Pen Fun Club, the fastest update Splendid Rebirth: Mrs. Fu's latest chapter!

Chapter 343 Will you speak?

"Not all blame that **** Bian Yi! Who knows he is actually a lunatic." Gu Ning gritted his teeth in amusement.

Before this happened, almost no one would think that the brother-in-law of Mr. An may have the courage to take Gu Ninghuan at the wedding reception.

"Ning Huan, I don't think you should help Qiao Jin'er. You have been hurt so much. What happened to Anjia and Qiao Jin'er?

And so far, apart from asking Ancheng to apologize to you, has anyone expressed any apologies to you? "Song Ci smashed the milk tea in his hand heavily on the table, and made a loud noise.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand to hold his chin: "I think I can't live long anymore. In this way, other people can suffer less, so let them suffer less."

"Gu Ninghuan, others say that people are about to die and their words are good. You haven't reached the edge of death. Why did the Madonna suddenly get up." Song Ci was simply to be mad at Gu Ninghuan.

If it weren't for her to be a patient now, Song Ci poked her finger at Gu Ninghuan's forehead no matter what.

"You said that the hospital you checked told you that you can still get a bone marrow transplant after being infected with M-T virus?" Luo Ling looked at Gu Ninghuan and asked.

Before the waiter came in, Gu Ninghuan had told them everything that had happened recently.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "I actually doubted what the doctor said, but when I checked the M-T virus online, I found very little information about it.

I haven't found any news about bone marrow transplantation, only the doctor's statement. "

"Quiet doctor!" Luo Ling raised his hand and patted on the table.

Both Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci were taken aback by Luo Ling's sudden movement.

None of them thought that such a quiet-looking person like Luo Ling actually fired so fiercely.

"Sorry, I was very angry when I saw the stupid doctor who misled the patient." Luo Ling said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan understands that researchers like Luo Ling and others usually specialize in academia, and it is inevitable that getting along with people will be a little different.

So no one here minds Luo Ling's different behaviors.

"That person who is actually infected with M-T virus, can't do bone marrow transplantation?" Gu Ninghuan asked with some concern.

If you can't do bone marrow transplantation, does it mean that Mr. Chu has lost his chance to live.

But why did the doctors in Chu's shareholding hospital tell her this?

In other words, even doctors do not understand M-T virus.

"Of course you can't do it, but are you sure you got the M-T virus?" Luo Ling looked at Gu Ninghuan's rosy cheeks and had a very good appetite. Some didn't believe she was infected with the M-T virus.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "When I went to the hospital for examination, the doctor told me this, and when I was taken away by Bian, he didn't say exactly what was injected for me, but he looked like that. I also know that the needle he took is not a good thing.

I think that even if some of them lie, they should not unite to lie to me.

What's more, Bian also paid the price of his life for this matter. If the medicine in his needle tube is insignificant, why should he take such a big risk just to deceive me. "

Gu Ninghuan’s suspicions were well-founded and there was no way for Luo Ling to tell from the surface whether Gu Ninghuan was really not infected.

The spread of M-T virus is not widespread, and there are not many cases seen in their research.

"In this case, tomorrow I will bring you professional equipment to find you. First, I will take a blood test for you. After confirming that you have the M-T virus, we will customize a treatment plan for you.

In addition, now that you suspect that you have the M-T virus, you must know that people who have the M-T virus cannot carry out any transplantation activities.

Also, although the M-T virus cannot be spread through xing, it can be spread through the blood. You must keep a distance from your husband.

I once saw a patient who accidentally bit his lip while kissing, and as a result his partner was almost infected. "Luo Ling finished talking and took a sip of the coffee in front of him."

Gu Ninghuan's expression was dim: "I know, I will keep my husband away."

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan's haggard appearance, but felt distressed to her.

She asked tentatively: "Ning Huan is newly married now, but if she can't contact her husband at all, wouldn't it be the same as divorce."

"Oh, if her husband knew she was sick, I'm afraid she would divorce directly." Luo Ling said lightly.

She is not a sentimental person. She has been studying in medical university for many years, and she has long been bearish about life and death.

Gu Ninghuan's face was even paler: "If I am diagnosed, I will not drag Fu Xishen, I will definitely let him go."

"Patients who can think like you are rare. Most people always think of themselves as fearless of death before they get sick.

After they are really sick, they don't need any development of their condition. Fear of the disease alone can already scare them. Luo Ling said while looking at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan was the calmest patient she had ever seen, and she had an infectious disease with little hope of treatment.

The expression was not half as haggard, and even her appetite was so good that Luo Ling suspected that she was really infected with the M-T virus.

Gu Ninghuan was sad, but the more sad she became the more hungry, but the more she found herself eating, the more weird Luo Ling looked at her.

"You look at what I do like this, can't a patient infected with M-T virus eat more." Gu Ninghuan asked.

Luo Ling shook his head: "M-T virus has a symptom that suppresses human appetite. Patients who are almost infected with this virus will feel no food from the day of infection.

Therefore, anorexia is also a common complication of M-T virus. "

Gu Ninghuan looked at the cake on the cutlery in her hand. She has not yet developed symptoms of anorexia. The thought that she would not like food in the future, she felt a little hopeless.

Although she doesn't like Song Ci like sweets, she still likes hot pot.

It would be such a sad thing if these things could not be touched since then.

"But she doesn't have symptoms of anorexia now, is it because of a misdiagnosis in the hospital." Song Jinnian glanced at the empty plate in front of Gu Ninghuan.

Luo Ling: "It is possible, but it may also be because of her special physique, so if Miss Gu confirmed the M-T virus, we have not cured you. Would you like to donate your body for our study after death?"

"Whether you will speak or not, Ning Huan hasn't been diagnosed yet, you actually have to order her body!" Song Ci heard Luo Ling say this, she couldn't hold back her anger.

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