Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 293: political idiot jaina

No cover-ups or lies...

Zhang Cheng directly took out all the knowledge he had obtained from the world of A Song of Ice and Fire and the Magical Earth, and discussed and studied it with the Archmage, eager to draw inspiration and direction he needed from the other party's profound magical attainments.

Because he understands that he is a traveler, and there is no need to hide all the knowledge he has acquired like a thief, but to selectively share and gain more research directions through sharing.

What's more, based on the poor knowledge he has now obtained, it is far from enough to attract the prying eyes of a Dalaran archmage, so there is nothing to worry about.

In this way, for the next half month, Zhang Cheng and Ansrem Ruinwevor stayed in the Mage Tower, constantly exchanging their understanding and views on magic.

Although as a beginner, Zhang Cheng's theoretical knowledge is far less than that of an archmage, but he can always think from a completely different perspective, and even put forward suggestions to make the other party's eyes shine.

With the deepening of mutual understanding, Ansrem Ruinweiwal was surprised to find that the young man standing in front of him was not only an interference sponge, madly absorbing all kinds of knowledge, but also a A highly gifted explorer, he is on a path that no Dalaran wizard has ever traveled.


never satisfied!

He couldn't imagine how a little guy who should be immersed in enjoying love and material age would be willing to give up such an intoxicating beauty and instead devote his time and energy to endless learning.

You must know that according to the experience and rules summed up by some old mages in Dalaran, young mages always have to go through some setbacks or hardships before they can truly calm down and appreciate the mystery of magic research. Demore.

This young woman, known as the fastest growing young woman in history, first sparked a battle between young men, and even Kael'thas Sunstrider, who has always been known for her elegance and calmness, was not able to escape.

Following her, she started a real love affair with Arthas, the heir to the kingdom of Lordaeron, and it was not until the other party ordered the massacre of the plague-infected Stratholme that they completely parted ways.

It can be said that the strength of the Jaina mage has increased rapidly at an incredible speed. It was from this period that she was already a powerful spellcaster surpassing her mentor Antonidas by the end of the Hyjal crusade.

Ansrem Luyinweiwal even doubted whether Zhang Cheng was stimulated by his mentor Risen's gloomy death, so he turned a blind eye to the young and beautiful female mages and apprentices around him, not to mention any lace news. .

Of course, doubt is doubt, he did not say it face to face, at least for the current crisis-ridden environment, there is nothing more important than strengthening one's own strength.

Devoting yourself to a new research topic will always inadvertently ignore the loss of time.

After the two struggled to figure out the combination of the unknown magic rune, a sudden bad news interrupted their enthusiasm for research.

"His Excellency the Archmage, the latest news. Not long ago, Ms. Jaina united the tribe and launched an attack on the undead natural disaster entrenched in the Razor Heights. The lich-Yamennar and his undead have been completely wiped out." A middle-aged mage in his 40s or so made an expressionless report.

"What?! Is she crazy?" Ansrem Luinweiver's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I don't know if Ms. Jaina is crazy or not. The rebuttal alliance is going crazy. Some people even shouted that she is not worthy of being a member of the alliance." The middle-aged mage smiled bitterly and put a piece of information on the table.

Although Dalaran is not as pervasive as MI7 in Stormwind, it has its own intelligence gathering system.

Ansrem Luinweiwoer picked it up and glanced at it a few times, then quickly turned around and asked Zhang Cheng, "What do you think about this?"

"What else can you think? All I can say is that Miss Proudmoore is too naive in politics and doesn't understand what her actions mean, just like when she joined Thrall to kill her own father, which resulted in the whole The hostility of the Kul Tiras Kingdom is the same." Zhang Cheng spread his hands helplessly.

To be honest, he sometimes really doesn't understand how a proud girl who grew up in the court since childhood did not even have the most basic political common sense.

The Archmage nodded in agreement: "A razor-sharp evaluation! Jaina is indeed too naive and not commensurate with the power she possesses. But no matter what, she is a member of the Kirin Tor Council, and I must personally come forward. deal with it."

"Are you planning to leave Dalaran?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, I need to leave for a few days. Don't worry, Sylvanas may be blinded by hatred, but she is still a ranger-general with a considerable strategic vision, and will not take the initiative to provoke war at this time. I won't attack Dalaran." Ansrem Ruinweivor knew what Zhang Cheng wanted to express, and waved his hand nonchalantly.

To this day, Dalaran has gone through a fragile rebuilding period, and the mere absence of earth elements and arcane puppets in the streets is enough to make any snoop drink a pot, not to mention a steady stream of returns. the sorcerer.

"Okay, please go and return early." Zhang Cheng roughly searched his memory, but did not find any attacks on Dalaran during this time, so he quickly put down his vigilance.

"You also take this opportunity to have a good rest. Study and research are not the whole of life. You need to relax properly so that you don't lose yourself."

After saying this, Ansrem Ruinweivor quickly followed the unknown middle-aged mage towards the location of the teleportation room.

After watching the two walk away, Zhang Cheng sighed with a smile: "As a member of the alliance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the tribe who joined forces immediately when they encountered danger? I am afraid that apart from Jaina, there is no The second person can do it! Does she really have something to tell Thrall?"

"It's not a good habit to talk about people behind their backs! Especially about a lady who saved the world from the Burning Legion."

Accompanied by the sound of crisp footsteps, a high elf woman with long silver hair broke in through the open door.

"Who are you?" Zhang Cheng cautiously took two steps back and looked at the other party with scrutiny eyes.

"Varna Morning Song, nice to meet you, young human mage, I wonder if you are free now, let's discuss some alchemy skills together?" The female elf who claimed to be Varna raised her chin, revealing Pride unique to elves.

"Sorry, ma'am, I don't know you and I don't want to have any interaction with you. If there is nothing else, please get out of the way, I'm going home."

Zhang Cheng unceremoniously refused the invitation of the other party, and then walked away under the angry gaze of the other party...


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