Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 603: goblin tricks contest

There is no doubt that for Azeroth, whose teleportation technology is relatively mature and the magical energy is particularly active, it has never been too difficult to teleport troops in a large area.

The only limitation is whether the strength of the mage is strong enough to cause a stronger resonance of energy, thereby tearing a stable space channel.

To know that this can mean an important prerequisite for becoming an archmage recognized by the Kirin Tor Council.

That is to say, in the magical kingdom of Dalaran, anyone with the title of Archmage can carry dozens or even hundreds of people for a precise teleportation of at least a medium distance.

Although Zhang Cheng has not yet obtained this title, in fact, his spellcasting ability has already surpassed the limit of mortal mages, even those famous heroes Khadgar, Ronin, Kael'thas, Jaina and so on.

Perhaps only the "Last Guardian" Medivh, who was once occupied by the Dark Titan, can truly surpass him in magical knowledge and skills.

After all, the cloned cells of the mind flayer master's brain gave him the memory, logical operations and abstract thinking abilities as powerful as a computer.

No matter how complicated the spell model is, as long as you read it once, you can copy it perfectly. You can quickly understand the function and principle of the spell through reverse restoration. No exception.

Coupled with the fact that the divine can transform magical energy of different attributes at will, he has the infinite "mana" that is often mentioned in the game.

If needed, Zhang Cheng could have a spell duel with the enemy that lasted for days, months, or even years.

It can be said that he alone is equivalent to a powerful army of strategic mages, a humanoid nuclear bomb in the true sense.

So let alone 800 ogres, it is 8,000 or 80,000. As long as there is a stable coordinate point, he can transport it in one breath with the teleportation spell.

Of course, in order to avoid scaring the Bloodsail Pirates, he deliberately kept the numbers low.

But now, when all the armed ogres arrived near the entrance of Booty Bay, he finally stopped hiding his strength, turned his mouth and asked, "My loyal servants! Are you ready for the field?"

"Of course! Great master! We can't wait to smash the enemy into patties!" Mogmuloc responded with a grim look.

"That's right! Magall will smash the heads of those green-skinned dwarfs!"

"Markle will burn them with fireballs!"

As an out-and-out violent element, the ogres did not need any pre-war mobilization at all, and went directly into a state of high spirits fighting.

If the orcs are described as irritable and irritable, then they are a group of downright saboteurs, and once they start their madness, only death can stop them.

"Very good! Remember! You can kill, you can destroy, but you can't make a mess of the city, understand? Because the battle is over, the city belongs to me."

After that, Zhang Cheng raised his right hand and tapped it in the air lightly.


A blur of light appeared out of thin air, and in just a few seconds, it became larger and clearer, and finally formed a stable portal.

Without even the slightest bit of cover up, the goblin guard on the other side of the door undoubtedly found this strange thing that suddenly appeared and gathered carefully.

Seeing this scene, a hint of play appeared on Zhang Cheng's face, and without looking back he said, "What are you waiting for? Come on! The carnival party has begun!"

"Yes! Stonemaul clan! Attack!"

Mogmulok roared and rushed over first, knocking two goblin guards armed with muskets flying, kicking off the Battle of Booty Bay.

"Fire! Fire! Kill this monster!" Several other goblin guards immediately screamed and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom!

In the blink of an eye, the large-caliber musket produced by Goblin Technology immediately ejected deadly projectiles.

Just when the guards were expecting to see this big guy fall into a pool of blood, the thick cuticle on the surface of Goron's bloodline immediately came into play, trapping all the projectiles under the hair to a depth of no more than two centimeters.

"Ah!!! You bastards! How dare you hurt me? Go to hell!"

The severe pain made Mogmuloc more violent, and he smashed the nearest little goblin into patties with his fists.

The speed is so fast that other people around have no time to react.

What is even more terrifying is that more ogres continue to pour into this neutral city through the portal, killing and destroying unscrupulously.

In less than ten minutes or so, the entire Changbao Bay fell into chaos, even though it was originally chaotic.

As expected, the adventurers did not help the goblins resist the attack of the ogres at all, but instead organized and rushed to the bank, adding an extra fire to the already not very optimistic situation.

Obviously, for the daring adventurers, instead of risking their lives to fight against the ogres, it is better to take the opportunity to grab a "rich man" Rivigaz.

They didn't care who ruled the city anyway.

In addition, after grabbing a lot of money, you can jump directly into the sea to escape, and then find a place that no one knows and spend the rest of your life comfortably.

When Zhang Cheng passed through the portal for the last time, he could hardly make out what Booty Bay was originally, because it was a mess everywhere.

Although many goblins tried to escape, the narrow passage that was originally designed for defense has now completely become a huge obstacle.

Coupled with their greedy nature, even if they run away, they don't forget to take all valuables with them. As a result, there are more than a dozen people who haven't escaped, and the road is blocked because of too much luggage...

In addition, there are some who choose to jump into the sea for swimming, and there are also many who sank directly and drowned in the sea because of too many gold coins tied to their bodies.

Anyway, the scene looks like it is holding the first "Goblin tricks to death contest".

Looking at these self-inflicted guys, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but smiled and shook his head and sighed, "I would rather die than give up wealth? I really don't know whether to praise them for their persistence, or to ridicule them for wanting money or not death? Forget it, no matter what. It doesn't matter, as long as the city can be captured."

The voice just fell!

A warship docked at the dock suddenly raised its sails and turned its guns on the raging ogres.

next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

At least a dozen large-caliber broadside guns fired a salvo!

Six or seven ogres who had no time to dodge were smashed into patties by projectiles on the spot. The **** and cruelty of the picture was beyond imagination.

But just as the blackwater pirates on this ship were preparing for the next round of shooting, Old Phil's fleet finally bypassed the beach south of Stranglethorn and sailed into the bay at a very fast speed, blocking the U-shaped port. and ordered a siege of the ship that was trying to resist.

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