Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 698: salvage treasure

In the early morning of the next day, less than two hours after the sun rose from the sea level, two large-tonnage salvage boats had already arrived at the corresponding coordinate positions, and the advanced technology from Hydra was fixed with the end of a huge crane. , and then slowly put it into the bottomless black sea water.

According to the results discussed by the two experienced salvage captains, they plan to locate the sunken ship with the help of the detection camera on the boom, and then pull up the broken hull so that all the cargo inside can be clearly displayed.

After all this is done, after putting down the sturdy salvage net and dragging and sweeping the surrounding seabed area with the boom, 70% to 80% of the things can be brought up in about a few times.

As for the heavier ones, or those buried deep in the silt, they should be operated separately.

It has to be said that the professionalism of these guys is indeed worthy of the high price they offer. They don't have to worry about the employer at all, and they arrange everything in an orderly manner.

After a while, the first net of precious metal currency with dazzling gold and silver was dragged up, and it was densely packed with hundreds of kilograms.

Especially those 16th century gold coins whose shapes were not very regular, suddenly made everyone short of breath.

Because these gadgets, from a certain perspective, proved how simple the coinage technology was at that time. They were exactly the goods that were only available on treasure ships that transported gold and silver from America to the mainland during the heyday of the Spanish Empire.

Because people at that time were not soberly aware of the relationship between money and the economy, and the hyperinflation brought about by the influx of a large number of precious metals, the more prices continued to rise, the Spaniards shipped gold and silver to their homes. , The more gold and silver are transported, the more prices rise. In just a few decades, the prices of various daily necessities have doubled.

What is even more terrifying is that having too much real money and silver on hand has led to a wrong idea in the whole of Spain, that is, if I have money, I will buy and buy everything, and I will not develop the country's handicrafts and manufacturing at all.

As a result, after losing sea power, it quickly became a second-rate country, and never rose to become a European power.

It can be said that every treasure ship is equivalent to the blood containing chronic poison. It is injected into the body of the first empire on which the sun never sets in the era of great seafaring, making it weaker and weaker until it finally collapses.

But to modern people, every treasure ship that sleeps in the depths of the ocean is like a treasure waiting for adventurers to excavate, and they can make a lot of money in an instant.



Attention from all over the world!

Almost everything normal people desire, these treasure ships can satisfy all of them.

Even a few crew members couldn't help raising their cameras and kept pressing the shutter, trying to take pictures of all the treasures in the net.

As for those careful thoughts that shouldn't be there, they have long been suppressed by the armed men who are fully armed guarding the side.

You must know that this is the open sea, the vast Atlantic Ocean.

It's not too easy to kill a dead body here, and you only need to put the blame on the weird storm last night, so no one dares to act rashly, and can only hope that the employer will find out in conscience and give everyone an extra bonus. Additional benefits like dividends.

This is why Zhang Cheng wanted to bring these bluffing fighters, in fact, to avoid the salvage boat sailors who saw money jealous and chose to take the risk, forcing him to kill them all, or Force control with psionic powers.

Don't underestimate the dark side of human nature in the face of huge wealth.

Coupled with the adventurous and selfish characteristics of modern Western society, it would be **** if nothing went wrong.

But with the supervision of adequate armed personnel, all this was directly strangled in the cradle.

Anyone who is not a fool would not think that dozens of sailors with bare hands would be the opponents of a dozen professional combat elites.

What's more, a helicopter is fixed on each of the two platforms of the super-large yacht. Even if it succeeds for a while, it will not be able to escape the pursuit of the helicopter on the vast sea.

Standing on the deck of one of the salvage boats, Yelena stared at every guy who leaned forward with cold eyes. When a guy tried to put a gold coin into the socks of his trousers, she opened the mouth and reminded: " Mr. Captain! You'd better keep your men under control, I don't want to break the atmosphere that is still harmonious at the moment."

"Damn it! Ennis! Clean up your hands and feet! Don't force me to drive you off the boat!" The old captain in his fifties with a face full of vicissitudes threatened viciously.

"Sheet! It's just a gold coin! There are at least a hundred thousand here! Do you need to be so stingy? I just want to take one as a souvenir." The young man called Ennis cursed and felt unwilling Reluctantly, he took out the gold coins and threw them on the deck.

"Shut up! Remember! We signed a contract! No matter what you salvage, it has to do with every cent you have, understand?" the old captain shouted angrily.

Ennis obviously didn't take this sentence to heart, rolled his eyes, came to Yelena's side again, and said in a low voice: "Beautiful lady, with such a large amount of wealth, are you willing to let all that **** Asian guy Sole? Maybe we can join forces to keep some of them and share them equally after we arrive at the port. Don't worry, our ship is large and has enough hidden places to hide things."

"Oh? Are you serious?" Yelena raised the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a playful smile.

"Of course! Think about it, so many treasures~www.wuxiamtl.com~ As long as we hide one-tenth of them, it is completely impossible to find them. And the value of these things is enough for everyone to enjoy the rest of their lives happily." Nice thought that the other party was moved, and hurriedly added fuel to the temptation.

The old captain no doubt had a similar thought. Instead of reprimanding his subordinates, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the petite girl next to him, as if observing her reaction.

Not only the captain, but all the busy sailors of the entire salvage ship stopped their work at the same time, looking forward to getting a positive answer from Yelena.

But unfortunately, not only did Elena not give a positive answer, but she also took out an exquisite pistol, put it on Ennis's head, and sneered and sarcastically said: "Idiot! Who do you think we are? Use A mercenary that money can buy? Believe it or not, if you dare to spit out a word from your mouth, I will make a hole in your head."

"Hey! Say something! There's no need to shoot!" Another sailor who had a good relationship with Ennis stood up and wanted to help his friend.

Other sailors also began to move a little bit, wanting to use the advantage of numbers to put pressure on them.

But before they could get close, a fighter with a semi-automatic rifle not far away pulled the trigger mercilessly.



The warhead instantly penetrated the deck, leaving an inconspicuous single hole less than twenty centimeters away from the right foot of the sailor at the forefront.

"Back up! Otherwise, the next shot will not hit the deck!" The shooter warned loudly in English.

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