Chapter 430 Young Thanos Victory! Kings Never Beg! Shock! Timeline Erase! Q&A: Who Killed Thanos?


“Kill yourself?

“How can there be such a person?

Hearing the shock of Tony and others, Roar, Clark, Peter, and little Wanda all widened their eyes, their faces filled with disbelief, as if they had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Specifically to summon a younger version of yourself from the past, but to kill yourself.

What is this operation?

Even if this Emperor Thanos is a lunatic, this is too crazy.

Looking at the incredible expressions on everyone’s faces, Bruce Wayne shook his head with a wry smile:

This “Emperor Thanos has been brainwashed by the goddess of death since he was a child, and his purpose in life is to gain the love of this goddess.”

“And now Bruce Banner, Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider are all dead.

“He is the only one left in the entire universe. As long as that young Thanos can kill him, the goddess of death can truly be satisfied.”

“My gosh, this is crazy.

Clark Kent shook his head in a trance, as if he couldn’t believe that such a bizarre thing could happen in the world.

In the previous video, seeing that General Zod tried to kill all the people on earth because of the dashed hope of the revival of the gas star, although Clark did not agree with it, at least he could “understand” his motives.

But what Emperor Thanos did, he really wanted to break his head, but he couldn’t understand it.

With such a powerful force, he just wants to destroy everything including himself!

And he did all these crazy things just to please a goddess!

The more Clark thought about it, the more confused his mind became.

In the end, he could only sigh with a wry smile and give up thinking.

And after Master Wayne said this, he was also lost in thought.

This emperor Thanos is indeed a lunatic with an abnormal brain, but he can do such terrifying things, even killing a universe, because he has absolutely invincible terrible power.

“Once a person with super ability goes mad, the harm caused is really unimaginable.”

“However, now I am not an ordinary person.”

Thinking of the rewards he got by answering the questions, especially the mysterious “opening the limiter”, there was also a hint of gloom in Master Wayne’s eyes.

His family knows his own affairs, and Bruce Wayne knows better than anyone that his mental state can never be called “normal”.

Back then, the tragedy in the alley could be said to have completely changed him!

At this moment, Magneto, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth and asked with a bit of suspicion:

“Even if this emperor Thanos is a lunatic, he made a special trip to find someone to kill him, you are too crazy, if he really doesn’t want to live, can’t he kill himself?”

Tony shrugged and said in a complicated tone:

“There was a scene in a previous video where the young Thanos, after learning the true face of the goddess of death, wanted to rush into the power compartment of the spacecraft to self-destruct.

“But he didn’t die.

“Because Thanos can’t kill himself.”

Hearing Tony’s last words, there was an instant silence in the arena, and everyone looked at each other with shock, horror, disbelief and many other emotions in their eyes.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues][After the Fallen Silver Surfer took his last breath, a distant bell rang from a distance. )

[In the universe where there is only one living person left, a mysterious figure appears. ”

[A woman in a long black dress slowly walked towards the collapsed temple.

[The goddess of death, the woman the emperor Thanos has been thinking about for millions of years has finally appeared. ”

[With a black veil, the goddess of death is full of grace and beauty.

[But the strange thing is that she only walked to the door of the temple, but she refused to take a step into the temple anyway. ”

Emperor Thanos looked at the woman in front of him, his face was blurred, his expression was in a trance, and he couldn’t say a word. 】

[But the young Thanos walked up angrily, staring at the goddess of death’s face and roaring:]

【“I’ve had enough of your game, what do you want?)

[The goddess of death did not speak, but spread out her hands with a meaningful smile on her face. ”

[Seeing that the goddess of death did not say a word and looked like a smile, Thanos was even more angry;][“Why won’t you speak? I’ve, we’ve given you everything!”

[“There’s nothing here to kill, what else do you want][Just halfway through the words, the expression of young Thanos suddenly stagnates, the anger on his face suddenly disappears, and he is replaced by a look of sudden realization. ”

If you want to gain the heart of the goddess of death, you must offer him all the life in the universe.

[And among them, the emperor Thanos himself is also included. ”

[That’s why this old man sent his Ghost Rider to use Time Gem to bring his young self to this future where all things will be destroyed.

[“You didn’t want me to kill your silver glider~”.

[The young Thanos turns his head, looks at the white-haired emperor Thanos, and says in an icy tone:

[“To be with her, we must die too, right?][And at the same time as saying these words, Thanos also caused an uproar in his heart. ”

[Unlike Emperor Thanos, in his timeline, Thanos has actually distanced himself from the goddess of death. ”

[Although he will never forget this woman in his heart, but… sacrifice his life for love?)

[Thanos really doesn’t know if he can do this kind of thing. ”

[“That’s right!][Emperor Thanos took off his armor and said:

[“But if Thanos wants to die..][Thanos said without hesitation:

【“Only Thanos can kill Thanos!”

Facing his young self, Emperor Thanos also wanted to tell some insights from millions of years of fighting life.

“But the young Thanos didn’t say a word. With his eyes wide open, a strong light wave of energy shot out.”


After Emperor Thanos received this blow, his whole body flew out and fell to the ground ruthlessly. 】

【“Do you want to talk nonsense, or do you want to die!”

[Thanos waving his fists, roaring wildly, and rushing up!

[The two crazy titans collided violently immediately. ”

[For a while, the energy light waves splashed, and the flesh and blood flew! This death battle between Thanos was so cruel that it was unimaginable!”

[Young Thanos hates his old self very much, he thinks… the existence of this old ghost in front of him is just ashamed of himself! 】

[For a time, the arm was broken, the eye socket was torn, and blood was spitting!][While watching this ultimate battle, the goddess of death showed a satisfied smile on her face. 】

[She likes to kill, and he likes the feeling of being sacrificed.

【That’s why she seduced the emperor Thanos.. killed the entire universe for him!】

[And the most exciting thing for the goddess of death is the killing among the strong, and the life of the strong who is dedicated to himself!)

Watching the crazy death battle between the two Thanos on the screen, the chat group was silent for a while, and then there was an uproar.

Starlight: God, how did that Thanos have lasers in his eyes?

Xingguang: It looks just like the native! No, just like Superman!

Clark Kent: Ah???(A)

Deadpool: Hahaha, that weird purple potato essence, shouldn’t it be a Kryptonian too?

Deadpool: That’s why… he’s so good!

Clark Kent: Hey, don’t make such a joke! We gas stars look like humans, how can we be so weird?

Thanos Thanos: Gas star?

Starlight: It is a very powerful alien! Not only do people fly into the universe, but they can also see lasers, and their power is even stronger than you!

Thanos Thanos: Better than me? Hahaha..

Seeing this “innocent and romantic” speech, Thanos also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After killing in the universe for so many years, there are tens of thousands of alien races that died under his hands!

But an existence stronger than himself… He has never met before!

“Hmm. The woman I met on Morag Star before is still a little strong.”

While pondering, Thanos’s eyes were still fixed on the screen.

Seeing now, he has to admit that the two Thanos on the screen are stronger than himself!

At the very least, that kind of unreasonable energy emission skills are beyond his reach!

For the current Thanos, although he is holding a power gem, he cannot use the energy of this Infinite Gems to the extreme without the Infinity Gauntlet.

Although he can use his own physique to forcefully use the power of the Power Gem, he can only increase his destructive power.

But like the two Thanos in the video, they can’t release a terrifying energy wave by raising their hands or even staring at them!

But.. the more destructive power these two “variants” show, the more anger in Thanos’ heart!

“Two humiliating idiots!”

“To be played by a woman to such an extent!

“To win the favor of women, to kill each other like slaves in a gladiatorial arena is an insult to the name of Thanos!”

With a gloomy complexion, Thanos’ eyes flashed with icy cold light, and murderous aura emerged from his body, and the four generals around Obsidian were shocked into cold sweat.

Galactus’ daughter Ganata: Damn purple potato monsters, it’s better to kill each other and die! (yy#)

Carol Danvers: Well said! No matter which universe it is. All purple potato monsters should be damned!

Galactus’ daughter Ganata: Mmmm, as long as you hate the Purple Potato Monster, we’re good friends!

John Constantine: To be honest, I still can’t understand, these two guys are the top powerhouses in the universe, right?

John Constantine·: With their status and status, what kind of women do they want? Why do they have to be so obsessed with the goddess of death? Even their own lives can be given up!

Stephen Strange: This might be true love.

Reed Richards: Don’t ask me, I can’t even understand women, let alone love.

Deadpool: I think the goddess of death is really beautiful. If there is a chance, I would also like to pursue her.

Loki Odin Sen·: Hahaha! You? You are such a muddy guy who wants to pursue the goddess of creation? o(n_njo

Loki·Odinsen: I’m not looking down on you! I really look down on you! You are just wishful thinking in this matter!

Deadpool: Ha! Too bad you’re not a woman. No wonder you can’t understand my uncle Wade has nowhere to put his compelling charm!

Deadpool: As long as my man is full of charm, even if it is a goddess, I will chase after you!

Loki · Odinsen: The spirit of this goddess of death is not normal. If you want to pursue her, you have to kill the universe!

Loki Odinsen·: Hahaha! You slime monster with only Self-healing Ability, do you have such ability?

Deadpool: Hmm.. the universe? If it got to that point, wouldn’t nobody talk to me?

John Constantine: No, are you really thinking about it?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues][As if the strongest spear meets the strongest shield, Emperor Thanos’ body was so strong that it was almost immortal, and in the face of a Thanos attack, it finally began to crumble. ”

【“Oh oh .. ah!”

[Already strong and strong, coupled with endless killing intent, Thanos quickly gained the upper hand!)

[“Wow!][I don’t know how long it took to fight, and I don’t know how much blood was shed. ”

[The bruised and bruised emperor Thanos was finally punched to the ground by the young Thanos.

[This time, he can’t get up again. ”

【And looking at the scene in front of you, the goddess of death turned her head silently. 】

[Perhaps, even she is unwilling to see the tragic end of this man who gave everything for her in the literal sense. ”

“Ahem…][Crawling on the ground and coughing blood, Emperor Thanos couldn’t even open his eyes, he just murmured with his last strength:)

[“Give me a treat][“hateful!][Looking at the humble and old self in front of him, Thanos’ heart is full of anger! He rushed up and lifted the neck of Emperor Thanos. ”

[At this moment, he heard the whisper of the old man in front of him:)

“Please, kill me quickly…)


[Hearing this plea, Thanos’ eyes narrowed, and his expression changed. ”

[He released the hand on Emperor Thanos’ neck, stood up proudly, and said coldly:)

[“The king never begs!]


[Looking at Thanos, who seems to have come to a realization, Emperor Thanos’ face changed greatly:]

【“What are you doing? Come back and kill me!”)


[Thanos let out a roar, reached out and snatched the shard of that Time Gem from Emperor Thanos’ neck. ”

[“If you want to die, do it yourself!”)

[“Don’t order me!][Holding the gem fragment in his hand, Thanos suddenly turned his head to look at the dying emperor Thanos, and said coldly:)

[“Old ghost! I won’t kill you.”

[“And as long as I still have a breath, I will deny you, I will never become such a ghost of you!”)

“And I will do everything in my power to erase your existence!)

[After speaking, Thanos directly pushed the Time Gem fragment, left this timeline, and returned to his own time and space. ”

[And from the beginning to the end, he did not look at the goddess of death again.

[Thanos doesn’t care about this woman at all. ”

[Looking at Thanos who leaves. Emperor Thanos, froze in place, suddenly let out a helpless laugh.

[“Haha (Li’s Zhao) ha… a kid.”

[And at this moment, the goddess of death finally stepped into this damaged temple and came to the front of the emperor Thanos.

[Looking at the goddess in front of him, Emperor Thanos used his last strength to lift the black rose to show his love to her. 】

[“We are destined to be together…)

[Just halfway through the words, the old man suddenly saw the sadness on the face of the Goddess of Death, and his expression changed. ”

【”Your expression…are you not wearing a wedding dress, but a mourning dress?”

“You came here to mourn me!”

[“What did he do? Did he succeed? He wiped me out??)

[The tone of Emperor Thanos is full of surprise and disbelief. ”

[“How did he do that?][And at the same time as he asked, everything around the goddess of death

[This temple, this planet, and even the emperor Thanos originally began to gradually annihilate and turn into a dark nothingness. ”

[In the darkness, the goddess of death said something faintly:][“He won.]

Seeing this scene, most of the people in the live broadcast room were inexplicable.

“Erased Emperor Thanos?

“What does it mean?

“What did that Thanos do?”

Looking at the dark screen in front of them, Tony Dark and Bruce Wayne were all thoughtful, but they couldn’t find a clue for a moment.

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly freezes.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the system rang.

【New Q&A begins!】

[Question: Who killed Thanos who left. 】

[This question is a special question, as long as there are people who have variants in this broadcast, they can answer even if they are not in the live broadcast room. ”

[Answer A: Tony Stark. 】

[Answer B: Thor Thor. ][Answer C: Gamora. ”

[Answer D: Hulk. ”

[Please start answering! Everyone has only one chance to answer.”

[Those who answer correctly will receive live broadcast points and random rewards. )

[Random rewards may come from countless worlds. ”

Answer the question [Failure will trigger an unknown penalty!.

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