Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 654: tendency

After simply staying overnight at Chester Basham's house, Zhang Cheng returned the two satellites to their normal size early the next morning and put them into a fully enclosed truck, wandering around Los Angeles alone.

It was not until close to noon that he sat down at a roadside restaurant with a Mexican flavor, intending to taste the more famous local cuisine.

But before he could decide what to eat with the menu, a short-haired woman in a white knee-length dress suddenly walked in from outside, sat directly across the table, and greeted in English with a slightly strange accent, "Noon. Alright, Mr. Zhang. If you don't mind, can you tell me how you managed to get Speaker Cosmo in one day?"

"Hehe, the speaker's temper is not as bad as you think. To a certain extent, he is one of the best people I have ever met." Zhang Cheng spread his hands with a mysterious smile.

Undoubtedly, it was none other than another member of the highest council who entrusted him to mediate - Ms. Yvonne.

Although this woman is over forty-five years old, because of her elf bloodline, she still looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, giving people a pure and beautiful feeling.

But in fact, the powerful light-attribute magic she has mastered is enough to melt a tens of thousands of tons of modern ships made of steel in just a few minutes, which can be called a human-shaped mobile cannon.

"Cosmo is easy to get along with? It's the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life. Got it? Thirty years ago, when I was a little girl who didn't know much about anything, he personally led someone to level a guy trying to wake him up. The Indian tribes of the ancient gods sleeping on this land. More than 1,500 people, including priests, warriors, old people, women and children, were all killed, even babies in swaddling clothes. By erasing all the ways of knowing the name of that god, he solved the crisis once and for all. How could such a guy find him easy to get along with?" Yvonne asked rhetorically with a sneer.

Obviously, the light elf lineage in Norse mythology allows her to retain an inexplicable sense of justice and compassion, and she is full of disgust for the Speaker's approach to genocide.

Zhang Cheng nonchalantly spread his hands, "So what?

The world we live in has always followed the law of the naked jungle. The strong make rules that are beneficial to themselves, and the weak can only abide by and accept domination.

If the weak is not conscious, and even eager to do something to subvert the rule of the strong, then no matter how tragic the final end is, it will be self-defeating.

The underground world is like this, and the world of ordinary people is also like this.

Otherwise, why do you think so many countries were invaded and bombed by NATO after World War II?

The reason is very simple. First of all, they are the weak. Second, they try to resist and subvert the order established by the strong. The final result is that the country ushered in an inevitable war, a war destined to suffer heavy losses regardless of whether they win or lose. "

"So you are a social Darwinist and support Cosmo's behavior?" Yvonne subconsciously frowned.

She was obviously very dissatisfied with this answer, and her eyes revealed strong doubts.

"I can't talk about whether I support or not. I am a person with no fixed position. As long as my interests are not violated, no matter what the speaker makes, I will support it unconditionally." Zhang Cheng raised a finger and corrected.

But then he seemed to think of something again, and immediately added, "Of course, if you can offer me the conditions that make my heart feel, I will also support you, just like this mediation.

Also, with regard to Social Darwinism, I do have a tendency to do so.

It is necessary to know that the competition of survival of the best is an objective law in nature, and it is also a necessary prerequisite for promoting biological evolution. A stable and comfortable living environment may be a good thing for individuals, but it is definitely a terrible disaster for a species .

But what is interesting is that after entering modern society, many economically developed regions are trying to improve welfare and help those losers who have been eliminated in some way.

The American education community even put forward the idiot slogan of making every child a winner.

They simply don't understand that in addition to reducing children's competitiveness, they can't achieve even the slightest positive effect. Eventually, they can't adapt to the brutal competition pressure after entering the society, and eventually they become liars and beggars who make a living by obtaining government relief. , homeless and criminals.

Believe me, when human beings make some kind of well-intentioned and sympathetic decisions, the results are generally not very good. Even if it has a certain effect in a short period of time, it will be 190% tragic in the end. . "

"Humph! It seems that like Cosmo, your heart has long been filled with coldness and death. Forget it, I'm not here to discuss this with you anyway. Here, take it, these are the pre-agreed rewards. , I hope we will not become enemies in the future."

Having said that, Yvonne stood up and placed an old-looking old-fashioned leather suitcase by the dining table, then turned and disappeared into the crowd.

After she left for two or three minutes, Zhang Cheng ordered a few random dishes, and then carefully put his hand into the box while no one was paying attention.


With his fingertips, he could feel the densely packed ancient books, slates, and murals printed on rubbings, there were as many as thirty or forty copies.

Just when he was about to take out a copy for inspection, he suddenly heard a female voice in his ear, "Hello, sir, can I sit here?"

Looking up, it turned out to be a Latina girl in her twenties, wearing glasses, holding a thick stack of textbooks in her arms, like a high school or college student.

Since noon happens to be the peak dining time~www.wuxiamtl.com~, this well-known local restaurant has been filled with customers one after another, and table-sharing has become the only option in desperation.


Zhang Cheng politely made a gesture of invitation, then ignored the other party, took out an ancient book densely covered with Semitic symbols from the suitcase, and flipped through it.

Although this book is not from the ancient race in the Middle East more than 7,000 years ago, but a Sassanid Manichaean priest who collected and organized some ancient Semites more than 1,500 years ago. The supernatural powers remaining in human remains are recorded and preserved.

There are even detailed annotations in many places above, and even people who don't understand anything can complete some interesting magical rituals through the descriptions.

Waiting for the food to be served is undoubtedly very boring, especially now that smartphones are not so advanced, they can neither browse information on the Internet nor play games.

So within a few minutes, the Latina girl across the table turned her attention to the pages of parchment full of vicissitudes.

Soon, an expression of incomparable surprise appeared on her face, and she couldn't help exclaiming, "Sassanian Pahlavi?! My God! This is an ancient book of the Sassanid dynasty in the Middle Ages!"

"Huh? You can understand!" Zhang Cheng raised his head in surprise.

After all, after the complete Arabization of the Persian region, the Middle Persian language is not something that everyone can understand, and only a handful of experts and professors can barely understand part of it.


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