killed like this, how short-sighted is Cao Cao? It’s really not as good as Xuande Gong!

However, Zhang Fei, who was standing next to him, always looked at problems from a unique perspective. After seeing the words In 273, there was a great epidemic in Jianye, one hundred thousand people died, he immediately lamented:

Brother Shiwan actually died of the epidemic?

The love is sincere and the voice is sad.

But just one look at the winking look on Zhang Fei's face, and one knew that he was teasing his uncle again.

Liu Bei rebuked helplessly, Ma Chao asked curiously, and Jian Yong said that he was not afraid of serious trouble. Wouldn't this attack Jiangdong be a good example of his master's reputation?

The one hundred thousand rescue plan belongs to yes.

Zhang Zhongjing breathed a sigh of relief during the noise. He didn't like others looking at him as he looked up at the memorial tablets in the ancestral hall.

He is still alive.

The affirmation of praise from later generations is a great gratification for Zhang Zhongjing.

In comparison, Zhang Zhongjing is even more worried about future generations more than a thousand years later:

The plague killed 75 million people?

This is a frightening number.

What was the maximum number of household registrations in the Han Dynasty? Kong Ming had made some rough calculations while chatting with everyone.

During the reign of Emperor Xiaohuan, there were more than 10 million households and 56 million people in the country.

But at that time, there were countless people who relied on the powerful and powerful in the village, and there were many secluded households. If these disciples, clans, guests, tribes, slaves, etc. were included, the total population would be more than 60 million.

This is already an incredible number, but one Black Death can wipe out the entire population of an empire, or even more?

With this number in mind, everyone gradually understood why Doctor Zhang was called a saint.

Zhang Zhongjing's expression became more serious than ever before. He thought that he had paid enough attention to the epidemic with all his efforts, but he did not expect that the power of the epidemic was so terrifying.

It lasted for one hundred and fifty years, and nearly tens of millions of people died. How miserable the living were.

So Zhang Zhongjing also wrote down the words plague theory on the paper in front of him, and also recorded the four words path of transmission.

There are only a few words for the descendants, but for Zhang Zhongjing, who has been fighting the epidemic for more than 20 years, it is tantamount to pointing out a direction of inquiry.

This direction may still not allow him to completely defeat the epidemic, but at least it will be much better than in the history of later generations.

There are only a few words missing from the history books, but that is hundreds of thousands of people who survived.

For Zhang Zhongjing, he enjoyed it.

In the Manlu Palace, Sun Simiao looked at the light screen and commented on Zhang Zhongjing with admiration in his eyes.

Then he turned around and saw His Majesty's expectant eyes.

Now Sun Simiao knew very clearly the emperor's thoughts. To put it bluntly, he was just envious.

After all, the Guizhi soup on the other side of the screen last time caught Li Shimin off guard, and now he knows its reputation in future generations.

As a result, the emperor became more determined to refuse to admit defeat.

But Sun Simiao was not afraid of this and simply gave the emperor a piece of the back of his head.

Taking out his little notebook, Sun Simiao also wrote down the new words he saw, intending to go back and ponder them carefully.

Comparatively speaking, he is really not good at treating diseases, but think about it, if the Tang Dynasty wanted to implement maritime administration, it would inevitably have to deal with barbarians. At that time, foreign diseases might be introduced to the Central Plains. If they were not prevented, it would be like this. Black Death in general.

After all, their attitude of lying down and letting themselves die in order to avoid the epidemic is really scary.

Not seeing Medicine King's response made Li Shimin a little regretful, but he didn't care about it and instead focused on the consequences of the Black Death.

Shaken the rule of the Catholic Church...

Thinking about the cannibal again, Li Shimin became more curious about the system of distant countries from the bottom of his heart.

[There is a saying in our modern times that the history of human civilization is also a history of struggle against epidemics.

But in the 22nd year of Jian'an, Cao Cao, who stood on the bow of the ship and looked at Ruxukou, certainly couldn't realize this.

The rising epidemic in the army had already made Cao Cao want to retreat. Fortunately, Sun Quan sent a surrender, so that the battle would be worthy of success and would not be a failure like Sun Quan's attack on Hefei.

On the way back in a hurry, the epidemic finally began to show its fangs, and Sima Lang and Wang Can died one after another.

In ancient times, epidemics were also interpreted as visions from heaven. Such repeated disasters made the 62-year-old Cao Cao seriously consider his posthumous affairs.

The decision to establish the crown prince, which had been pending for a long time, was finally taken seriously by Cao Cao.

In this year, Cao Pi still followed Jia Xu's policy, working day and night, not violating his son's principles, showing off his pretentiousness.

This year, Cao Zhi's madness remained the same. He drove drunkenly, opened the Sima Gate without permission, and broke the law by entering forbidden roads.

Needless to say, the final result was that Cao Pi won and was made the crown prince.

Cao Zhi drove drunkenly into the palace city because of his self-reliance on his honour, and the official who was in charge of the palace gate was executed by Cao Cao. The battle to establish the crown prince was eliminated and his political dream was shattered.

One year before the great epidemic, Cao Zhi's father-in-law Cui Yan was unjustly killed by Cao Cao out of anger.

During the epidemic, Cao Cao ordered Cao Zhi's wife Cui to die because of her luxurious clothing.

Cao Zhi's two beloved daughters also died young. In his grief, he wrote Elegies for the Golden Gou and Elegies for the Xingnu in memory of his daughters.

Since this year, Cao Zhi, who built a lasting legacy and made great achievements in gold and stone, has disappeared.

Although his poems are still gorgeous, they are not inspiring and full of frustration and sadness.

The victor, Cao Pi, attended the funerals of five literary friends in succession this year, witnessed the demise of the Seven Sons of Jian'an, and saw with his own eyes the tragedy of the epidemic raging in Yecheng.

Just like the young people who fled to the countryside to enjoy themselves when the Black Death was raging in Europe, Cao Pi had the same mentality change.

After ascending to the throne, Cao Pi excelled in all aspects of games, pleasures, and feasting.

After he ascended the throne, Cao Pi's words were often frivolous and lacked dignity.

For example, when his ministers asked him to build a mausoleum for him, Cao Pi, now the emperor, persuaded his ministers:

Since ancient times, there has never been a country that has not been destroyed, and there has never been a country that has not failed to dig its grave.

At the enthronement ceremony, which was called abdication but actually usurping the throne, Cao Pi said something after sitting on the throne that made the officials tremble with fear:

I know the affairs of Shun and Yu.

Thinking about how the Sima family behaved later, Sima Yi at that time should have kept Cao Pi's words in mind.

Cao Pi, who had no interest in becoming emperor, also found a way to realize the meaning of his life in this precarious and troubled world:

Articles are a great cause of the country and an immortal event

With Classics, Cao Pi, the emperor, realized his value as a writer.

After he ascended the throne, he took advantage of his position as emperor to organize the compilation of Huang Lan, which was the first royal compilation of large-scale books.

This book is the ancestor of ancient Chinese books, much earlier than the Ming Dynasty's Yongle Dadian and the Qing Dynasty's half-renovated and half-destroyed Sikuquanshu.

The pretentious and self-pretentious Cao Pi led to the trend of extravagance and enjoyment in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Comparisons among aristocratic families became common, and they tried their best to enjoy themselves. In the end, they developed the metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, which is a nonsense.

But on the other hand, the worry of precariousness also allowed Cao Pi to shine in literature as an emperor, and thus left a mark in history and promoted literature to take two more steps in history.

The epidemic in the 22nd year of Jian'an pressed the accelerator button of history, and finally achieved what can be called a comedy ending. 】

The situation is precarious, so we can only have the most joy.

Du Ruhui sighed softly, feeling that he actually understood Emperor Wen of Wei a little.

After all, later generations can only get a glimpse of the extravagance of the Wei and Jin Dynasties from the historical records.

But for those of them who have experienced the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the extravagant and empty talk in the Wei and Jin Dynasties has been something they have heard about since childhood.

Now, based on what the younger generation said, almost half of the Cao Piguang brothers died in infancy. Then they suffered from a great epidemic, and few relatives and friends were left. It is natural that their temperaments changed drastically.

But when Du Ruhui turned around, he saw Li Shimin's shining eyes.

Almost subconsciously, Du Ruhui said without thinking:


Li Shimin had a look of sarcasm on his face:

I haven't said anything yet.

Fang Xuanling interrupted directly and said with a smile in her eyes:

What more could anyone ask for?

It's just imitating the predecessors and exaggerating in writing.

At the same time, it can also preserve my Tang style for future generations. Of course it is feasible.

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