Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 230: secret contract

In Daenerys' slightly exaggerated description, Eric is described as a arrogant, evil, cruel and destructive monster.

He is so bloodthirsty that he will not miss any opportunity to kill.

All in all, the words of "Dragon Mother" completely drowned out the fluke in the hearts of the nobles.

No one realizes that all they hear is a good show written and directed by someone. As for the purpose, of course, it is to let these cannon fodder do what they are supposed to do, instead of thinking about some tricks such as defecting.

As a person who deeply understands the essence of the feudal system, Zhang Cheng has never had even the slightest expectation for the loyalty of these lords, big and small.

Because he knows that in this primitive social environment that requires close solidarity to survive, nothing is more important than the continuation and prosperity of the family.

Once the nobles found that they could not defeat the enemy no matter what, they would not hesitate to abandon their so-called dignity, knelt down and begged the enemy's kindness and forgiveness, and then patiently waited for the opportunity to make a comeback.

In fact, betrayal is as easy for them as eating and drinking.

Looking at the history of Westeros, it is not difficult to see that almost all the ancient families that have continued to this day have grown through conspiracy and betrayal again and again. This family that is revered by the world.

Zhang Cheng didn't want to worry about whether the backyard would catch fire when he went all out to fight.

However, judging from the expressions of the "guests" when they left, they would not consider contacting Eric in a short period of time, nor would they easily make a betrayal move, at least to find out whether what "Long Ma" said was true. Won't……

As the sun slowly set over the sea level, the pre-war mobilization meeting finally came to an end. Daenerys stood on the balcony, looking down at the departing crowd, and asked without looking back: "Are you sure that if you do this, they will go all out to fight?"

"No, of course not. Do you know that human's psychological endurance is very limited. Normally, an army can withstand 20% casualties and still persist in fighting, so it can be called an elite. You How much do you think the coalition forces outside that are not affiliated with each other can withstand without collapsing?" Zhang Cheng asked rhetorically with a smile.

"If that's the case, then why did you go to great lengths to let me act in this play?" Daenerys frowned, a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"It's very simple, this play is just a smoke bomb, to cover up my real purpose." After speaking, Zhang Cheng turned back to the seat and gently rotated the armrest on the right.


The shelf of the desk suddenly made a clicking sound, and the whole bookshelf began to slowly rotate, and then "Red Viper" Oberon came out from inside.

I saw him looking at Daenerys up and down, and teasing with a half-smile: "Is this the person you want to introduce to me?"

"Mason, why is he here?" Daenerys asked in a low voice.

"Don't be impatient, let me finish." Zhang Cheng raised his hand to signal for the two to keep quiet, picked up the bottle, poured a glass of wine and handed it to Oberon. "I know that you have signed with Varys, Illyrio Morpatis, the governor of Pentos, Jon Clinton, and the commander of the Golden Corps, Mies Toin, in the presence of Aquaman Braavos. A secret agreement has been made that when Viserys returns to fight for the Iron Throne, Dorne will raise his army, and he will marry Dorne's princess Arianne Martell as queen, right?"

"Oh? Where did you get the news?" Oberyn took the glass and took a sip, his eyes showing strong vigilance.

After all, only a few parties were present when the agreement was signed, and he couldn't figure out who would leak the secret to an outsider.

"It doesn't matter where I got the news, what matters is whether Dorn still intends to fulfill this secret contract? Although Visery is dead, his sister, Daenerys, who inherited the blood of the real dragon, is still there. ." After that, Zhang Cheng stroked his chest with one hand and bowed to the young girl beside him, clearly expressing his attitude.

"You mean...to support Daenerys' return to the Iron Throne and restore the Targaryen Dynasty?" Oberyn tentatively asked in an uncertain tone.

"Why not? Know that Daenerys, despite her naivety, childishness, lack of experience in ruling, is more likable than the vicious, short-sighted, unscrupulous Cersei. Now you just have to answer me , if I have a plan to invade King's Landing effortlessly, would the Martell family be willing to join?" Zhang Cheng didn't mean to go around in circles, and gave a straightforward choice.

Oberon obviously did not expect the young man in front of him to open his trump card so quickly, with a hesitant look on his face, and after a full minute, he opened his mouth and said: "Before answering you, I need to know first, What was the relationship between you and the Lannisters so close to each other? And what role did House Tyrell play in this plan?"

"You're more cautious than I expected. But that's okay, I'll be happy to explain."

Zhang Cheng put the wine bottle back where it was, then looked at the golden afterglow left on the sea, and said without looking back:

"First of all, I have never made any covenant with Lannister, only a verbal agreement with Tywin himself that as long as he lives, I will choose Lannister's side in all conflicts. But unfortunately The only thing is that he is dead now, and I naturally don't have to continue to fulfill the agreement.

Secondly, my relationship with the Tyrell family is not as close as you think. Although I married Erluo Tyrell, I have never touched her. Do you understand what this means?

Finally, and most importantly, I made a promise for months that I would help Daenerys regain the Iron Throne when she set foot in Westeros, even though she had lost her army and three dragons, but I But he wasn't going to break his word.

Perhaps many people think that the upcoming war may be very tragic~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but no one realizes that this is actually a good opportunity to launch a coup to seize King's Landing.

At present, the old town has attracted all the attention of the Seven Kingdoms, you only need to take your subordinates disguised as fleeing merchant ships to sneak into King's Landing, and then wait for the outbreak of war to capture the Red Keep, and eradicate all Lannister and Cersei, including Cersei. An important member of House Tyrell, and by the way avenge your sister Oberyn.

Trust me, no one would have imagined that reinforcements from Dorne would silently raid King's Landing at such a time. "

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng's sudden decision to intervene in the power struggle in King's Landing was definitely not a whim, but the one-hundred and sixty-eight-hour countdown suddenly started by the mysterious parchment one day ago.

This also means that after about a week, he will leave the world of A Song of Ice and Fire.

In order to get more benefits at the end, it is necessary to get as much power and status as possible at the deadline, and the easiest thing to do is to support a young and beautiful queen, and then make yourself the queen's legal husband...


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